Question 9-

9 What are potential barriers and success factors in the implementation of MLS actions and how can these be dealt with considering up-scaling of pilot results?
  • Interviews will reveal lessons learnt
  • Analyse the internal/external success factors and barriers in the implementation of pilots and up-scaling; see table 5 below.

Table 5: conditions for successful pilots and conditions for uptake (Van Buuren et al., 2018).

Element Conditions for successful pilots Conditions for uptake
Position of the pilot At a distance from home bases (freedom to explore novel ideas) Stay connected: conscious strategy to create normative congruence
Resource distribution Additional resources for the pilot to enable creativity and exploration Solutions fit within the existing system of resource-distribution and contribute to organizational aims of efficiency and risk reduction
Participants Coaling of (willing) boundary spanners Representativeness of involved actors from all relevant disciplines and stakes of the future implementation arena
Process design Learning environment, tailor-made collaborative process design Results ready for mainstreaming and broader embedding. Focus on where the results have to land.
Project design Limited scale to reduce risks and (financial) impacts, high quality (shared) monitoring and analysis Sufficient system understanding; outcomes considered representative and of high quality


Hier wordt aan gewerkt of naar verwezen door: Layer 3- Preparedness and response