Over Living Labs en de opzet er van

Definition and requirements

[ Definition ]

A Living Lab is a concrete user-centered, open-innovation and research setting in which stakeholders with different backgrounds, interests, views and expertise interdisciplinary and through dialogue continuously collaborate and jointly learn (they co-create, or even "co-evolve") to create movement and adaptively find desired and sustainable improvements for complex, social challenges.

[ Requirements of a Living Lab ]

In a Living Lab stakeholders approach the challenge from a systems thinking perspective. They can try to understand what is at stake, they can formulate a shared goal to improve the challenging situation, they can and determine the boundaries of the Living Lab: what is and is not included in it, and why? Stakeholders can reflect critically on the content and process of the challenge itself, the "group learning" process and the individual role. This leads to validated awareness of the challenge.

In a Living Lab stakeholders can jointly and continuously search for widely supported and sustainable improvements, in which the stakeholders take both their joint and individual responsibilities. This leads to trust and connection.

Principles of working and learning in Living Labs

  • Er is een programma van maatschappelijke uitdagingen (bijv. een onderzoeksprogramma)
    1. waaraan in living labs wordt gewerkt,
    2. waarin de verschillende betrokkenen een gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid en doel hebben, en
    3. waarin de betrokkenen hun eigen, specifieke rol spelen en aandeel hebben. Zo ook studenten - zij zijn immers onze aanstaande collega’s. Dit kan in een vorm van leermeester-gezel. Dit betekent dus dat er geen sprake meer is van de constructie opdrachtgever-opdrachtnemer.
  • Er is een continu proces gaande van gezamenlijk leven lang leren & opzoek gaan en werken aan duurzame verbeteringen en handelingsperspectieven voor de maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Opgedane inzichten worden toegevoegd aan een BoKS.
  • Bekwaamheid hierin kan worden aangetoond (bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van een diploma) aan de hand van behaalde, geselecteerde competenties.
Figuur 1: Het proces van het begeleiden van maatschappelijk wenselijke veranderingen.

Describing Living Labs for minor or master students


  • Title: xxx
  • Goal of the project: xxx
  • Short description about the project (max. 10 sentences): xxx
  • Professorships and/or organizations involved: xxx

What's in it for minor participants?

  • Activities and design of the minor project: xxx
  • Results to be developed: xxx
  • Which skills / competences / learning goals can be developed in this project: xxx
  • For which expertise / interest fields or study programs is this project suitable?: xxx
  • Knowledge and skills desired or required: xxx
  • How you will be supervised: A coach and the work field (organizations, professorships, etc.) will coach you and collaborate with you to developing the results and your professional skills required for this project.

Practical information

  • Start (date or semester) and duration of the project: xxx
  • Amount of participants: xxx
  • Language: xxx
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Minimum grade: 5.5 (out of 10)
  • Sign up: HZ students: go to MyHZ > Minor choice / Minorkeuze (widget). External students: go to Kies op Maat >  select the minor of your choice.
  • Registration deadline: xxx
  • Contact: xxx

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Criteria (based on MRDD)

  • Assignments at master level
  • Linked with transitions / change processes
  • Willingness by partners for student participation / interventions
  • Assignments which match with project deliverables
  • Preferably long term projects
  • Relevant data in English
  • Transferability with other deltas

Further reading

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