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20 pagina’s gebruiken deze eigenschap.
A plant workshop means that we are going to multiply plants by growing from cuttings. Where? In the PE2 hallway, HZ Vlissingen. When? 09 Oct 12 pm.  +
Planting Session! Healthy and social outside activity! We will plant some plants in the garden, have a good time, and earn HZ Personality! Come on the 30th of November, Monday from 10:00 at the Student Garden (Address: Joost de Moorstraat 21). Stay tuned to our website or Instagram page for updates.  +
Planting Session! Healthy and social outside activity! We will plant some plants, have good time and earn HZ Personality! Come on the 2nd of November (Monday) from 9.30 to 12.30h at the Student Garden (Address: Joost de Moorstraat 21).  +
The three-star Mirazur in Menton is the world’s first restaurant to be certified “Plastic Free.” What’s more, by replacing single-use plastics with compostable alternatives, the staff has developed a permaculture garden. A virtuous circle for the restaurant – and the planet.  +
Subjects include: Rijkswaterstaat is developing a letter of intent to prevent plastic waste. Fishing for Litter is looking for ways to value old fishing nets that are being collected from nature (water). Design a product which covers the costs of recycling.  +
At Boutique hotel Lytel Blue you can book a plastic-free hotel room.  +
A leading group of North Holland beach pavilions has stopped using disposable plastic on their terraces.  +
Plastic Whale is a social enterprise with a mission - they want plastic-free waters. Worldwide. They achieve this by showing others that economic value can be created from plastic waste, involving as many people and businesses as possible within the pillars. Their slogan: We Collect, We Create, We Educate.  +
Would you be willing to be a Roetveegpiet on Saturday 16 November? You'll be joining a group of 20 to 25 roetveegpieten, together with Ingrid de Vries (coordinator HZ Green Office) and friends, giving “pepernoten” to the kids in Middelburg. Really fun to do! We’ll arrive on boats and come to the shore in the harbour of Middelburg facing thousands of children. We’ll be provided with special clothes to dress up and we'll get some black sweeps that the Pieten have from sliding through the chimney. Middelburg has wisely decided to also have 50% roetveegpieten this year in addition to 50% zwarte pieten. Next year, Sinterklaas will be helped by 100% roetveegpieten. Join us and be part of the change! For this activity you can gain credits via HZ Personality.  +
Hello everyone! On Friday (the 13th of November), the HZ Green Office will organize a cleanup at the canal. This is a Corona proof activity outdoors and will help you charge mentally and physically, as we head into the darkest hours of the year. 📍We will meet at HZ in Middelburg and at Smoske in Vlissingen at 10:00 (go to whichever location suits you better). The activity is linked to HZ personality. 🥳The team that crosses first the halfway mark wins! We look forward to seeing you all there!  +
Hello everyone! On Friday (the 27th of November), the HZ Green Office will organize a cleanup at the canal. This is a Corona proof activity outdoors and will help you charge mentally and physically, as we head into the darkest hours of the year. 📍We will meet at t'Smoske in Vlissingen at 12:00. The activity is linked to HZ personality (double hours)  +
Op Archipelschool De Sprong hebben de leerkrachten zich geschoold in het signaleren van leerlingen met een ontwikkelingsvoorsprong. Aan de hand van het signaleren van leerlingen, start er dit jaar een plusklas voor deze leerlingen. De vraag is nu of de kinderen met een ontwikkelingsvoorsprong baat hebben bij een plusklas. Archipelschool De Sprong is deze jaargang gestart met de plusklas, en hebben dus weinig ervaring met het lesgeven in een plusklas. Hierdoor ontstaat het probleem dat ze niet weten of er wordt voldaan aan de vraag van de leerlingen om extra uitgedaagd te worden. Uit dit onderzoek zal blijken of er wordt voldaan aan de verwachtingen van de leerlingen en ouders.  +
Polder2C’s aims at improving knowledge on flood resilience and climate change adaptation of the current and future generations. This is achieved through a series of experiments on levee stability and effectiveness of flood emergency countermeasures in the Hedwige-Prosper polder, a unique cross-country test site of 6 Km2 on the boarder of Belgium and the Netherlands. Insights acquired in the field will be incorporated in international guidelines for practitioners and in educational curricula. The project offers opportunities for students to be involved in field activities.  +
Tuesdays from 10:00 to 13:00h at HZ Middelburg. Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00h at HZ Vlissingen. We look forward to seeing you!  +
In het Interreg 2 Zeeën-project Ports Energy and Carbon Savings is onderzocht hoe kleine en middelgrote havens en jachthavens kunnen verduurzamen. Als één van de kennispartners heeft HZ University of Applied Sciences onder meer een rekenmodel ontwikkeld waarmee de havenbedrijven het economische potentieel van herbruikbare energiebronnen kunnen beoordelen. De havens zelf hebben geïnvesteerd in duurzame pilotprojecten.  +
Dak beschikbaar stellen als gemeente voor burgers om hier zonneënergie op te wekken. Concept is van SAMAN uit Zierikzee  +
Naast dat de gemeente Veere de gemeenteloods energieneutraal maakt, wordt de loods ook beschikbaar gesteld voor het maken van een postcodestroom project. Hierin kunnen burgers participeren. De zonnepanelen worden niet op het eigen dak gelegd, maar op het dak van de gemeenteloods. Op de investering krijgt men een rendement van 4-6%.  +
A position is available to do a quick scan on the different possible substances to postpone nutrient uptake by algae in ragworm ponds, involving lab-scale experiments to investigate the effect on ragworms. The main question would be which non-harmful and non-toxic substances can be used to increase turbidity and can easily be removed later in the process to prevent or postpone nutrient uptake by algae in the ponds without affecting ragworm condition and growth.  +
A concept has been developed together with a communication agency that allows organisations to communicate in a positive way about waste and the circular handling of waste.  +
Privacyverklaring HZ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme  +