Carlien Nijdam
Name: | Carlien Nijdam |
Startdatum: | december 1, 2024 |
Einddatum: | |
Functie: | Coach & Applied Research Expert |
Profieltekst: | After studying environmental science (Van Hall Institute, Groningen), Carlien joined the RIKZ (National Institute for Coast and Sea) in Middelburg. There, she participated in a study on eutrophication of the North Sea. After several years, she joined DGW (Dienst Landelijk Gebied) in Goes. There, she dealt with environmental issues within land consolidation programmes. While working at this service, she realised that she wanted to become more involved in education, particularly in the field of nature and environmental education. In 1997, she joined the AET (Aquatic Ecotechnology) course at the HZ, where she enjoyed further training in working with students and teaching. From 2004, ... |
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