2022-06-09 +
Event +
Event +
Diversity Festival +
Diversity Festival +
Diversity Festival +
Diversity Festival +
Social Theory +
Diversity Festival +
waar +
onwaar +
juni 9, 2022 +
2022-06-09 +
3 different parts,
with a closing … Program:</br>3 different parts,</br>with a closing drink in the HZ Café (Vlissingen).</br>You can register for each part.</br>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch with refugees</br>15:00 - 16:30 Keti Koti Purpose College</br>with Kenny B</br>16.30 - 17.30 drinks in the HZ Café</br>+ sports activities (football, volleyball and basketball)</br>for the residents of</br>COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingenidents of
COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingen +
3 different parts,
with a closing … Program:</br>3 different parts,</br>with a closing drink in the HZ Café (Vlissingen).</br>You can register for each part.</br>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch with refugees</br>15:00 - 16:30 Keti Koti Purpose College</br>with Kenny B</br>16.30 - 17.30 drinks in the HZ Café</br>+ sports activities (football, volleyball and basketball)</br>for the residents of</br>COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingenidents of
COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingen +
3 different parts,
with a closing … Program:</br>3 different parts,</br>with a closing drink in the HZ Café (Vlissingen).</br>You can register for each part.</br>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch with refugees</br>15:00 - 16:30 Keti Koti Purpose College</br>with Kenny B</br>16.30 - 17.30 drinks in the HZ Café</br>+ sports activities (football, volleyball and basketball)</br>for the residents of</br>COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingenidents of
COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingen +
3 different parts,
with a closing … Program:</br>3 different parts,</br>with a closing drink in the HZ Café (Vlissingen).</br>You can register for each part.</br>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch with refugees</br>15:00 - 16:30 Keti Koti Purpose College</br>with Kenny B</br>16.30 - 17.30 drinks in the HZ Café</br>+ sports activities (football, volleyball and basketball)</br>for the residents of</br>COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingenidents of
COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingen +
3 different parts,
with a closing … Program:</br>3 different parts,</br>with a closing drink in the HZ Café (Vlissingen).</br>You can register for each part.</br>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch with refugees</br>15:00 - 16:30 Keti Koti Purpose College</br>with Kenny B</br>16.30 - 17.30 drinks in the HZ Café</br>+ sports activities (football, volleyball and basketball)</br>for the residents of</br>COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingenidents of
COA Marine Kazerne in Vlissingen +
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Diversity Festival +
Wijzigingsdatum“Wijzigingsdatum <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>” is een voorgedefinieerde eigenschap die overeenkomt met de datum van de laatste wijziging van een onderwerp. Deze eigenschap wordt geleverd door <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
06:25:51, 26 juli 2022 +
Heeft bevraging“Heeft bevraging <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span>” is een voorgedefinieerde eigenschap die staat voor meta-informatie (in de vorm van een <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Subobject">subobject</a>) over individuele zoekopdrachten. Deze eigenschap wordt geleverd bij <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.