
Making our HZ canteens more sustainable

The HZ canteen in Vlissingen had a Green Key award since 2015. Recently, in January 2022, the HZ canteen in Middelburg also received an award. Want to know which sustainability measures the HZ canteens are taking? Read: Short Overview Sustainability Measures HZ canteen
Want to contribute to helping our canteens become even more sustainable, for example by bringing more local and seasonal foods? Let us know by contacting us at

Food map of local growers and farmers

Want to eat organic but struggling with your monthly budget?

The HZ Green Office has created a map with local growers around Middelburg and Vlissingen. At these farms you can buy affordable organic food: Map of Local Farmers at Walcheren.

With our activities on sustainable food we are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

2sdg.jpg 2. Zero Hunger-End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

3sdg.jpg 3. Good Health and Well-being -Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

12sdg.jpg12. Responsible Consumption and Production-Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

17.jpg17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Food Magazine

Honours Programme student Sarah, is setting up a sustainable food magazine in collaboration with the Green Office, :

Honours Programme project.png

" Hello everyone! I am Sarah van Hulten and I am in my fourth year of Water Management study. When I was in my second year, I've decided to participate in the Honours Programme of HZ University of Applied Sciences. During the Honours Programme, you (or your group) set up a project with a sustainable development goal (SDG) in mind. The SDG that really caught my interest was goal number 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”, specifically focused on food.

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That is where I started my journey and explored what exactly is needed in order for a food system to become sustainable. I went to Denmark and Sweden to interview some experts in this field. I also interviewed some experts in the Netherlands. I am currently setting up a sustainable food magazine, in collaboration with the HZ Green Office. This magazine is full of interviews, tips & tricks, and what the HZ is already doing in terms of promoting healthy and sustainable food.

Hope you are excited to read our magazine! "




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