Vegetated shoreline erosion experiments

A research project on a tidal turbine in the Grevelingen Dam is currently going on. One of the aspects to be investigated are the effects on the hydrodynamics in lake Grevelingen. A larger tidal regime is likely to generate stronger tidal currents, while a smaller tidal regime will dampen the tidal currents. Tidal currents combined with wind-generated waves determine the hydrodynamic forces on the coastal profile. Erosion of the coastal profile is the result if the stabilizing forces (e.g. the type of soil and the presence and type of vegetation) are weaker than the destabilizing hydrodynamic forces 

The goal of the project is to conduct research on the erosion of vegetated coastal profiles in lake Grevelingen. Field work will be conducted to collect representative samples with different combinations of soil types and vegetation (cover). Then, these samples will undergo standardized erosion tests in a stream lab at NIOZ. The results will be analyzed and reported 

The lab experiments will be conducted at NIOZ in Yerseke. Data analysis and reporting may take place at HZ UAS but can also take place at NIOZ.

Research type: field work, lab experiments and  desk analysis

Research level: graduation bachelor thesis project or internship

Prerequisite: knowledge on coastal processes, hydrodynamics, sediment transport and basic ecology. Eager to combine fieldwork with lab experiments and some data analysis.

Partners: NIOZ

To conduct research on erosion of coasts with varying degrees of vegetation cover and vegetation types.

september 1, 2019
februari 1, 2020



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Paul VaderProject leader


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