Alblasserwaard (NL)


Flood risk management strategies in the Netherlands focuses on flood prevention and less on the other layers of MLS. The responsibility for the different layers lies with different governments. Everyone takes their responsibility, but do we not miss opportunities by connecting the layers?

oktober 1, 2016
juli 31, 2020
Country: The Netherlands
Coordinate 51° 52' 24", 4° 48' 3"
Pilot manager authority: Province of Zuid Holland
  • A literature study will be carried out to create a shared view on MLS. This will also pinpoint any knowledge gaps in the different layers of MLS.
  • By combining evacuation (layer 3) with spatial development (layer 2), emergency management can be improved.
  • How can citizens / volunteer organizations play a role in emergency response?
Flood risk: Riverine.

The Alblasserwaard-Vijfheerenlanden tilts from east to west and lies two meters below sea level. During flood event, water levels can rise 4 meters above elevation level.

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