Design and Develop

Description of the project and the local area

Cadzand is a small village on the coast of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, one of the main former islands of the province Zeeland in the Netherlands.  Coastal communities in the 2 Seas area, such as Cadzand, are facing particular common social, demographic and economic challenges related to a specific mix of ageing people, i.e. locals, newcomers, temporary visitors of an increasing average age. As this population puts pressure on health and social care systems, it is important to enable elderly to stay active and independent for longer, to improve their wellbeing and quality of life and to reduce costs and pressure on services. The SAIL overall objective is to stimulate active ageing and longer independent living by identifying new ways of helping people remain independent for longer, more self-reliant and less dependent on traditional health care and social care services. Different from the current, mono disciplinary apporach, SAIL will introduce a social innovation process of co-creation to identify new partnerships and opportunities, especially in unlikely combinations between different sectors, to develop new, sustainable business ans service models that encourage active ageing. Cadzand is village near the coast, which exists of two parts: Cadzand Village and Cadzand-Bad. Both are 2 km apart. The local population lives mostly in the village part, while second home owners and tourists (mostly Belgian) stay mainly in the Bad-area. The idea is to better combine both areas, finding sustainable solutions, that keep the elderly active and increase vitality, also tackling the problem of loneliness by looking at networksolutions. The municipality of Sluis wants to give Cadzand-Bad a powerful impulse with the recognition of a badstatus and to the achievement of this profiling as a qualified vitality and wellness destination. Cadzand-Bad can become of a classic coast destination to a contemporary OASIS by the sea where vitality, wellness and health quality and professional are offered. The underlying goal is the development of a contemporary and high-quality form of tourism that spending via a new impetus and new audiences year round tourism. The utilisation of products and services for broader target groups, both tourists and inhabitants, has a positive effect on the availibility and profitibility of products and services. In March 2014 Cadzand-Bad was awarded the Badstatus. From that time on Cadzand-Bad may call itself Bad Cadzand-Bad. This point in time marks the beginning of a new process. A process to implement, evolve and create more content to the badstatus itself enabling it over time to grow and to mature itself. Both municipality and entrepreneurs play an important role and they have to invest in order to make this work. Commissioned by the municipality of Sluis Impuls Zeeland and the HZ University of Applied Sciences are developing an incentive program in which way the municipality Sluis can put health tourism even more on the map. Within this incentive program is the development of Badstatus Cadzand-Bad (including vitalityboulevard) and Healthy Food Chain, are example projects. In addition, we started SAIL and acquiring and further development of the badstatus in Domburg is one of the pilots in Zeeland. The development of new products and services in Domburg is predominantly focused on tourists, inhabitants are insufficiently involved. Finally within the provincial partnership “Healthy in Zeeland” a couple of stakeholders, like Impuls/HZ/Sport Zeeland and so on,  want to help fulfill some of the economical and social opportunities of a healthier way of life.

Assets and resources

What assets or resources including expertise has your team got that helped you get started with this project?

Geographical setting

Please describe where your project is based, is your project based in a rural or urban area, area of catchment for participants, is it on single or multiple sites?

Current situation

`What currently happens` in relation to your project problem or issue, is your project new or are you building on an existing project?


What would you anticipate the demand might be for your proposed project at this stage and what are you basing that forecast on?


Are you planning to expand an already-successful project with a different population or in a different setting? Please describe your reasons for this and what information you used to inform your decision?

Information capture for your project

Please make a plan and decide what strategies you are going to use and when. As a minimum everyone needs to keep their meeting minutes/notes and attendance details. Other ideas are photos/videos/diaries/attendance numbers/participant feedback/log book. In relation to the SAIL feasibility study you will need to be able to say who attended your project and when also including the participants age and gender if possible.


How was the project proposal recieved by a) your team members/organisational partners b) your target community/potential participants? Evidence would include: participant observation at initial project meetings, qualitative interviews with participants and project staff or correspondence related to the proposal ie emails exchanges?


Have you made any changes to your original plans, why did you make the change and what information did you base your new plans on?

Key stakeholders and relations

Are there key individuals, (including participants) organisations or relationships who are central to your project, and in what way do they benefit your project?