20222023 CBK Zeeland
Project description
CBK challenged the students by asking how they could create an engaging experience for the student population in Middelburg, using Middelburg stories to foster a lasting attachment to the city and region of their education in Zeeland, thereby motivating them to stay or consider returning in the future.
Overall, the recommendations aim to create an emotional connection, generate interest and promote student engagement with the city. By giving students an active role in creating the storytelling concept and showcasing their experiences, the city can build a strong and lasting bond with its student population, enhancing the vibrancy and development of the local community. A recommendation is to create a storytelling concept to strengthen the link between Middelburg and its students are based on the idea of actively involving students in the process and creating an emotional connection with the city. Also, the integration of student characters or avatars makes it easier for students to identify with the city and reinforces the sense of belonging.
CBK Centrum voor Beeldende Kunst – Christiaan Weiler
Homepage | CBK Zeeland