Decision Support System

The uncertainty of climate change is a major challenge for flood managers to make robust decisions about flood management options in the North Sea Region countries. In addition, the governance settings of each country adds to the complexity of  joint decision making for climate change adaptation to increase flood resilience. A so-called decision support system, or DSS, can assist authorities to identify the best options to increase flood resilience in their region.

The DSS developed by the FRAMES consortium is an integrated framework to support authorities during their decision-making process concerning more diversified and balanced strategies for flood risk management in their region. The DSS was developed with a diverse target group in mind: higher education and research centers, infrastructure and (public) service providers, interest groups (NGOs), international organizations and National/Regional/Local public authorities.

The DSS has been jointly developed by the FRAMES consortium as a learning evaluation of the pilot activities; the experiences from all pilots have been integrated in the framework and local and regional contexts, climate, socio-economic, and hydraulic drivers were considered. 

In this DSS, we link the knowledge gained from the 16 pilot projects to the layers of the MLS approach. By clicking on the boxes in the figure, you can find out what kind of actions are linked to that specific layers, what the lessons learnt for that layer are, and what kind of capacities are needed to implement the action. A list of tools used to implement the selected action is included as well.

Note that these are actions, links and insights are the outcome of the projects of the specific regions selected for FRAMES. Using this DSS for other regions will provide more insight into the possibilities and linkages of the MLS approach, but the exact recipe for successfully implementing MLS measures in other regions requires additional information about the governance context, the current flood risk management strategies, current and future flood scenarios and socio-economic development.

Please note that the FRAMES team is currently working on the Decision Support System. Our DSS will be finalized in the coming weeks and fully available on May 1st, 2020.
LC 00262 LC 00275 LC 00239 LC 00332 LC 00329 LC 00291 LC 00363 LC 00363 LC 00363 LC 00363 LC 00292 LC 00289 LC 00330 LC 0030320200408 Frames DSS final kleur
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