PFAS awareness

Project description

The MVI Platform is dedicated to making sustainability integral to procurement strategies. The platform empowers buyers to navigate the complexities of sustainability in their purchasing decisions. However, there are some frictions which can best be explained as PFAS is becoming more and more common everywhere and there are almost no actions taken to reduce its usage. There is a need to create awareness in Zeeland to make people stop with the consumption of products containing PFAS.


Outcomes of the research showed that firstly two campaigns can be created (online and offline) to show extra information about PFAS and a list with PFAS free products. Also, a PFAS free logo could be created to use on products. The goal then is that with these proposals it will lead to regional regeneration because there is going to be a lot of awareness of the bad impact of using PFAS. People will stop consuming non-PFAS Free products. The usage of PFAS will decrease and with that the region will become more sustainable and environment friendly.


PFAS Awareness

Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Inkopen - Inkoop SDG meetbaar & zichtbaar