Inleidende tekst. Eventueel lay out van projecten zoals bij KCKT voor publicaties
Ook overview van AR track projecten
organization wordt client. namen weg.
marjoleijn heeft overzicht van sommige projecten aan welke SDG het is gekoppeld .Dit kunnen we er ook verwerken
Overview of Design Thinking Projects
Year | Project name | Client | SDG's |
2024/2025 s2 | Energy savings at SME's | Impuls Zeeland | 7. Affordable and Clean Energy |
2024/2025 s2 | Greening initiatives | Municipality Middelburg | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2024/2025 s2 | Kenniswerf Vlissingen | Municipality Vlissingen | 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure |
2024/2025 s2 | Marine Protein Transitions | HZ Kenniscentrum Ondernemen en Innoveren | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2024/2025 s1 | Awareness and engagement Zeeuwse Wensambulance | Zeeuwse wensambulance | 3. Good Health and Well-being |
2024/2025 s1 | Visitor analysis FBTS | Film By The Sea | 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth |
2024/2025 s1 | Bycicle congestion Renesse | Ondernemers vereniging Renesse | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2024/2025 s1 | Future Voedselbank | Voedselbank Walcheren | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2024/2025 S1 | Impact Lab | HZ Studio | 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure |
2023/2024 s2 | Emission reduction | SSV Stichting strand Exploitatie Veere | 7. Affordable and Clean Energy |
2023/2024 S2 | Experience Westerschelde Ferry | Westerschelde Ferry | 9. Innovation and Infrastructure |
2023/2024 s2 | Future Pennywafelhuis Middelburg | Pennywafelhuis Middelburg | 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities |
2023/2024 s2 | Sustainable construction | HZ Biobased Building | 9. Innovation and Infrastructure |
2023/2024 s2 | Persona's FBI program | HZ Food Business & Innovation | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2023/2024 S2 | PFAS awareness | MVI platform | 14. Life below water |
2023/2024 S2 | Smart mobility | Provincie Zeeland | 9. Innovation and Infrastructure |
2023/2024 S2 | Schaatshal Goes | ondernemer Adriaan Provoost | 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities |
2023/2024 S2 | Mobility makers | HZ Healthy region | 9. Innovation and Infrastructure |
2023/2024 S2 | EEF monitor | EEF festival | 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities |
2023/2024 S1 | Impact & visibility | ZKF | 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure |
2023/2024 S1 | Circulair accommodations | Camping de Paardenkreek | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2023/2024 S1 | Volunteers | Groene Strand | 15. Life on Land |
2023/2024 S1 | Storage Hub | VOM Vereniging ondernemers Middelburg | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2023/2024 S1 | Helder water/clear water | Gemeente Goes | 6. Clean Water and Sanitation |
2022/2023 s2 | Storytelling & guest experiencee | Mini camping Boogaard | 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities |
2022/2023 s2 | Storytelling | CBK Zeeland | 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities |
2022/2023 s2 | Space utilization | Da Vinci cinema Goes | 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2022/2023 s2 | Community building for eldery through an app | Fylm | 3. Good health and well-being |
2022/2023 s2 | Attracting potential volunteers | Surf & Durf | 10. reduced Inequalities |
2022/2023 s2 | Veerse Meer devlopment | provincie Zeeland | 15. Life on Land |
2022/2023 s2 | Future Yacht Marina harbour | Vvwschelde | 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure |
2022/2023 s2 | Sustainable practices at Campsite Weltevreden | Z-Grid | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2022/2023 s2 | Quality of life | IederMooi | 3.Good Health and Well-being |
2022/2023 S1 | demographics | Klok'uus | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2022/2023 S1 | Sweet patatoes | Delphy | 15. Life on Land |
2022/2023 S1 | City marketing | Gemeente Vlissingen | 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities |
2022/2023 S1 | Giving nature back | het Groene Strand | 15. Life on Land |
2022/2023 S1 | Experience vs sustainability | Polar Cruise/ Ocean Wide | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2022/2023 S1 | Attracting young people | Yerseke Tourist Info | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2022/2023 S1 | Schaatshal | Schaatshal | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2022/2023 S1 | Electric mobility | Scoot-E | 7. Affordable and Clean Energy |
2022/2023 s1 | 3d food printing | Gastronomy | 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure |
2022/2023 S1 | entrepreneurial promotion Sluis | Kennis Centrum Kust Toerisme | 17. partnerships for the goals |
2021/2022 S2 | Rental of a berth | Delta Marina | 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities |
2021/2022 S2 | Attracting customers | Fort Rammekens | 17. Partnerships for the goals |
2021/2022 S2 | Vitality Improvement | Goes Bruist/ Skills Control | 3. Good Health and Well-being |
2021/2022 S2 | Integrating sustainablility | Stelleplas/ Villa Viva | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production |
2021/2022 S2 | Sunscreen Pole | Sundo | 3. Good health and well-being |
2021/2022 S2 | Customer journey | Westerschelde Ferry | 11. Innovation and Infrastructure |
2021/2022 S2 | Giving back to nature | Groene Strand | 15. Life on Land |
2021/2022 S2 | Health | Health event YES | 3. Good Health and Well-being |
2021/2022 S2 | Seaweed wellness | ZJI Wellness | 3. Good Health and Well-being |
2021/2022 S2 | Selling upcycled glass, paper & plastic | Chako Zanzibar |
2021/2022 S2 | Loyalty program | Delta Energy | 7. Affordable and Clean Energy |
2021/2022 S2 | Healthy and Local food | Boer en Zorg | 3. Good health and well-being |
Overview of Applied Research Track 2024/2025 S2
Thema | Project | Onderzoeksgroep/lectorat | Expert coach | Opleiding/Programme |
HZensor boat | Boat from DTIW that takes recordings and
measurements on waters in the region. |
HZensor | Willem Haak | Engineering |
Bio-based building | Improving the Water Resistance of Cob Using Chitosan and Alginate | Bio-based building | Marianna Coelho | Civil Engineering |
Overview of Applied Research Track 2024/2025 S1
Thema | Project | Onderzoeksgroep/lectoraat | Expert coach | Opleiding/Programme |
Circulair economy | Willow Braches as biobased building material | Green office | Ingrid de Vries | Maritiem officier |
Circulair economy | Improving Biodiversity in the HZ garden | Green office | Ingrid de Vries | Water Management |
Biobased building | The effects of salt in Zeeland clay and cob | Biobased construction | Marianna Coelho | Civil Engineering |
HZensor boat | Installing a steering and propulsion system | HZensor | Willem Haak | ICT |
Water technology | Water balance for aquaponics in Vietnam | Resilient Delta’s | Jasper v/d Heuvel | Exchange student Hochschule Bremen. Environmental studies |
Climate Adaption | Cooling Neighbourhoods | Resilient Delta’s | Jasper v/d Heuvel en Jean-Marie Buijs | Externe student Buas, Build Environment & water management |