Voortgang onderzoek door student Han Cao. My objective for this research is to find the best operational settings for the denitrification process such as dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration; carbon source concentration; and hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the constructed wetland. The wetland is divide into three zones; and we can control the DO concentration for each zone; currently; we need nitrification first that nitrify ammonium to nitrate; this has to under aerobic condition. Then we have denitrification process; the nitrogen will be removed from the water. So we set the first zone as an aerobic zone; the DO concentration is around 2.5 mg-L. The second zone will be an anaerobic zone for denitrification; there is a carbon dosing system at the beginning of this zone to provide a carbon source for denitrification; by setting different carbon dosing concentration to find the best carbon and nitrogen (C-N) ratio. The last zone will be an aerobic zone again in order to biodegrade the organic carbon. Besides; on the site; I daily check the wetland situation; monitor the influent and effluent parameter. I also take grab samples to double-check with the online sensors.