Informing the employer (S1-2)


The moment someone is diagnosed with cancer, this will have immediate or long-term consequences for the work. It is up to the person with cancer to determine whether or not to inform the supervisor of the diagnosis.

Communicating the diagnosis to the employer is not experienced by everyone as difficult, but it is a point in time when a lot will change for both the employee and the employer.

Person with cancer perspective

At the time the diagnosis is made, there is usually no treatment plan yet. So there is still a lot of uncertainty. It is then up to the employee to decide whether he or she wants to inform the employer about the diagnosis.

“Yes, I immediately called my boss, my manager at the time, in the parking lot of the hospital, I don't have a good result so I report sick. Yes, I have never been so secretive about it.” (WP1 - IP5)

“Then we went home first, afterwards, having a cup of coffee. Then I thought, I'll go to work anyway, they are expecting me now. But yes, I did not come to work until after 12 noon when I had said I am a little later. Everyone immediately looks at that door like that, what is the matter with you? So yes, then I said it right.” (WP1-IP2, p. 5)

“I actually said it very quickly at work. If you work every day it is a bit difficult, then you have to make up all kinds of things and lie and you know that you will say it later anyway.” (WP1-IP2, p. 6)

Employer perspective

The news that an employee has cancer may also evoke feelings and questions in the employer to which he / she does not immediately have an answer.

"This is the first time that one of our employees has cancer. I am not sure how to deal with this and what is expected of me."

"What steps should I take? Should I call in the company doctor now or later?"

"How do I keep in touch with the employee? Do I have to make regular calls myself or do I let it depend on him?"

Dialogues (optional)

Person with cancer dilemma

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, this will have immediate or long-term consequences for the work. The person with cancer faces the dilemma: do I share my diagnosis with my employer or not?


The person with cancer is not willing or able to share the diagnosis with the employer.

Disclaimer: the above video is an example of how the information tool (interactive narratives in 3D) can be used to produce videos. The script in this video does not match the script below.


Thoughts of a person with cancer: I am very upset and can not share this news yet, but I must report my absence, what can I say?

Person with cancer: “Hello Frank, I want to report sick for the rest of this week.”

Employer: “Oh, how annoying, do you think you can go back to work after that week?”

Thoughts of a person with cancer: I have to answer something but I can't quite tell it yet, I don't know this manager very well and I don't know what to say.

Person with cancer: “I don't know, I don't know how long it will take. I do not feel so good. Some investigations are ongoing. You will hear from me as soon as I know more.”

Thoughts employer: What could be wrong? Is there more to it? May I ask about that? She clearly doesn't want to say it yet.

Employer: “That's annoying for you! Hopefully you will feel better soon. Will you let us know as soon as you know more?”



The person with cancer is immediately open to the employer about the diagnosis.


Thoughts of person with cancer: I cannot keep this secret, I will tell Gerda maar immediately. It will scare her, but I better be open about it.

Person with cancer: “Hello Gerda, today I had the rash of that lump in my breast you know? It's breast cancer.”

Thoughts employer: Oh no, so what should I say?

Employer: “What intense news! How do you feel now?”

Person with cancer: “I was shocked and I am not quite sure what to expect. In the coming period I will be receiving more studies and more needs to be clarified.”

Employer: “I can imagine that. I am also shocked by this. I would like to support you as best I can, so please indicate what you need. How do you view the coming period? Do you want to stay at home? Or do you want to come and work partly?”

Person with cancer: “I don't really know very well. The news took me by surprise and I don't really know what the coming period will look like. I think I want to sign up for a few days to let everything sink in and think about how to proceed. Then let's have contact again.”

Employer: “That's good. Take the time you need but let's keep in touch. Will you let me know if anything changes or if I can make a difference?”

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Context structure (for development purposes only)

Roles in this situation: Persoon met Kanker in Diagnose situatie (PmK S1-2), Werkgever in Diagnose situatie (Werkgever S1-2)
Building Block (BB) Identity in this situation: Persoon met kanker (Identity S1-2), Werkgever (Identity S1-2)
Building Block (BB) Dilemma in this situation: IKH Dilemma PmK 1 S1-2, IKH Dilemma Werkgever 1 S1-2
Building Block (BB) Dialog in this situation: IKH Dialog 1 S1-2, IKH Dialog 2 S1-2
Building Block (BB) Synchronizer in this situation:

Supercontext: Delen diagnose
Subcontexts: IKH Dialog context 1 S1-2, IKH Dialog context 2 S1-2, IKH Dilemma PmK context 1 S1-2, IKH Dilemma Werkgever context 1 S1-2, Persoon met Kanker in Diagnose situatie (PmK S1-2), Werkgever in Diagnose situatie (Werkgever S1-2)

Op het moment dat iemand de diagnose kanker krijgt zal dit direct of op termijn gevolgen hebben voor het werk. Het is aan de persoon met kanker zelf om te bepalen of hij/zij de leidinggevende informeert over de diagnose.

Het communiceren van de diagnose naar de werkgever wordt niet door iedereen als moeilijk ervaren maar is wel een punt in tijd waarin er veel gaat veranderen voor zowel de werknemer als de werkgever.

Context VN set links: model = IKH S1-2

Set VN link, Property name = Supercontext, Property VN name = Supercontext

Model link = IKH S1-2

Result = IKH S1

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Concerns, Property VN name = Concerns

Model link = IKH S1-2

Result =

End Set VN link

Paragraph number = 1

Paragraph number = 2