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De oestersector heeft de laatste jaren te kampen met een sterke afname van met name de opbrengst van Japanse oesters, de commercieel interessantste oester. De afname heeft te maken met een combinatie van sterfte door het oester herpesvirus en predatie van de oesterboorder, een roofslak. Oesterkweek in Zeeland vindt van oudsher op de bodem plaats. Om predatie van oesters door de oesterboorder te voorkomen, lijkt het kweken net boven de bodem, de zogenaamde off-bottom kweek een succesvol alternatief.  +
Met dit project wordt door kennisontwikkeling en kennisdeling de oestersector ondersteund, waarbij een combinatie van ervaring van de kwekers, monitoring en gericht experimenteel onderzoek ingezet wordt met optimalisatie en rendementsverbetering van een duurzame oesterproductie als einddoel.  +
Renewable energy  +
This work package is subdivided in two parts: (1) the practical joint development of the pilots and the social innovation process by all partners and (2) the joint monitoring and evaluation through all knowledge partners. For (1), partners will determine together how they will setup the pilots and what they will concretely do in each phase of the pilot, i.e. the explore phase, the design & develop phase, the test phase and the evaluate phase. Thefact that all pilots will go through the same steps allows a maximum of comparison, feedback and adjustment of each step. This joint methodology will form a solid basis for other interested organisations in the 2 Seas area beyond to embark on a similar trajectory. For (2), the aim is to develop a robust evaluation and monitoring methodology on two levels (a), how does the health&wellbeing of the elderly change, (b) how effective are the pilots and the social innovation process on the whole. Under the lead of Bournemouth University all knowledge partners will form an experts group. Each regional knowledge partner will assist with the monitoring in their own region to facilitate the data collection and to avoid language barriers. The developed joint theoretical framework will capture the results and allow a meaningful crossborder monitoring. For the theoretical input, the partners can already build on the results of the Destination Feelgood project ( and Sustrip (  +
Trying to accelerate the curing time of our varnish through adding additional chemicals, experimenting with the base oil or experimenting with our manufacturing process.  +
Improve the hardness of the floor’s varnish layer through experimenting with adding hardeners and cross-linkers, different base oils, or a different manufacturing process.  +
Critical discussion of the results in combination with the literature  +
At De Meerpaal holiday park they bottle water in reusable bottles.  +
CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - At this moment the Water Technology research group have an opening for a student to help us to optimise our small-scale Reverse Osmosis filtration unit. We would like a student to work on optimising this unit by adjusting feed flows, concentrations and operational parameters and drawing conclusions on the best operating conditions. The results of this internship will help the research group immensely as a well performing lab-scale RO unit can be used in various research projects. We are looking for an enthusiastic, independent and hands-on student. It would help if the student has a background in chemistry / physics / water treatment technologies. However a willingness to learn would also be sufficient. This assignment is suitable as an internship. Please contact Emma McAteer for more information.  +
Rhodomonas is a cryptophyte species, which exploits phycoerythrin 545 (PE545) as the primary light-harvesting antenna. In this project Rhodomonas will be cultivated under different light wavelength and intensities in order to investigate the changes in phycoerythrin composition. Research type: literature study, experiments (Sealab HZ, Vlissingen) Research level: minor / internship / final thesis (BSc./MSc. level) Prerequisite: good understanding of biology; analytical background  +
Rijk plaatje strandhuisjes  +
Rijk plaatje = actoren analyse  +
Verloop aanvraag via intaketeam en ontwikkelformule naar de omgevingstafel die een bestemmingswijziging nodig heeft.  +
De betrokkenheid van Rijkswaterstaat in de projecten Robuust Watersysteem  +
CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - The Province of Zeeland and HZ University of Applied Sciences, were two of many stakeholders that worked together in the past years on the topic of the Robust Water System in Zeeland, specifically Zeeuws Vlaanderen. Next year, the Province of Zeeland would like to continue with this project, with a focus on the future and how robust our local water system really is. For this project, the following steps have been highlighted: We need to sketch an outline of the future of our Robust Water System to determine how future-proof it really is. This requires: - The map of the region should be updated as if all described project possibilities have already been executed (therefore all project details need to be strengthened. - In parallel, the criteria for robustness are set so that we can test the “future“ map against these criteria. - Lastly, determine which gaps still exist in relation to our ambitions and jointly define what is still required (and by when) to complete the desired picture This project is suitable for native Dutch students only. For more information on this project please contact Hans Cappon or Emma McAteer.  +
Fresh water availability, supply and buffering in a saline environment, with increasing fresh water stress. Low coastal areas like the Netherlands and Belgium experience salt water intrusion and therefore limited sources of fresh water. In the south-western region of the Netherlands fresh water is obtained from the Biesbosch basins, which are located at least 100 km from the consumers. These consumers are industry, households and agriculture/livestock. With increasing fluctuations in precipitation and (likely) sea level rise, this fresh water stress is very likely to increase in the (near) future. In order to decrease the dependence on remote fresh water sources, and thus increase local resilience, precipitation should be better collected and preserved, instead of immediate discharge to the (saline) sea, which is currently done to prevent flooding. Integrating fresh water storage and supply with spatial planning, while maintaining or even upgrading the water quality, benefitting all stakeholders is the challenge for current and future delta developments. Project Robust Water System aims to increase the resilience of the Zeeuws-Vlaanderen region by incorporating water multi-sourcing and ‘fit for use’ strategies. These strategies require close collaborations with stakeholders (end-users, government, research). Water sources are expanded towards Belgian polder run-off, municipal WWTP effluent, Dow WWTP effluent and rainwater. Agriculture is using polder run-off and potable water but do experience fresh water scarcity during periods of severe drought. Nature areas suffer from drought periods – overall there is a lack of salt nature.  +
Definities Robuust watersysteem  +
De beschikbaarheid van zoet water in Zeeland is beperkt, daarom is er vanaf 2010 samen met 17 partijen aan oplossingen gewerkt. De partijen hebben een concept dat het Robuust Watersysteem is genoemd; een watersysteem dat voorsorteert op toekomstige ontwikkelingen, functies met elkaar verbindt en tevens beleidsdoelstellingen dichterbij brengt. Dit project is een continu proces met mogelijkheden voor verder onderzoek in kleinere sub-projecten en studentopdrachten.  +
De maatregelen tegen het coronavirus hebben een ongekend grote impact op bedrijven in het toerisme en vrijetijdsdomein. Om de gevolgen van alle maatregelen in beeld te brengen hebben Toeristisch Ondernemend Zeeland (TOZ), HZ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme en Economische Impuls Zeeland onderzoek gedaan naar de economische impact van de coronacrisis op het toerisme in Zeeland.  +