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Lijst van resultaten
- Drains2Buffer + (PR 00120 - Drains2Buffer - 2016/11/15)
- Kreekrug Infiltratie Systeem + (PR 00121 - Kreekrug Infiltratie Systeem - 2016/11/15)
- Rhodomonas cultivation under different light intensity and nutrients availability + (PR 00122 - Rhodomonas cultivation under different light intensity and nutrients availability - 2017/09/01)
- Modelling sustainable use of process streams in ragworm culture + (PR 00123 - Modelling sustainable use of process streams in ragworm culture - 2018/02/01)
- A comparison of oyster quality and physiology between oysters from different origin + (PR 00124 - A comparison of oyster quality and physiology between oysters from different origin - 2017/02/01)
- Pilot Netwerken + (PR 00125 - Pilot Netwerken - 2017/03/14)
- Sociale Veiligheid op de kaart + (PR 00126 - Sociale Veiligheid op de kaart - 2017/03/17)
- Flood Resilient Coastal Cities + (PR 00127 - Flood Resilient Coastal Cities - 2019/03/01)
- SV 28 maart + (PR 00128 - SV 28 maart - 2017/03/28)
- Adding ecological value to the subtidal zone of dikes + (PR 00130 - Adding ecological value to the subtidal zone of dikes - 2019/09/01)
- Groepen + (PR 00131 - Groepen - 2019/10/6)
- Nieuws + (PR 00132 - Nieuws - 2019/04/12)
- Student Assignment- Dow-Evides Wetland Study + (PR 00133 - Student Assignment- Dow-Evides Wetland Study - 2019/09/01)
- Test Jethro AccessControl + (PR 00134 - Test Jethro AccessControl - 2024-09-11)
- Samenwerking + (PR 00135 - Samenwerking - 2019/04/16)
- Effect of light intensity and temperature on biomass productivity and content of Skeletonema costatum + (PR 00136 - Effect of light intensity and temperature on biomass productivity and content of Skeletonema costatum - 2018/02/01)
- Protocol for seasonal vitality of mussels when treated with fresh water to reduce starfish predation + (PR 00137 - Protocol for seasonal vitality of mussels when treated with fresh water to reduce starfish predation - 2018/02/01)
- Temporal variation in mussel performance- role of aggregation and mussel density on mussel patch scale + (PR 00138 - Temporal variation in mussel performance- role of aggregation and mussel density on mussel patch scale - 2018/02/01)
- PhD trajectory + (PR 00139 - PhD trajectory - 2017/07/08)
- Literature Review + (PR 00140 - Literature Review - 2017/07/4)
- Uitvoeringsprogramma Toeristische Uitvoerings Alliantie + (PR 00141 - Uitvoeringsprogramma Toeristische Uitvoerings Alliantie - 2018/01/01)
- News + (PR 00142 - News - 2022/07/26)
- Inrichten van de website + (PR 00143 - Inrichten van de website - 2021/03/30)
- Papers & Articles + (PR 00144 - Papers & Articles - 2017/07/06)
- Results + (PR 00145 - Results - 2017/07/07)
- Paper 3 + (PR 00147 - Paper 3 - 2018/10/01)
- Method + (PR 00148 - Method - 2017/07/05)
- Various Water Technology Internships at Evides Industrie Water + (PR 00149 - Various Water Technology Internships at Evides Industrie Water - 2017/09/17)
- Actueel + (PR 00150 - Actueel - 2019/04/16)
- Afgesloten studentenprojecten BwN + (PR 00151 - Afgesloten studentenprojecten BwN - 2020/03/17)
- Glossary + (PR 00152 - Glossary - 2019/07/9)
- Toolkit + (PR 00153 - Toolkit - 2019/07/10)
- Fietsen op het strand + (PR 00154 - Fietsen op het strand - 2018/01/01)
- Paper 4 + (PR 00155 - Paper 4 - 2018/10/01)
- De fiets verbindt + (PR 00156 - De fiets verbindt - 2018/01/01)
- SAIL + (PR 00157 - SAIL - 2017/01/01)
- Movement and Sports + (PR 00158 - Movement and Sports - 2017/01/01)
- Wellbeing and Food + (PR 00159 - Wellbeing and Food - 2017/01/01)
- Project Management + (PR 00160 - Project Management - 2017/01/01)
- Research + (PR 00161 - Research - 2017/01/01)
- Communication + (PR 00162 - Communication - 2017/01/01)
- Recreatief fietsen in Zeeland + (PR 00163 - Recreatief fietsen in Zeeland - 2019/01/01)
- Pilot 1 Pilot MobileMe Outdoors + (PR 00164 - Pilot 1 Pilot MobileMe Outdoors - 2017/01/01)
- Pilot 3 Developing Vitality Boulevard + (PR 00165 - Pilot 3 Developing Vitality Boulevard - 2017/01/01)
- Pilot 5 trail on the Coast and Soft Gym- outdoor and indoor mobility + (PR 00166 - Pilot 5 trail on the Coast and Soft Gym- outdoor and indoor mobility - 2017/01/01)
- Pilot 4 Move and se(a)- health improvement for moderate or not active elderly through increased movement and less sitting + (PR 00167 - Pilot 4 Move and se(a)- health improvement for moderate or not active elderly through increased movement and less sitting - 2017/01/01)
- Pilot 6 Healthy Food Chain + (PR 00168 - Pilot 6 Healthy Food Chain - 2017/01/01)
- Pilot 7 Dementia Friendly Walking + (PR 00169 - Pilot 7 Dementia Friendly Walking - 2017/10/3)
- Pilot 8 Animal Mediation + (PR 00170 - Pilot 8 Animal Mediation - 2017/01/01)
- Pilot 9 Seaside resort Domburg + (PR 00171 - Pilot 9 Seaside resort Domburg - 2017/01/01)