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Vandaag met Hans n.a.v. de Workshop 5 de PDCA cyclus en Verantwoordelijkheden besproken. Dit heb ik namelijk tijdens de Workshop 5 gemist omdat ik eerder weg moest. Het is de bedoeling dit te verwerken in de eerdere d.m.v. een Rijk Plaatje gepresenteerde casus.  +
Tijdens het gesprek met Hans hebben we besproken hoe het gaat tot nu toe en wat nog te doen staat.  +
Kort gesprek met Hans gehad. Ik ben weer bij gepraat na mijn afwezigheid door ziek zijn.  +
Vandaag had ik een persoonlijke gesprek met Hans & Petra. Dit om weer even bij te praten, heb ik nog werk te verrichten aan mijn portfolio, hoe staat het met lopend huiswerk en hoe gaan we verder.  +
Naar aanleiding van een Veerback e-mail aan Petra en Hans planden we een digitale afspraak in. Tijdens dit overleg bespraken wij de punten uit mijn e-mail.  +
ZH research  +
Onderzoeker en coördinator Ageeth van Maldegem is gepromoveerd aan de Cranfield University in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Zij heeft onderzocht hoe organisaties in het midden- en kleinbedrijf (MKB) diepgaand klantinzicht creëren en gebruiken in innovatieprojecten. De uitkomsten van het promotieonderzoek komen tot uiting in concrete handleidingen en worden toegepast in opleidingsprogramma’s van de HZ University of Applied Sciences.   +
Documenting the process and results (e.g., papers) of the trajectory leading to the PhD degree.  +
Toeristische recreatieve mobiliteit is tegenwoordig een belangrijk aandachtspunt. Het gebruik van de auto, de drukte onderweg, de verschillende soorten vervoersmiddelen, de deelfiets en -auto, de bewustwording van de CO2 uitstoot etc., het zijn allemaal mobiliteitsonderwerpen die de laatste jaren meer onder de aandacht zijn gekomen. Elke recreant heeft zijn eigen mobiliteitsgedrag. Is dit gedrag ook te veranderen?  +
Norfolk has established that service facilities like swimming pools and gym facilities in hotels along the Norfolk Coast Path receive significantly reduced use outside of the summer season. Over 65s are the most inactive group in Norfolk with 73% doing no sport per week, and 45% classified as ‘inactive’ (0 minutes of physical activity per week). Established latent demand for physical activity in this group. The pilot aims to combine both: increased use of facilities, more physical activity.  +
In this pilot we demonstrate Circular Solutions for the management and valorization of shellfish waste in the tourism sector in Baie de Somme.  +
Many elderly people suffer from loneliness. Ostend and Westtoer identified two target groups that are particularly affected by this and where they are looking for new solutions: people aged 7079 and people with second residencies in the area. The partners will look at how to find new methods to engage with the elderly (and elderly among each other), using especially improved communication tools and offering targeted leisure offers.  +
Visitors generate large volume of mixed packaging waste and often don't place waste in correct bins to allow recycling. We will work with entrepreneurs and visitors to increase circular economy using four processes concurrently for a maximum impact.  +
Oostkapelle is a village in motion.  +
Dorp Cadzand (village) en Bad Cadzand (beach part) are about 2 km apart. The localpopulation lives mostly in the village part while second home owners and tourists stay mainly in the 'Bad' area. The idea is to better combine both areas, finding sustainable solutions that keep the elderly active and increase vitality, also tackling the problem of loneliness by looking at network solutions. Similar situations exist in several European coastal villages, hence the interest to develop this pilot.  +
Camping en villa park the Paardekreek aims at showcasing the next generation of tourism accommodation that will be as locally sourced and circular as possible, while showing adaptability to upcoming needs and resilience to climate change.  +
A needs assessment in Oostende showed that at the age of 80 people reach a turning point in terms of mobility. Despite various mobility offers, there are no targeted actions for people aged 60 - 80 looking at prevention, nor specific interventions for people aged 80+. Oostende aims to change this, while Westtoer will integrate a communication dimension: a new mobility concept will be set up that increases social participation in city life through better communication and mobility offers.  +
In this pilot we demonstrate the viability of circular economy tourist accommodation by co-creating a demo bioCircular accommodation with stakeholders. The focus in this pilot is to look both at techniques using waste material as well as working with parts that could be used in new accommodation or been giving another “afterlife”.  +
AFEJI looks at developing two complementary concepts to maintain the mobility of the elderly. For the summer season, the emphasis will be on an outdoor (trail) concept for elderly residents and visitors in the region while exploring possible links with local businesses. For the winter season, underused local facilities may be used for a soft gym concept. Both concepts will also have an emphasis on the involvement of caregivers.  +