Situation  +
55° 42' 30.51" N, 9° 31' 47.26" EBreedtegraad: 55.7084751
Lengtegraad: 9.5297944
Denmark  +
juli 31, 2020  +
River and sea flooding. Usually, flooding from the river when heavy rainfalls happen and from the sea when there are storm surges events with a return period of 1:20. The flooding coming from rivers are more common than the flooding coming from the sea.  +
Vejle  +
Vejle  +
onwaar  +
Vejle  +
The Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways, or DAPP approach, is applied and tested to help the municipality of Vejle plan flood risk management while keeping the value of the city close to the water and harbour activity.  +
FR PLT PR 00008 - Vejle - 2016/10/01  +
Danish Coastal Authority  +
Standaard  +
waar  +
oktober 1, 2016  +
In this pilot, we will try to incorporate In this pilot, we will try to incorporate and develop a Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach for the Danish context that municipalities can apply to get a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations in regards to flood risk management planning. The focus in this pilot lies on planning and how long-term planning may lead to more flexible and robust solutions to the current and future challenges.ions to the current and future challenges.  +
In this pilot, we will try to incorporate In this pilot, we will try to incorporate and develop a Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach for the Danish context that municipalities can apply to get a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations in regards to flood risk management planning. The focus in this pilot lies on planning and how long-term planning may lead to more flexible and robust solutions to the current and future challenges.ions to the current and future challenges.  +
In this pilot, we will try to incorporate In this pilot, we will try to incorporate and develop a Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach for the Danish context that municipalities can apply to get a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations in regards to flood risk management planning. The focus in this pilot lies on planning and how long-term planning may lead to more flexible and robust solutions to the current and future challenges.ions to the current and future challenges.  +
In this pilot, we will try to incorporate In this pilot, we will try to incorporate and develop a Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach for the Danish context that municipalities can apply to get a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations in regards to flood risk management planning. The focus in this pilot lies on planning and how long-term planning may lead to more flexible and robust solutions to the current and future challenges.ions to the current and future challenges.  +
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Vejle  +
Wijzigingsdatum“Wijzigingsdatum <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>” is een voorgedefinieerde eigenschap die overeenkomt met de datum van de laatste wijziging van een onderwerp. Deze eigenschap wordt geleverd door <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
08:27:55, 29 mei 2024  +
Heeft bevraging“Heeft bevraging <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span>” is een voorgedefinieerde eigenschap die staat voor meta-informatie (in de vorm van een <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">subobject</a>) over individuele zoekopdrachten. Deze eigenschap wordt geleverd bij <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
Vejle +, Vejle +, Vejle +, Vejle +  en Vejle +