Implementation process

Point of departure of FRM strategies

Bestand:Web Reimerswaal.jpg
Desired score to reach per layer in the pilot (Baseline monitor, 2017)

Baseline monitor, 2017

Stakeholders involved

·        Province of Zeeland

·        Rijkswaterstaat

·        Waterboard Scheldestromen

·        Municipality of Reimerswaal

·        Veiligheidsregio Zeeland

·        HZ University of Applied Sciences

·        Owners critical infrastructure (gas, water, railway-Prorail, highway, electricity-Enduris, communication)

Role of key actors

The Ministry of Environment and Waterboard are responsible of L1. The Safety region has evacuation plans (L3), there was never a strong focus on evacuation or spatial measures. Within this pilot,  L3 is responsibility of the Rijskwaterstaat (to protect the highway) and the Prorail (protect the railway). The Province is more responsible of L2 when possible Interview with pilot manager (Anonymous, 6 januari 2019)).

Main activities

The main activities/steps carried out towards improved FRM strategies, the tools applied and the actors involved are the followings:

  1. Get acknowledged with the area (description of the area, stakeholders analysis). The Province contacted all vital infrastructure owners to discuss the problems and the possible solutions. Once the problem was clear, the rest of stakeholders were involved (vital infrastructure owners, Regional Government, knowledge institutes, Reimerswaal municipality, Safety Region, water board and ministry of infrastructure). It was hard to get involved stakeholders from private companies, such as Prorail. Vital infrastructure owners and the Safety Region are the most important actors of the project. The actors were met individually, in small groups at a round table discussion, or large groups in workshops. Meetings combined with other projects (such as HZ RAAK project).
  2. Get the geodata of the electricity grid assets. The Province of Zeeland contacted (via phone, emails, meetings) the vital infrastructure owners to discuss about the flood risks and reach an agreement to keep this data confidential providing only a code number.
  3. Vulnerability analysis. The vulnerability analysis of adaptive critical infrastructure (roads, rail, electricity) and the cascading effects use done by Witteveen + Bos (on behalf of Province Zeeland) in collaboration with the HZ RAAK project. They did flood simulations of 30 asset points using GIS models and the location of vital infrastructure. Vitale Assets tool (HZ) was applied to analyse impact of flood scenarios on critical infrastructure and the Circle tool (Deltares) to identify the cascade-effects.
  4. Proposed spatial measures (to be completed based on report). Witteveen + Bos and Ecorys are conducting a cost-benefit analysis of potential spatial measures. The costs of the spatial measures proposed for L2 (build an inner dyke to prevent highway and railway from flooding) may be more expensive (about 45 million $) than measures in L1. Moreover, they may require long time implementation.
