Thesis research Izhar van Eenennaam - approach


Plan and Design


Target Response

The target response for testing the toolkit in both villages was set at at least three key figures per community. This target was easily reached within the community of Rilland, but this was more difficult for the community of Yerseke. Only one of the targeted key figures was willing to participate. Reasons for not participating in the interview were not having or wanting to invest the required time, or the respondent did not felt acquainted with the presented subjects (see p.31  and p.36 for more detail).

To tackle these problems it could be possible to make sure that the agenda of the stakeholders/participants is linked to agenda of the research. By doing this the willingness to invest time in the interview is likely to increase. Another option to spark the attention of the participants is to select a more recent/actual topic. This could again possible increase the willingness to invest time.
