
What is the problem/issue you are trying to address?

[ The municipality of Veere wants to give Domburg a powerful impulse with the recognition of a badstatus and to the achievement of this profiling as a qualified vitality and wellness destination. Domburg can become of a classic coast destination to a contemporary OASIS by the sea where vitality, wellness and health quality and professional are offered. The underlying goal is the development of a contemporary and high-quality form of tourism that spending via a new impetus and new audiences year round tourism. The inhabitants are not sufficiently involved. That’s why we look how better products and services can be developed both for people living there and having their second home there, that encourage an active lifestyle, more reliance and longer independence of elderly.]

Pilot aim

What is it and how did you arrive at it?

The partners (Lead = Impuls Zeeland), GGD Zeeland and HZ (scientific support) would like to develop products and services both for people living in Domburg and having their second home there, also taking advantage of offers that are already in place for tourists. The pilot puts an emphasis on the active involvement of the locals, also to foster the concept of active ownership.

  • Seaside resort Domburg is rewarded with the ‘Bad-status’
  • Developing better products & services for inhabitants and tourists
  • The SAIL project builds on and broadens the challenge to implement the badstatus with a focus on healthy food and wellbeing.

Stakeholders on your pilot

People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.

  • [ Finding out needs from residents and tourists:]

- Surveys with residents

- Interviews with tourists

- Lunch with residents at Markt Zes

  • Conversations with stakeholders, individually and through Commissie wellfare Veere and Foundation wellfare Veere (ongoing 2017-2018).
  • Research performed by students from the HZ about Saamhorigheid Domburg.
  • Lunch for residents; gathering ideas about the following themes:
  • Loneliness and social contacts when you’re getting older
  • Maintaining a healthy diet when you’re getting older
  • Further development of bath status and possibilities for vitality
  • First stakeholder meeting to make a selection of pilot ideas (November 2017):

The following ideas are selected:

  1. Creating a flexible movement range
  2. Public kitchen garden
  3. Domburg eats healthily:
    • Cooking and eating together
    • A healthy offer in the catering industry
    • A healthy offer in retail
  • Second stakeholder meeting to elaborate on the three selected pilot ideas (March 2018).
  • [ ESPA Congress:  (May 2018)]
  • Conversations with content experts concerning the pilot ideas and possible combinations, e.g. a wild-picking walk, cooking workshops for entrepreneurs in the catering industry, cooking workshops for elderly together with younger people [ (for example: Foodlab Zeeland, Tafel Thuis, Merkwaardige identiteit).]
  • Internship of a student, exploring loneliness among elderly in Domburg (April 2018- Oktober 2018)

Pilot beneficiaries

Who will benefit from this pilot? What is the goal that you are trying to achieve with this pilot?

  • [ Inhabitants]
  • Tourists and second residents
  • Local authorities
  • Entrepreneurs association (OBD), leisure entrepreneurs, owners association: residences and hotels, elderly care services, beach association, retail traders

The goal is to develop new business or service models that contribute to active and healthy ageing as well as the local economy.

Ideas generated

What ideas were generated from your stakeholder meetings?

We collected a list of 11 clusters of ideas during the stakeholders meeting:

  1. Create a healthy environment which encourage healthy behaviour
  2. Developing and combining activities on movement and sports for (elderly) people combined with healthcheck.
  3. Healthy Food/ Providing sufficient drinks for elderly/ Eat (and Cook) together
  4. Healthy horeca as a distinctive element
  5. Social contacts- doing things together
  6. Public vegetable garden
  7. Communication about existing facilities and services for eldery and storytelling for tourists
  8. Yearround services
  9. Cultural facilities and activities on a high level
  10. Ambition as community Domburg being the healthiest village of Veere/ Zeeland
  11. Increasing digital skills of elderly people

Values for selection

Based on the information collected at the stakeholders meetings and other interviews or conversations held in the location, what are important underlying values for your project? Such as valuing the opinions of your users or needing your project to be cost neutral at this stage for some of your partners?

We have a list of values we collected during our interviews and meetings.

  • Safety (not going out when its dark outside)
  • Social Safety
  • Independance (doning what you want)
  • Social network
  • Meet people and be together (eating together)
  • Cosiness (being together and doing things together)
  • Products and services on high level
  • Fellow humanity (looking after each other)
  • Involvement
  • Be active (mainly for the younger < 70 years)
  • Creativity
  • Innovative versus Traditional/ Conservative (little readiness to change)
  • Sobriety
  • Connection with your roots
  • Celebrating life (mainly for people moved to Domburg)
  • Religion (mainly the autochthonous)


How did the project team, other organisations and your participants react to the project idea? What is the level of involvement/commitment from each group at this stage? Evidence could include: participant observation at initial project meetings and the reflections of the project group. The inhabitants are enthusiastic about the ideas mentioned in the stakeholders meetings. They are looking forward to have more opportunities to meet each other. The entrepreneurs seems to be willing to organize something for the local inhabitants from a social perspective. We have good connections with the entrepreneurs. We have good commitment/collaboration from and with Commissie wellfare Veere and Foundation wellfare Veere. Representing the inhabitants.

Engaging tourists and second home residents is very difficult. This is due to the fact that second home residents are not permanently present and are difficult to locate and thereby to reach them. It is also difficult to engage tourists. They are on holiday and for entrepreneurs it is uncomfortable to ask their guest for an interview.

Westtoer in Ostend experienced the same difficulty in reaching second home residents.


What is the demand for your project? How do you know this, what information did you use to help you?

Implementation/Practicality/Organisational/Financial Feasibility

How feasible does your project look to your team at this stage in terms of practicality, and financial feasibility?

Additional assets and resources

Do you need any additional assets or resources including expertise to help you deliver your project?


Have you made any changes to your original plans, why did you make the change and what information did you base your new plans on? For instance any changes you made to the context, format, timing, setting or population at this stage?


Do you think this project will work within the current local setting/structures? What changes need to be made to integrate your new project into existing infrastructure or programs?

Selected ideas for next phase

Based on the areas stated above, which ideas from your meetings have been selected for the phase of design and develop on SAIL?