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20 pagina’s gebruiken deze eigenschap.
Emeritus Prof. dr. Aad Smaal is lector Aquaculture in Delta Areas. His research focuses on the role of shellfish in the ecosystem and the many functions they perform. This not only concerns cultivation and harvesting, but also the role in water and nature management. In addition, oysters are considered as bio-builders for coastal defense. After studying biology at Free University Amsterdam, Aad joined TNO in Delft. In 1980 he transferred to the environment department of the Delta Department of Rijkswaterstaat in Middelburg. In 1997 he defended his dissertation at the University of Groningen and took up the position of head of the Aquaculture department at RIVO in Yerseke. In 2007 he was appointed as special professor of sustainable shellfish culture at Wageningen University. Until 2017 he worked as a senior researcher at Wageningen Marine Research in Yerseke. In addition to his work as a researcher, Aad has served on the board of directors of the European Aquaculture Society and received the honored life member award from the National Shellfish Association of the USA in 2017. In addition, he has been a member of the Advisory Council of the Delta Academy of the Hogeschool Zeeland and is currently board member of the Zilte Academy Zeeland.  +
Ageeth van Maldegem teaches Value-Oriented Innovation at HZ. She completed her Masters in Marketing at Maastricht University and has been actively involved in the marketing aspects of new products and services for twenty years. Since 2007 she has been affiliated with the Academy of Economics and Management of the HZ University of Applied Sciences. She obtained her PhD from Cranfield University with research into how SME organizations can improve customer insight and thus increase their innovation success. She still works with experts from the university in England.  +
I am doing research to provide technical input for the Semantic Wiki, storage of Semantic data, and projects like Scithos and I Know How. Main contributions in the last years have been in the field of the overall technical design of the Projectenportfolio, the analysis of tourist-data for Scithos, the semantic search engine, and the design of a game for IKnow How, and the connection of this game to the Learned Lessons stored in the semantic wiki.  +
After studying environmental sciences (Van Hall Instituut, Groningen), Carlien started working at the RIKZ (National Institute for Coastal and Marine Affairs) in Middelburg. There, she participated in a study on eutrophication of the North Sea. After a few years, she went to work for DGW (the Government Service for Sustainable Rural Development) in Goes, where she dealt with environmental issues within land consolidation programmes. While working at this service, she realised that she wanted to be more involved in education, especially in the field of nature and environmental education. In 1997, she started working at the AET (Aquatic Ecotechnology) study programme at the HZ and has trained herself further in working with students and teaching. From 2004 she started teaching nature, science and technology at the Pabo of the HZ. In 2014 she obtained her Master's degree in Learning and Innovation, where she did her graduation research on possibilities for Nature & Tecnics within Outdoor Education. Besides involvement in the development and use of green play and learning environments, the focus within the HZ is more and more on coordinating and coaching interdisciplinary work and action research. The minor Becoming Fit for the Future is an example of this.  +
Daniek is committed to future-proof destinations, where all the beauty can be experienced by visitors and where tourism makes the largest possible positive contribution to the living and working environment for residents. The Knowledge Center contributes to this with the knowledge we develop. The combination of the Zeeland context and the national (CELTH) is a plus. Daniek is good at analyzing, eager to learn and finds it a challenge to delve into complex issues. She is positive-critical and always tries to improve the research. It has to fit well with the information needs of policy makers and the sector. Her integral view helps to make connections with other themes and domains that touch on tourism. Daniek's expertise lies mainly in visitor experience, social impact of tourism, vacation parks, spatial planning and cultural heritage.  +
Student International Business  +
Lector Frank Huijben  +
Frank Peeters is a commercial engineer by training and has been affiliated with the HZ University of Applied Sciences since 2003. He teaches Information Literacy to international business students and supervises minor students in various research assignments. He also participates as a researcher in the Interreg project on Circular Bio-based Construction Industries. Frank has a great affinity with digital technologies, a sharp eye for detail and a drive to get things done.  +
Gabriëlle trains students, teachers and the professional field in the system approach for finding broadly supported solutions for complex, socially relevant challenges. To this end, she coaches (future) professionals in having constructive discussions, developing an inquisitive and reflective attitude, and in system thinking. In this way, Gabriëlle promotes a process of Lifelong Learning and the formation of Coalitions of the Willing that jointly seek the desired improvements. She is currently developing rich learning-working environments, such as practical research programmes and living labs, in order to develop the aforementioned competences. Gabriëlle has worked at HZ University Of Applied Sciences since 2013. Previously she worked at the think tank Centre of Sustainable Consumption and Production in Germany and studied Environmental Sciences and Biological Production Sciences in Wageningen.  +
‘How to make progress among people who hold different worldviews.’ My motivation is an idealistic one. How can we make the world a little better together? As the Expertise and Valorisation Management professor I am dealing with this question almost daily: how can we use each other’s expertise in such a way that we do the right things together? I work in a broad field of topics, environmental management, energy transition, mobility, but equally so for issues in the field of dementia or cancer. Students are introduced to the scientific ‘system thinking’ approach. Three competencies are important here, namely conceptual thinking, critical reflection and connecting. With these competencies you can become the ‘facilitator of change’ we aim for. We work on this together, based on content and with exercises. We learn to question each other: what is your goal and what are your assumptions? In this way we discover that people have different worldviews, assumptions and beliefs. What steps can you ultimately take that are arguably desirable and culturally feasible? The theory we use for this is the social theory of a sustainable society. I graduated in 1987 as a computer scientist at TU Delft and obtained my PhD at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1995. In addition to my work at research universities and at HZ, I gained experience as a software engineer and consultant in the business world.  +
Irene has a background in interdisciplinary social and health sciences and is in the process of completing her PhD at the Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC. Since April 2021, she works as a researcher on the 'I Know How' project of the research group EVM. In this project, an interactive digital tool is developed for and by employees with cancer and their employers to strengthen the control over the reintegration process. The tool will be evaluated in the coming years. Irene is looking for connections between science, policy and practice. By working closely with the target group, innovative research questions are raised. In this way, scientific knowledge does not remain a report, but contributes to finding innovative solutions that actually make a difference in practice.  +
My name is Jan, I am an ex Water Management student and I come from Sweden and originally Germany. I chose to join the Green Office for my 3rd year internship in 2020 as they were working on solutions to the systematic issues of the waste management system at HZ. As in, I didn't know what bin to throw the coffee cups in. I blame my Economics teacher from high school (Jason Welker) for my interest in sustainability! I don't remember if it was said, but already then did it dawn on me that "sustainable development" is an oxymoron. Also, being raised by nature-loving parents probably influenced me to care about the planet... a lot!  +
Janneke is coordinator of Knowledge Center for Coastal Tourism. Planning, organizing, overview and unburdening. These are Janneke's tasks at the knowledge center. She supports her colleagues in various projects: from the organization of an event to the planning of a meeting and from the preparation of a visitation to project planning. One of her passions is traveling, especially in Europe, especially Scandinavia, Scotland and the Alps.  +
Asset management professional with 25+ years of experience in the oil, gas and chemical industry. Ambition to bring asset management to the next maturity and excellence level by increasing quality of asset management information and extracting value from integrated data analytics. Lecturer on asset management and material science courses for HZ University of Applied Sciences and the study programs Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering and Maritime Officer. Experienced auditor of asset and safety management systems in support of best-in-class performance evaluations. IRCA certified auditor on Quality Management Systems. Qualified lecturer and coach for both industry professionals and university graduates.  +
Jethro Waanders works as an application manager for the wiki environments (Projectenportfolio & for expertise management and for the maintenance and expansion of the wiki software. Jethro has over 25 years of experience as a software developer and has worked on a large number of projects for ICT companies as well as for various authorities in Zeeland.  +
Lizet van Elzakker has been working as office manager since March 2021. After obtaining her master's degree in Social History from Erasmus University, she held various support positions in secondary and higher education. Within HZ Nexus, Lizet supports the account managers in their preparations for large projects. She is responsible for communication and she supervises the interns.  +
Lotte Niemeijer graduated with an MSc in Marine Sciences in 2019 and started working as a research assistant at Wageningen Marine Research in Yerseke. She joined the Aquaculture in Delta Areas Research Group in 2021. Here she primarily focuses on projects related to the optimization of near-shore shellfish and seaweed cultivation techniques. Working within the research group involves collaborating with local farmers and guiding students with their research projects. Which are two aspects that make working at HZ University of Applied Sciences both exciting and gratifying.  +
Mariska Polderman-Karreman is responsible for project management and communication for current projects within the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre. She is also involved in the minor 'Innovation in SME'. As project leader of the European project FACET, she is responsible for the overall project management. Her characteristics are good planning and organisation, commitment, result-oriented, service-oriented and entrepreneurial. Her expertise lies in the field of project management and communication.  +
Student Pedagogiek  +
Nilab Raufi is studying Business Administration at HZ and is in her fourth year. She is currently doing an internship at the Knowledge Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and is doing research on future-proofing SMEs under the supervision of Frank Peeters, in cooperation with Dockwize. As a professional product for her thesis she will make a future-proof scan for entrepreneurs.  +