Situation +
53° 24' 11.13" N, 8° 27' 23.44" EBreedtegraad: 53.4030919
Lengtegraad: 8.4565113 +
Lengtegraad: 8.4565113 +
Riverine, rainfall and sea flooding.
The … Riverine, rainfall and sea flooding.</br></br>The flood hazard level is considered 1, not harmful.</br></br>In case of a storm surge with dike breaches, impacts are high (because area is low-lying and would be flooded quickly); in case of river or/and rainfall flooding the impacts are rather small scale / very localized.s are rather small scale / very localized. +
Wesermarsch +
onwaar +
* To increase public awareness and prepar … </br>* To increase public awareness and preparedness regarding floods to minimize subsequent damage</br>* To unveil shortcomings by reviewing mechanisms concerning disaster management from individual preparations up to the request of national or international auxiliary forces</br>* To link stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental) which are involved in disaster management to share problems and ideas and interactively develop solutions / strategies </br>* To improve spatial planning / adaptation in terms of building flood resilience</br>ation in terms of building flood resilience
Jade University of Applied Sciences +
Standaard +
Wesermarsch +
waar +
onwaar +
waar +
waar +
waar +
oktober 1, 2016 +
The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 … The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 and 3 and providing the actors with useful outcomes to get more balanced FRM strategies in the Wesermarsch region. The long term goal is to motivate and/or stimulate actors to continue with the same activities/line of work.nue with the same activities/line of work. +
The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 … The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 and 3 and providing the actors with useful outcomes to get more balanced FRM strategies in the Wesermarsch region. The long term goal is to motivate and/or stimulate actors to continue with the same activities/line of work.nue with the same activities/line of work. +
The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 … The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 and 3 and providing the actors with useful outcomes to get more balanced FRM strategies in the Wesermarsch region. The long term goal is to motivate and/or stimulate actors to continue with the same activities/line of work.nue with the same activities/line of work. +
The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 … The overall goal is to strengthen layers 2 and 3 and providing the actors with useful outcomes to get more balanced FRM strategies in the Wesermarsch region. The long term goal is to motivate and/or stimulate actors to continue with the same activities/line of work.nue with the same activities/line of work. +
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Wesermarsch +
Wijzigingsdatum“Wijzigingsdatum <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>” is een voorgedefinieerde eigenschap die overeenkomt met de datum van de laatste wijziging van een onderwerp. Deze eigenschap wordt geleverd door <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
09:51:56, 25 maart 2024 +
Heeft bevraging“Heeft bevraging <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span>” is een voorgedefinieerde eigenschap die staat voor meta-informatie (in de vorm van een <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">subobject</a>) over individuele zoekopdrachten. Deze eigenschap wordt geleverd bij <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
Community resilience +, Layer 2- Spatial adaptation +, Layer 3- Preparedness and response +, Layer 3- Preparedness and response +, Layer 4- Resilient recovery +, Layer 4- Resilient recovery +, Lessons learnt CR +, Lessons learnt PEP +, Preparedness and emergency planning +, Project outcomes and beyond + en Project outcomes and beyond +