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- Animation FACET project + (The European FACET Interreg 2 seas project supports entrepreneurs in shifting from a linear to a circular economy in the tourism sector.)
- FACET Survey + (The FACET survey on Circular adoption and motivation is ready for you to complete!)
- Green Matchmaking + (The Green Matchmaking event is held on the … The Green Matchmaking event is held on the 13/04/2021 at 9:15 - 17:00h. The Green Matchmaking event consists of virtual speed dates that connects you to companies for sustainable collaboration.</br>Sign up via this link You can create a profile and immediately see whether there are any green companies and/or assignments that interests you ,so you can already schedule a meeting. The registrations close until April 13th, so keep a close eye on the platform. Do you have questions about the Green Matchmaking event? Please email Wendy van Rijsbergen at</br>Hier kun je een profiel aanmaken en meteen bekijken of er al interessante bedrijven en/of opdrachten voor je bijstaan waar je een gesprek mee kunt inplannen. Tot 13 april kunnen de aanmeldingen van interessante bedrijven voor jou binnenstromen dus houdt het platform goed in de gaten. Heb je vragen over het Green Matchmaking evenement? Mail dan naar Wendy van Rijsbergen van Rijsbergen
- Gardening Introduction Day + (The HZ Gardening team invites you to the I … The HZ Gardening team invites you to the Introduction to gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 10:00 to 12:00h on 17/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. </br></br>The planning for the Introduction to gardening session:</br></br>1. Introduction of the gardening team members</br></br>2. Vision of the gardening group</br></br>3. Evolution of the garden</br></br>4. What is currently happening to the garden</br></br>5. What are the future developments for the garden</br></br>6. Invitation to join the gardening team/ Green Office</br></br>This event is a corona proof activity. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Middelburg Cleanup + (The HZ Green Office invites you on 14/05/2 … The HZ Green Office invites you on 14/05/2021 at 13:00 to a clean-up session in Middelburg. The meeting point is yet to be established. Gloves will be provided on location. Make sure to bring your hand sanitizer and keep distance. Sign up via this excel sheet if you are planning on attending. ;)FWKM8 if you are planning on attending. ;))
- Beach Cleanup + (The HZ Green Office invites you to a beach … The HZ Green Office invites you to a beach cleanup held on the 16/04/2021. The clean-up is held on the beautiful beach of Vlissingen. The volunteers will be split in small groups and the event will be corona-proof. The clean-up will start at 10:00h at the Panta Rhei. The aim is to clean as much as possible in a couple hours. The clean-up will end around 1. If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Clothing Swap + (The HZ Green Office invites you to a cloth … The HZ Green Office invites you to a clothing swap series event located in the APV in Vlissingen. The event takes place from 08/03/2021 to 10/03/2021 at 16:00-18:00h. Join us to give your clothing pieces a second chance at life and receive a cute clothing piece in return. The event is corona-safe. The number of people that enter the room is monitored.f people that enter the room is monitored.)
- Make a pond + (The HZ Green Office invites you to make a … The HZ Green Office invites you to make a pond at the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The event will take place on 3/5/2021 from 12:00 to 14:00h. The location of the event is Joost de Moorstraat 21. HZ personality credits can be earned by participating in this event. Sign up now on Instagram!g in this event. Sign up now on Instagram!)
- Middelburg Clean-up + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the cle … The HZ Green Office invites you to the cleanup on Middelburg on the 26/03/2021. The meeting point is at room GW 102 in HZ Middelburg. The cleanup begins from 10:00 to 17:00h. Feel free to stop by within this time frame and select the time that is most convenient for you. You can pick up the materials at room GW 102 and then go to anywhere in Middelburg to cleanup. Feel free to walk wherever you want and collect trash. You can plan your own route at your own time and at your own pace. Free coffee is able at Het Koffiepand. This is thanks to Anne van Helteren. Please remember to return the materials and trash to HZ Middelburg. You can earn DOUBLE HZ personality credits for this event. </br>Corona Measures that are applied: gloves will be provided on location, bring your own hand sanitizer, and keep your distance of 2 meters.tizer, and keep your distance of 2 meters.)
- Gardening Session + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the gar … The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV in Vlissingen at 10:00h-12:00h. We will focus on the maintenance of the garden, writing cards to place under the door of students to raise awareness to not litter in the garden, and keeping the berries upright. Other gardening activities will be executed. Don't be surprised if we ask you to get your hands dirty ;). </br>This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). to HZ personality credits (double hours).)
- Gardening Session + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the gar … The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the Student Garden at 09:00h in front of the APV in Vlissingen (Joost de Moorstraat 21). We will be focusing on the cleaning and maintenance of the garden. If the logistics work out we may also be spreading wooden chips along the planned path and other specific areas. Note: These plans are subject to change.</br>Pro Tip: Dress for the weather with clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty!h clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty!)
- Gardening Session + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the gar … The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 12:00 to 14:00h on 19/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining (removing grass and weeds from around the plants), cleaning the garden (removing rubbish/garbage from the garden), and digging the pond. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!</br>There will be a second gardening session from 16:00 to 17:30h at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The session will focus on moving the tree trunks, sawing disks and seats. If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Gardening Session + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the gar … The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 11:00h on 08/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining, cleaning the garden, and laying down wooden chips. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Gardening Session + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the gar … The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 12:00h on 15/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining (removing grass and weeds from around the plants), cleaning the garden (removing rubbish/garbage from the garden), and planting herbs. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Gardening Session + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the gar … The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 11:00h on 12/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining, cleaning the garden, and laying down wooden chips. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Student Garden Maintenance + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the stu … The HZ Green Office invites you to the student garden maintenance at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The event will take place on 7/5/2021 from 9:00 to 11:00h. The location of the event is Joost de Moorstraat 21. HZ personality credits can be earned by participating in this event. Join us in this outdoor activity, sign up now on Instagram or through this form! through this form!)
- Opening HZ Green Office + (The HZ Green Office is an organisation for … The HZ Green Office is an organisation for students, organised by students. We would like to invite you to:</br>Opening HZ Green Office</br>Date: 10 October - 12.00</br>Location: second floor at the end of the PE2-hallway</br>Programme</br>11.30 - Walk-in</br>12.00 - Start Opening Ceremony by President of the Executive Board mr. J. Dane</br>12.15 - Presentation HZ Green Office</br>12.20 - End of programme, green drinks and Q&A session (until 13.00)</br></br>Bring your own mug if you can!</br></br>About the HZ Green Office</br>For the past 2 years, the HZ Green Office has organised different events and projects around sustainability in and around the university.</br>The HZ Green Office is run by a core team of students and a coordinator. The HZ GO! focuses on greening the campus and (near) environment by organizing and participating in sustainability projects and activities, preferably in cooperation with other stakeholders. As such, we build and maintain a diverse partnership network of local businesses, government and sponsors. Where possible, synergetic connections are initiated between external partners and HZ research & education. Ideally, the HZ-campus is a living lab and playground where students can design and pilot their own solutions in multidisciplinary teams.</br>Our goal is to build and strengthen our (international) community, connecting with each other around action-based sustainability initiatives that generate a positive impact and inspire others.</br>Finally, the time has come for the opening of our physical office! So join us on Thursday 10 October during the Dutch national day for sustainability. The office is located at the end of the PE2-Hallway. The opening will take place at 12:00.</br>After the official opening, the HZ Green Office will present itself followed by Green drinks and a Q&A session until 13:00. Bring your own mug if you can!</br>We hope to see you all there.your own mug if you can! We hope to see you all there.)
- Searching for a Clean-Up Coordinator + (The HZ Green Office is searching for a Clean-Up Coordinator! Are you interested? Contact us via email, either to Ingrid de Vries or Eva Boerjan!)
- Cleanup + monitoring plastic debris from beaches and De Binnenhaven Vlissingen + (The HZ Green Office regularly organises cl … The HZ Green Office regularly organises cleanups. Currently, we're cleaning up De Binnenhaven Vlissingen every other week, as part of a research HZ Green Office is doing for the municipality; the info about what type of waste we find and how much feeds into a national benchmark. This information is used to set policies to prevent waste from the source. </br>Also, on a regular basis we organise beach cleanups or plogging events.</br>On Saturdaymorning 19 September we are organising a cleaning & monitoring on 5 locations during the national cleanup day that is organised all around the Netherlands. Want to join us in 19 Sep? contact</br>Upcoming cleanups & monitoring sessions Binnenhaven:</br>23 September: cleanup, start 10h 't Smoske</br>24 September: monitoring, start 10h 't Smoske</br>7 October: cleanup, start 10h 't Smoske</br>8 October: monitoring, start 10h 't Smoske</br>21 October: cleanup, start 10h 't Smoske</br>22 October: monitoring, start 10h 't Smoske</br>-> all these activities can be linked to HZ Personality. Interested? just come or contact or greenoffice@hz.nle or contact or
- SDG Purpose Lecture Sustainable Energy + (The HZ alumni and Engineering Interface Ma … The HZ alumni and Engineering Interface Manager Jos Hendrikse is going to be talking about sustainable energy and his work at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management on the 22/04/2021 at 15:45 to 17:30h. </br></br>Jos Hendrikse graduated from the Delta Management study at the HZ University of Applied Sciences in 2016. Since then he has been working on various projects in the field of renewable energy. From electricity-powered trucks to building offshore wind energy platforms. Jos has many inspiring stories to tell about the sustainable developments in engineering and how companies and institutions are trying to operate in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. To join, please subscribe via this form Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
- Article NRIT trend report + (The Netherlands Research Institute for Recreation and Tourism published an article about FACET)
- Arrival of the Plastic Soup Surfer + (The Plastic Soup Surfer is arriving on Monday! 4th of July, Monday 14h - 16h Pier 7, Vlissingen For HZ Personality!)
- Hydrodynamics- currents and waves + (The ability to measure currents and wave h … The ability to measure currents and wave heights is very limited due to the high cost of the required instruments. A number of new low-cost sensors are being tested for waves and current velocity. Because of the low costs, these sensors can be used on a large(er) scale, allowing spatial patterns to be measured. allowing spatial patterns to be measured.)
- Birds + (The aim of this study is to evaluate how d … The aim of this study is to evaluate how drone surveys compare to other potential methods for monitoring seabird populations in Zeeland. This study will quantify to advantages and shortcomings of using drones with the aid of an experiment. After this evaluation, the drone method will be compared to two established methods: wildlife cameras and traditional ground surveys.fe cameras and traditional ground surveys.)
- 6 practical examples of circular entrepreneurship + (The booklet “Circular entrepreneurship: from residual flow to added value” from Symbiosis4Growth examines 6 practical examples of successful implementations of circular practices)
- On the news: Opening Circular dike suites + (The circular dike suites of Camping & Villapark de Paardekreek are open!)
- Klimaat Mars + (The event is going to take place on 19th of June at Binnenroute, Rotterdam from 13:00 O`Clock!)
- Benthos as bird food + (The existing qualitative monitoring will b … The existing qualitative monitoring will be extended with a quantitative approach for the dominant species (DQ methodology: dominant quantities). It is an alternative to the labour-intensive quantitative method and aims to gain a better understanding of the role of benthos as food for birds. Only the dominant species are important in the food chain and should therefore be measured quantitatively. This saves a great deal of work compared with conventional quantitative measurement. It should be investigated how many species are not monitored in this way and whether there is a risk that trends in species shift will be noticed too species shift will be noticed too late.)
- Cleanup, Plastic Workshop, and Monitoring Session + (The fact that plastics are useful is uncon … The fact that plastics are useful is uncontested – it is proven by the fact that plastics are everywhere! Unfortunately, a lot of it is created for one time use, which is only a problem because plastic is not very bio-degradable – like, at all. Or is it? Most of us simply don’t know… </br>…which is why we have organized this workshop for you on the 9th of April. It will combine a clean-up and a monitoring session with a lecture on plastics by Lorenzo Somai (a graduating Aqua EcoTechnology student)! </br></br>This is the planned schedule for that day (9th of April): </br>10:30-11:30 CleanUp </br>11:45-12:15 Lecture on Plastic </br>12:15-13:00 Lunch Break </br>13:00-14:30 Monitoring </br></br>Sign up for individual or all sessions in this sign up sheet (sign in with your HZ account when accessing). Due to current regulations, this event has a maximum capacity of 30 people. </br></br>With this event we hope to contribute to quality education, (SDG 4), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) climate action (SDG 13). </br></br>We hope to see you there and help us free the planet of our trash! and help us free the planet of our trash!)
- Launch Event 'Working with cancer' + (The goal of the I-KNOW-HOW project is to help employees diagnosed with cancer to remain in or return to work. During the launch event of this project experts in the field will share their knowlegde and hands-on workshops will be provided.)
- Gardening Session at HZ + (The minor group of Circular Economy and th … The minor group of Circular Economy and the HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session held at the HZ university from 12/04/2021 to 16/04/2021. The gardening sessions focus on removing the shells & hortensias, placing fresh grass and plants around the garden. There is a maximum capacity of 9 people per each session. Please sign up via this excel sheet!AiTkzs_ucfHabA52_NiefO4zOcA if you would like to join us in greening the university :)!like to join us in greening the university :)!)
- Objective + (The overall objective of CBCI is to set up … The overall objective of CBCI is to set up the bases for the circular bio-based construction sector to become an integral part of the construction market in the 2Seas area. In this project we will enable the building sector not only to adopt an integral (process) approach for circular construction but also to use bio-based materials in a circular context for buildings (coupling technical and biological cycle) for use and life-cycle (design, production, use, maintenance and reuse). CBCI also seeks to induce change in the funding & financing of circular projects, foster circular-friendly procurement, adapt the regulatory framework, and prepare the (future) professionals to work circularly.</br></br>This integral approach will develop and strengthen a new branch of the construction sector and will reduce the use of nonsustainable resources (materials, energy), reduce the amount of waste and CO2 emissions and increase the use and reuse of resources in the construction sector.reuse of resources in the construction sector.)
- Update pilot Paardekreek + (The pilot demonstrating viability of circular tourism accommodation has been updated!)
- ♻️Recycling Heroes Initiative ♻️ + (The recycling heroes initiative involves r … The recycling heroes initiative involves recruiting waste ambassadors that oversee proper waste management practices and promote proper recycling techniques at the HZ University of Vlissingen and Middelburg. As a waste ambassador, you will partake in monitoring and promotional sessions.</br></br>Monitoring Sessions (Data collection)</br></br>The monitoring session is observatory research. We will be assessing if the waste that is placed in the Organic, Plastic, Waste and General bin is placed correctly. We will be recording this data in a shared excel document.</br></br>Promotional Sessions </br></br>The promotional session incorporates handing out a recycling guide and other promotional materials to students and staff members on campus. We will be alternating between waste bins, so that we can cover all territory.</br></br>🕚When? </br>From 10th to 12th of May. At HZ University of Applied Sciences Vlissingen from 09:00 to 11:00 and HZ Middelburg from 13:00 to 15:00</br></br>Please feel free to contact Abigail Gongora (leader of Waste Management ) if you are interested in the initiative. </br>+32 470604304terested in the initiative. +32 470604304)
- Benthos as bioturbator + (The role of benthos as 'bioturbators' that … The role of benthos as 'bioturbators' that supply the sediment with oxygen and turn it over. The aeration of the sediment influences chemical processes in the sediment such as nitrification-denitrification processes. These reactions are measured with a new composite camera core with integrated redox sensor. The effects of the benthos on sediment stability are measured using a pocket vane tester. Both measurements are very fast and therefore easy to combine with the DQ method.refore easy to combine with the DQ method.)
- Sediment concentrations in water + (The sediment concentration in the water is … The sediment concentration in the water is an important control parameter for the morphological development of intertidal mudflats and plates. Spatial measurements are very limited due to the high costs of using existing measuring instruments. A number of new low-cost sensors are being tested, enabling them to be used on a large scale to measure spatial patterns.a large scale to measure spatial patterns.)
- Green Office Celebrates 5th Anniversary + (This October, the HZ Green Office celebrated its 5th anniversary with two days of exciting and eco-friendly activities!)
- Braiding the fence + (This Thursday, 13th of January, at 10:00, we are waiting for you at the Student Garden next to the APV Campus, in Vlissingen. Let's braid a fence and with small steps, make the garden a place where you can relax and eat organic vegetables and fruits.)
- Canal Clean-up + (This Wednesday, July 20, the HZ Green Offi … This Wednesday, July 20, the HZ Green Office in cooperation with Doe Mee Verlos de Zee and the Province of Zeeland will organize a cleanup action along the canal. The day after mowing will take place. Organizing such a clean-up action before mowing is a first and prevents plastic and tin from being shredded into small pieces. The idea was born during the annual conference of the Clean Scheldt Collaborative last June 27.</br></br>Wednesday we start at 10h simultaneously on the Middelburg side of the Canal as the Vlissingen side (at the Keersluis).</br>Anyone can join. We provide something to drink and refreshments, but bring a water bottle because of the heat. bring a water bottle because of the heat.)
- Regeneration Café 2.0 + (This café is basically a repair showcase where students show what they have adapted after their individual update. Students also use this opportunity to get in touch with other students to get some inspirations.)
- Carnival Party + (This is a social event is organized to introduce international students doing their minor or internships to Dutch culture.)
- Job Offer Campaignteam Schoon Zeeland + (This summer (July - August) we are looking … This summer (July - August) we are looking for 4 enthusiastic young people for our Schoon Zeeland campaign team.</br>You go out in pairs and inform everyone on the beaches of Vlissingen about the importance of clean beaches.</br>In addition to informing, you hand out paper waste bags and you can, for example, do a beach activity with children that has to do with waste. You keep track of how many people you have spoken, and you make a small report of this every day.</br>You work 4 days a week, 5 hours a day. Compensation is around 10 euros per hour.</br>So, are you active, sporty, creative, do you approach people easily and are you at least 18 years old? Do not wait any longer and apply!</br></br>We offer you a sunny workplace in the open air!</br>More info / registration:</br></br>Voor ons campagneteam Schoon Zeeland zijn wij deze zomer (juli - augustus) op zoek naar 4 enthousiaste jongeren.</br>Je gaat met z’n tweeën op stap en informeert jong en oud op de Vlissingse stranden over het belang van schone stranden.</br>Naast informeren, deel je papieren afvalzakjes uit en kun je bijvoorbeeld met kinderen een strandactiviteit doen wat te maken heeft met afval. Je houdt bij hoeveel mensen je gesproken hebt en je maakt hier dagelijks een verslagje van.</br>Je werkt 4 dagen per week, 5 uur per dag. Vergoeding ligt rond de 10 euro per uur.</br>Dus ben jij actief, sportief, creatief, stap je makkelijk op mensen af en ben je minimaal 18 jaar? Wacht dan niet langer en solliciteer!</br></br>We bieden jou een zonnige werkplek in de buitenlucht!</br>Meer info/ aanmelden: mjankowski@xs4all.nlMeer info/ aanmelden:
- Resilience mindset workshop + (This workshop is about resilient mindset which is more than just surviving; it's about thriving through adversity and emerging stronger by letting go of one's desire for comfort.)
- Mapstell Workshop + (This workshop is to help individuals and teams to improve understanding and collaboration among one another, but also to gain better understanding of yourself.)
- Time Management Workshop + (This workshop will be given to the student so they can learn the process of planning and organizing their tasks and objectives into a schedule. That way student can complete their task and achieve their goals in a timely manner.)
- Bigger than us + (Thursday 17 Feb, the film Bigger than Us is shown about young activists workdwide. Ather the movie, HZ Green Office together with UCR students will lead a dialogue about local activism.)
- Docenten HZ rapen rommel op Bolwerk + (Tien HZ-docenten verzamelden in 45 minuten meer dan 10 kg afval op het Vlissings Bolwerk. Een mooi voorbeeld van duurzaam initiatief! 💪🌿)
- Intervisiesessie + (Tijd: 15-17 uur)
- Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy (COEBBE) toont Circulaire Biobased geveldelen op Dutch Design Week + (Tijdens de Dutch Design Week, die dit jaar … Tijdens de Dutch Design Week, die dit jaar in van 19 tot en met 27 oktober 2019 zal plaatsvinden in Eindhoven, zullen geveldelen getoond worden gemaakt van circulaire restmaterialen. Deze geveldelen zijn visueel aantrekkelijk, hoogwaardig en duurzaam. Ook zijn ze sterk, vormvast en hebben een lange levensduur. De ontwikkelde gevelpanelen zijn een resultaat van een samenwerking van verschillende bedrijven, Kenniscentra en studenten van Avans Hogeschool, HZ University of Applied Sciences en TU-Eindhoven.rsity of Applied Sciences en TU-Eindhoven.)
- Sessie 4 + (Tijdens deze sessie bespraken wij de verdere stappen en de toekomst van de Minor. Ook werden de groepjes aangemaakt om bepaalde onderwerpen nader uit te werken en concreter te maken.)
- Toepassingssessie 6 + (Tijdens deze sessie zijn vragen gesteld aa … Tijdens deze sessie zijn vragen gesteld aan Michel Kloeg, een ondernemer met diverse horecabedrijven in de gemeente Veere. Aan de hand van de rake vragen is geprobeerd om achter zijn denkbeelden en aannames te komen en om achter zijn ervaringen te komen die hij tot nu toe heeft met het vergunningsverleenproces. Het ging hierbij vooral om de ruimtelijke procedures en de toekomstige Omgevingswet.procedures en de toekomstige Omgevingswet.)