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Lijst van resultaten
- Pilot 4- Cocreating a demo bioCircular accommodation with stakeholders + (FACET Pilot PR 00005 - Pilot 4- Cocreating a demo bioCircular accommodation with stakeholders - 01/01/2020)
- Countering food waste + (FACET Practice PR 00001 - Countering food waste - 2014)
- Plastic-free waters + (FACET Practice PR 00002 - Plastic-free waters - 2020)
- Buying directly from local; green generators + (FACET Practice PR 00003 - Buying directly from local; green generators - 17/12/2020)
- Reduce food waste + (FACET Practice PR 00004 - Reduce food waste - 8/01/2021)
- "Growing a tasty product on waste" + (FACET Practice PR 00005 - "Growing a tasty product on waste" - 8/01/2021)
- Recyclable Cups + (FACET Practice PR 00006 - Recyclable Cups - 8/01/2021)
- Solar collectors; heat pump boilers and rainwater storage tanks + (FACET Practice PR 00007 - Solar collectors; heat pump boilers and rainwater storage tanks - 5/11/2021)
- Against Street litter + (FACET Practice PR 00008 - Against Street litter - 15/01/2021)
- A circular accommodation + (FACET Practice PR 00009 - A circular accommodation - 15/01/2021)
- Tackle packaging waste + (FACET Practice PR 00010 - Tackle packaging waste - 15/01/2021)
- Circular building with blocks + (FACET Practice PR 00011 - Circular building with blocks - 25/01/2021)
- Self-sufficient surf school + (FACET Practice PR 00012 - Self-sufficient surf school - 2/02/2021)
- Recycling used frying fats and oils + (FACET Practice PR 00013 - Recycling used frying fats and oils - 2/02/2021)
- Energy-neutral and circular building + (FACET Practice PR 00014 - Energy-neutral and circular building - 2/02/2021)
- Saving energy and using sustainable energy + (FACET Practice PR 00015 - Saving energy and using sustainable energy - 2/02/2021)
- Water supply and wastewater purification + (FACET Practice PR 00016 - Water supply and wastewater purification - 2/02/2021)
- Wastewater treatment + (FACET Practice PR 00017 - Wastewater treatment - 1/11/2021)
- Plastic free restaurant + (FACET Practice PR 00018 - Plastic free restaurant - 22/02/2021)
- Group purchase of green power + (FACET Practice PR 00019 - Group purchase of green power - 24/02/2021)
- Packaging-free. Local. Organic. + (FACET Practice PR 00020 - Packaging-free. Local. Organic. - 24/02/2021)
- Wastewater treatment + (FACET Practice PR 00021 - Wastewater treatment - 24/02/2021)
- From plant to plate + (FACET Practice PR 00022 - From plant to plate - 15/03/2021)
- Circular swimmingpool + (FACET Practice PR 00023 - Circular swimmingpool - 15/03/2021)
- Cleaning up the planet in 2 minutes + (FACET Practice PR 00024 - Cleaning up the planet in 2 minutes - 22/03/2021)
- Tents from recycled denim + (FACET Practice PR 00025 - Tents from recycled denim - 26/03/2021)
- Circular and Biobased cycle path + (FACET Practice PR 00026 - Circular and Biobased cycle path - 26/03/2021)
- Guidance on the best energy saving measures for individual businesses + (FACET Practice PR 00027 - Guidance on the best energy saving measures for individual businesses - 16/06/2021)
- Swimming pool heating with biomass system + (FACET Practice PR 00028 - Swimming pool heating with biomass system - 12/06/2021)
- Sustainable sanitary building + (FACET Practice PR 00029 - Sustainable sanitary building - 12/06/2021)
- Coffee recycling + (FACET Practice PR 00030 - Coffee recycling - 16/06/2021)
- Sustainable Zero waste shop and refillery + (FACET Practice PR 00031 - Sustainable Zero waste shop and refillery - 18/06/2021)
- Joint purchase of solar energy + (FACET Practice PR 00032 - Joint purchase of solar energy - 30/06/2021)
- Packaging from brown seaweed + (FACET Practice PR 00033 - Packaging from brown seaweed - 13/09/2021)
- Water savings + (FACET Practice PR 00034 - Water savings - 13/09/2021)