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"Growing a tasty product on waste"

The Bruges urban agriculture project Kopjezwam recovers residual flows (coffee grounds, coffee husks and brewer's grains) from local coffee bars, coffee roasters and a microbrewery. They grow delicious products such as oyster mushrooms, shiitake and micro vegetables on it.

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Against Street litter

Street litter, needless waste and people’s attitudes towards sustainability is of worldwide concern. Hubbub’s Ballot Bins have an impressive track record for international engagement. No fewer than 38 countries across the world have invested in the product and Hubbub have now sold more than 3,000 units. With all profits going back to the charity, the Ballot Bin has become a powerful example of nudge theory in the action.


Beach hotel Westduin

Strandhotel Westduin has been looking for a good starting point for reducing and improving separate waste flows. Green waste (including vegetables, fruit, swill, coffee grounds) is a significant waste stream within the hotel. The issue is how they can make it circular.


Campingpark Onsbuiten

A company that wants to contribute to its environment in the broadest sense of the word, without a negative footprint.

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Circular and social economy within the Dunkirk tourist office

Since September 2020, the Dunkirk Dunes de Flandre tourist office and convention center works with actors of the social economy to manufacture equipment, furniture and lunch boxes from recycled pallets.

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Cleaning up the planet in 2 minutes

With engaging campaigns, and creative on the ground initiatives the 2 Minute Foundation is dedicated to cleaning up the planet 2 minutes at a time.

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Coffee recycling

Bio-bean is the world’s largest recycler of coffee grounds. They take spent grounds from businesses large and small across the UK and transform them into sustainable bio-products at an industrial scale, giving new life to a material previously considered waste, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to the circular economy.

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Countering food waste

Instock is a company which manufactures beer and granola, has a restaurant and supplies catering establishments with food products. One third of the food in our world is wasted and Instock wants to do something about that. The organization takes on this challenge quite literally by using products that would otherwise remain unsold and by create awareness of the issue.

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From plant to plate

The restaurant is in a greenhouse and gets the products from there. They work locally with local farmers and use there products directly form the gardens an from the land fresh in the restaurant. From plant to plate!


Holiday park Grevelingenpolder

More than 12 tons of garden waste will soon be converted to high-quality compost which serves as food for the soil.

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Monitoring and controling quantities and types of waste

Martin's Hotels keeps the disposal invoices for all its operations, whether they are located in Flanders or in other regions.

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Plastic-free room

At Boutique hotel Lytel Blue you can book a plastic-free hotel room.

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Plastic-free waters

Plastic Whale is a social enterprise with a mission - they want plastic-free waters. Worldwide. They achieve this by showing others that economic value can be created from plastic waste, involving as many people and businesses as possible within the pillars. Their slogan: We Collect, We Create, We Educate.

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Recycling used frying fats and oils

Quatra is specialized in collecting frying oil and recycling it into a raw material for the production of second-generation biodiesel. Nothing is wasted: 100% optimization


Reduce and recycle waste

Coffee grounds, orange peels, crustaceans and shellfish, and other food residues. Six beach pavilions in Schouwen-Duiveland have 75,000 kg of this waste annually.

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Reduce food waste

Too Good To Go connects users with merchants who are stuck with unsold products at the end of the day, allowing users to enjoy those products instead of throwing them away. Users get delicious products at democratic prices, companies see their customer base grow and the planet wins too - a win-win-win situation.

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Separate waste collection

Glass, paper and household waste are collected separately at camping Kreekebos.


Tents from recycled denim

Blue LOOP Originals, a sustainable clothing brand from the Netherlands, specialises in the design and production of clothing and more recently, of tents, from recycled denim. Worn jeans are given a second life of high quality at Blue Loop Originals. Since the summer of 2016 you can camp in a two-person tent made of 50% reused jeans.

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The MEL Makers crowdfunding scheme - Happy Drêche project

The MEL Makers call for projects launched by the city of Lille (in French: Métropole Européenne de Lille – MEL) organises crowdfunding campaigns for projects with circular economy and social innovation purposes. The Happy Drêche project is a good example, as it recovers a by-product from the brewing industry.