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- Working in Nature + (Students can join greening the schoolyard, bringing a Food forest at the HZ premises and maintaining a student garden. The aim is to increase biodiversity through permaculture and reconnect people to nature.)
- Plastic in seas; harbours; rivers; etc. + (Subjects include: Rijkswaterstaat is devel … Subjects include:</br>Rijkswaterstaat is developing a letter of intent to prevent plastic waste.</br>Fishing for Litter is looking for ways to value old fishing nets that are being collected from nature (water).</br>Design a product which covers the costs of recycling.oduct which covers the costs of recycling.)
- Subproject Jethro + (Subproject Jethro)
- Join us - newsletter + (Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about the activity, insights and learinings in the Interreg 2 Seas project FACET.)
- Subtest (TS1-1) + (Subtest (TS1-1).)
- Mobile solar park + (Summer 'Camping Belgica' from StuBru gets its energy completely from the Solar Vagant mobile solar park of 7C Solarparken Belgium.)
- Surf & Durf + (Surf & Durf is a foundation which has … Surf & Durf is a foundation which has the goal of reaching as many vulnerable children & young adults as possible in the region of Walcheren to provide them “Growth on the waves”, an important program to help children’s personal development. At their location in Domburg, they receive many applications for surf therapy every year and they are having trouble meeting that demand. They have little insight into where they can find potential volunteers.ght into where they can find potential volunteers.)
- Self-sufficient surf school + (Surfschool Veerse dam in the Netherlands i … Surfschool Veerse dam in the Netherlands is a watersports center. The company teaches, rents equipment and provides official VDWS (German international water sports organization) diplomas. Since six years, the surf school is completely self-sufficient. To accomplish this six solar panels, two wind turbines, a battery pack and a water reservoir were installed.pack and a water reservoir were installed.)
- Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC) + (Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities ( … Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC) is an Interreg 2 Seas program, this means research is done by various partners in and around the Netherlands. In this project the United kingdom, France and Belgium are involved next to partners in the Netherlands. SARCC focusses on integrating nature-based solutions into coastal management and policy making. This is in the form of stand alone projects, are Nature based solution-hybrids.</br></br>Research type: field research, desk analysis, lab researchield research, desk analysis, lab research)
- Sustainable packaging + (Sustainable packaging)
- My COP26 experience + (Svetlana’s journey to COP26 began with a b … Svetlana’s journey to COP26 began with a bike ride from Amsterdam to Glasgow, where she joined the Fridays for Future climate march alongside Greta Thunberg and thousands of young activists. In the Green Zone of COP26, she attended talks on sustainable finance and climate change, and participated in immersive experiences and film screenings about environmental challenges. She also met inspiring leaders, including Onno Ruhl, who emphasized the need for young and female leaders in the climate movement. Reflecting on the Glasgow Pact, Svetlana noted both progress and the ongoing challenges in tackling climate challenges in tackling climate change.)
- Delphy – Sweet Potato + (Sweet potato cultivation is costly, with p … Sweet potato cultivation is costly, with plant material and labor accounting for more than half of the expenses. Since 2014, research has focused on cultivation techniques, and in 2017, scaling up began among farmers. Despite a stated preference for Dutch products, imports from the U.S. remain dominant, highlighting a lack of appreciation and demand in the supply chain. The key challenge of this project is bringing Dutch sweet potatoes to consumers and understanding what is needed to make them a preferred needed to make them a preferred choice.)
- Systems Thinking + (Systems Thinking.)
- Table of Contents + (Table of Contents.)
- Territorial touristic ecology in Hauts-de-France + (Territorial Touristic Ecology (TTE) is a way of looking at circular touristic entrepreneurship.)
- Terug aan het werk + (Terug aan het werk.)
- Toepassingssessie 2 + (Terugblik Workshop 2: Mutual understanding. Shared Meaning. Olifantenplaatje. Soft Systems Methodology. Finding out (de belanghebbenden en hun belangen). PQR formule & huiswerk hierover vanuit Workshop 2 (PQR casus maken).)
- Omgaan met sterfgevallen aan kanker + (Terwijl Claire zelf ziek is, sterft een vriendin aan kanker.)
- Testproject + (Test)
- TestJethro + (Test)
- Test 8 januari + (Test 8 januari)
- Test Jethro + (Test Jethro)
- Test Jethro AccessControl + (Test Jethro AccessControl)
- Oyster production systems + (Testing production methodologies, systems and potentials of oyster production in Kustlaboratorium)
- Testlesje 2 + (Testles 2.)
- Testlesje 3 + (Testlesje 3.)
- Testpagina Jethro + (Testpagina Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)
- Testproject Jethro + (Testproject Jethro)