Zeeuws Klimaatfonds


Project description

Zeeuws Klimaatfonds is an organization that subsidizes sustainable projects. Frictions are experienced by the ZKF, its partners and the people of Zeeland. They experience frictions that consist of a communication deficit between ZKF and its partners and a lack of brand awareness amongst the public in Zeeland. There is a need to streamline communication with partners and to gather more visibility in Zeeland but the time and resources ZKF has available are limited.


The suggestions are to send out surveys or yearly emails to receive feedback from clients if they are happy with ZKF, to create a ZKF partnership sticker/certificate, make publications of work that is being done by ZKF on newspapers, websites of municipalities or local radio stations, and use LinkedIn -can connect with many people and can upload posts of achievements in a professional online environment and also use Facebook for the same purpose but for the broader public.


Zeeuws Klimaatfonds



  • ZKF, ZKF, 19 maart 2025.