Project outcomes and beyond
Specific outcomes
- The main outcome is the evidence based of NFM interventions in the Lustrum Beck catchment. For example, the increase of wet areas in the catchment is an excellent achievement: our target of 30 hectares will be surpassed with two additional hectares.
- Awareness raising and understanding of local communities as well as capacity building has been major output as well.
- Farmers will receive a report on with a business model of their farm and on what they can do to improve in terms of water management.
Other outcomes
Another big outcome is that trust can be a driver of change/ to engage with local communities. It is absolutely necessary to promote conversations between stakeholders when you go on this long journey together. You can only do this when there is trust between all parties and this is brought about through delivery of successful delivery of measures and communication.
The next step is to influence planning policies or new development plans and make sure these plans include NFM measures . We have a Tees Catchment Partnership that provides a platform for some of these strategic conversations. The Catchment Partnership is aligned with the Tees Nature Partnership and together have quite a powerful strategic influence. Seven local authorities planners, EA, Natural England, private housing developers, and farming are represented on the partnerships as well as water industry and other private industries. By having these joint conversations and using FRAMES as an example of what can be achieved through a multi layered approach, we now have a pilot of how we can make these changes happen.