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20 pagina’s gebruiken deze eigenschap.
In this pilot we demonstrate Circular Solutions for the management and valorization of shellfish waste in the tourism sector in Baie de Somme.  +
Many elderly people suffer from loneliness. Ostend and Westtoer identified two target groups that are particularly affected by this and where they are looking for new solutions: people aged 7079 and people with second residencies in the area. The partners will look at how to find new methods to engage with the elderly (and elderly among each other), using especially improved communication tools and offering targeted leisure offers.  +
Visitors generate large volume of mixed packaging waste and often don't place waste in correct bins to allow recycling. We will work with entrepreneurs and visitors to increase circular economy using four processes concurrently for a maximum impact.  +
Oostkapelle is a village in motion.  +
Dorp Cadzand (village) en Bad Cadzand (beach part) are about 2 km apart. The localpopulation lives mostly in the village part while second home owners and tourists stay mainly in the 'Bad' area. The idea is to better combine both areas, finding sustainable solutions that keep the elderly active and increase vitality, also tackling the problem of loneliness by looking at network solutions. Similar situations exist in several European coastal villages, hence the interest to develop this pilot.  +
Camping en villa park the Paardekreek aims at showcasing the next generation of tourism accommodation that will be as locally sourced and circular as possible, while showing adaptability to upcoming needs and resilience to climate change.  +
A needs assessment in Oostende showed that at the age of 80 people reach a turning point in terms of mobility. Despite various mobility offers, there are no targeted actions for people aged 60 - 80 looking at prevention, nor specific interventions for people aged 80+. Oostende aims to change this, while Westtoer will integrate a communication dimension: a new mobility concept will be set up that increases social participation in city life through better communication and mobility offers.  +
In this pilot we demonstrate the viability of circular economy tourist accommodation by co-creating a demo bioCircular accommodation with stakeholders. The focus in this pilot is to look both at techniques using waste material as well as working with parts that could be used in new accommodation or been giving another “afterlife”.  +
AFEJI looks at developing two complementary concepts to maintain the mobility of the elderly. For the summer season, the emphasis will be on an outdoor (trail) concept for elderly residents and visitors in the region while exploring possible links with local businesses. For the winter season, underused local facilities may be used for a soft gym concept. Both concepts will also have an emphasis on the involvement of caregivers.  +
Food is an essential element to contribute to the wellbeing of the elderly. One way of improving meals on wheels services by involving local restaurants into the concept has already been tried in Norfolk. Zeeland will look at trying to improve the quality of food consumed while at the same time providing local businesses with new opportunities, to also help to overcome the strong seasonal variations that restaurants have to grapple with and using the regional strategy for Zeeland as food region.  +
This pilot is addressing particular health issues within the wellbeing theme. People suffering from dementia are a particular target group with special needs. Taking into account the growing number of people suffering from dementia, Norfolk will look at how people can maintain an active lifestyle and contribute to their wellbeing.  +
AFEJI will look at how animals can be incorporated in a wider care concept for elderly people. So far animals are used in care only in a domestic setting and often only when people are already not able anymore to leave their home or are confined to bed. It may be promising to use animals also in a preventive care concept. Leisure farms that are now mainly targeting children as well as normal farms may thus also extend their commercialand social activities.  +
As in many other seaside resort towns, the development of new products and services in Bath Domburg is predominantly focused on tourists, inhabitants are not sufficiently involved. This pilot looks at how better products and services can be developed both for people living here and having their second home here, also taking advantage of offers that are already in place for tourists. The pilot puts an emphasis on the active involvement of the locals, also to foster the concept of active ownership.  +
De pilot 'Data Sciences Vervoersstromen Zeeland' heeft de mogelijkheden bestudeerd van dataverzameling via mobiele applicaties om daarmee inzicht te krijgen in het verplaatsingsgedrag (en verblijfsgedrag) van mensen in de provincie Zeeland. De partners betrokken bij de pilot zijn Provincie Zeeland, Universiteit van Gent, VVV Zeeland.  +
Veel van de jonge mosselen (mosselzaad) die in de Oosterschelde opgroeien tot Zeeuwse mosselen komen uit de Waddenzee. Om de natuur in de Waddenzee beter te beschermen is er een convenant waarin staat dat de bodemmosselzaadvisserij wordt afgebouwd tot 100 procent sluiting in 2029. Alternatieven voor bodemzaadvisserij, zoals het ophangen van touwen in de waterkolom waarop mossellarven zich kunnen hechten (mzi’s), blijken succesvol. In het convenant is ook een pilot afgesproken waarin gekeken wordt naar de haalbaarheid van mosselkweek in zogenaamde hangcultuur in de Nederlandse kustzone (Voordelta). Dit project gaat hierover. Het project is een eerste noodzakelijke stap naar verdere opschaling van mosselteelt naar locaties op open zee.  +
Binnen Alpha Scholengroep wordt gewerkt met een intern scholingsaanbod. Het aanbod wordt gemaakt op basis van vraag, resultaten en ontwikkelingen binnen en buiten het onderwijsveld. Door de intensivering van de samenwerking binnen Scholen voor de Toekomst is het idee ontstaan om de kracht van de expert van de HZ en de kracht van de experts van Alpha Scholengroep te koppelen in de voorbereiding en uitvoering van drie netwerkbijeenkomsten over spelling voor groep 3 - 5 en voor groep 6 - 8 en drie netwerkbijeenkomsten over lezen in groep 3. Daarnaast zal ook studenten de mogelijkheid geboden worden om te participeren in deze netwerken. In het licht van deze pilot zal, door middel van interviews, ook onderzocht worden welke wensen en mogelijkheden er zijn om de samenwerking tussen po-werkveld en HZ pabo op het gebied van dergelijke netwerken uit te breiden en/of verder te intensiveren.  +
De werkgroep Oostkapelle heeft in Oostkapelle de Halve Maanstraat opgepakt om te kijken hoe de woningen kunnen verduurzaamd. Hiervoor is een werkgroep in het leven geroepen en zij hebben een cursus Warmtecamera beelden gekregen en zijn aan de gang gegaan in de halve maanstraat in Oostkapelle met een warmtecamera. Ze hebben de woningen in kaart gebracht. Dit project was een opstap naar het verduurzamen van heel Oostkapelle  +
In July, the circular dike suites opened at Camping & Villapark de Paardekreek, one of the partners in project FACET.  +
De Knowingo pilot gaat van start! Wil u zich als Zeeuwse ondernemer binnen de recreatieve sector op de valreep nog aanmelden voor de pilot? Laat ons dit via een bericht weten.  +
Pilots FACET  +