Wastewater treatment

In 2015, Novotel in Antwerp-North opted for purification of all their wastewater by means of a phytoair (aerated helophyte filter).

Wastewater treatment


  • Country: Belgium
  • Type of provider: Hotel
  • Focus:
    • Reduce: Reduce waste water & energy consumption
    • Reuse: Reuse local water: waste water can be collected, purified and reused as toilet flush water.


In 2015, Novotel in Antwerp-North opted for purification of all their wastewater by means of a phytoair (aerated helophyte filter). This 250m2 system purifies the wastewater from 120 hotel rooms and the restaurant. Extra attention was paid to energy consumption: the air blowers are automatically switched on for a shorter time when there are fewer guests in the hotel.

Design & construction of natural plant-based water purification systems. Wastewater treatment with reed beds: Reed beds or helophyte filters purify wastewater through an optimal combination of natural processes and intelligent techniques. Rietland has been designing and building helophyte filters (reed beds) for the purification of waste water since 1994.

Helophyte filters or reed beds are ecological water treatment systems that are becoming increasingly popular as a solution for a wide range of wastewater problems. Although the reed beds became known for their application as local treatment in remote homes, the systems are also increasingly used for the treatment of industrial wastewater and in the agricultural sector.


- Low energy consumption

- Efficient and robust treatment

- Minimum maintenance requirement

- Long service life

More information

Do you want to know more about this best pratice? Please visit their website: Facebook:

Over deze practice

R-strategie:Reduce, Reuse
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