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20 pagina’s gebruiken deze eigenschap.
Leadership program  +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet lorem vel urna venenatis consequat. Fusce vulputate lacinia vestibulum. Vivamus feugiat ultrices nulla  +
In this pilot, the province of Zeeland will assess the impact of floods in flood prone areas where a concentration of infrastructures, such as roads, tunnels and rails, can be found. We aim to develop spatial solutions based on the MLS-approach that will include a flood-proof electricity grid that will mitigate the effects of floods (cost-)effectively.  +
We invite students of the Master River Delta Development to participate in a mindscape evaluation of flood resilient coastal cities. You will have the opportunity to map the interest of a high variety of stakeholders in coastal urban settings and advise how interventions can be designed and implemented for a transition towards flood resilient coastal cities, facing the challenges of sea level rise.  +
Experimenting with ways to color the varnish using environmentally sustainable materials or making more environmentally sustainable floor paints.  +
HZ Green Office is working on making the HZ canteens more sustainable together with the staff. This includes locally-grown seasonal foods, as well as more plant-based and healthy nutritional food options.  +
On Friday (the 23th of April), the HZ Green Office will organize a clean-up in the forest. This is a Corona proof activity outdoors and will help you charge mentally, physically and also spending qualitative time with your friends, in the nature. 📍We will meet at De Kanovijver in Vlissingen at 12:00. The activity is linked to HZ personality (double hours). If you want to join us, sign up via this sheet form Hope to see you there! Vrijdag (23 april) organiseert de HZ Green Office een clean-up in het Nollebos. Dit is een Corona-proof buitenactiviteit, die je zal helpen om mentaal en fysiek op te laden en je kunt gezellig tijd doorbrengen met je vrienden in de natuur. 📍We ontmoeten elkaar om 12.00 uur bij De Kanovijver in Vlissingen. Neem contact met ons op als je het niet kunt vinden. De activiteit is gekoppeld aan HZ-Personality (dubbele uren). Als je met ons mee wilt doen, schrijf je dan in op dit formulier We hopen je daar te zien!  +
Het Centre of Expertise Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality (CELTH) heeft een kennisagenda ‘Bewuste Bestemmingen’ uitgebracht. De komende drie jaar investeert ze anderhalf miljoen euro in deze agenda voor het gastvrijheidsdomein.  +
->Thursday, 19 May: A big, fun, artsy and for everyone accessible(Il) central action in Rotterdam which will take place during the afternoon. Mobilise everyone. Food and Community Program after the action. -> Friday, 20 May: Decentral organised disruptive actions in Rotterdam. Community Program will be present. Saturday and Sunday, 21 and 22 May: Community program in Rotterdam. We rest, we party, we regenerate and we learn. Also, during the weekend, the Solidarity Program will take place (limited spots; this includes a campsite). -> Monday, 23 May: Decentral organised (disruptive) actions through the whole of the Netherlands. Also on this day, we want to show the link between fossil fuels and larger systems p oppression and exploitation. Less Community Program in Rotterdam. ->Tuesday, 24 May: One last, central action in Rotterdam for everyone who still wants to be disruptive. Central 'informal' debrief with check-ins and after care In Rotterdam during the day. The last night will be a nice party night to end the week in proper fashion. (A more official debrief will follow soon after the Rebellion)  +
Foundation.  +
This projects contributes to integrating fresh water storage and supply in spatial planning, while maintaining or even upgrading the water quality, benefitting all stakeholders. Phases of this (larger) project B, divided into sub-projects C: Initiating: Braakman Zuid possibilities; Proposed: reuse surface water with wetlands; Execution: mild desalination, enhanced reuse; Finalised: desalination of seawater (not feasible)  +
Zoetwatervraag vanuit de landbouw.  +
Monitoringsplan De Freshmaker  +
Elk bedrijf is druk met zijn marketing, maar soms gebeuren de activiteiten op routine. Behoefte aan een frisse blik? Van september t/m november hebben wij een groep enthousiaste studenten die graag voor uw bedrijf werken aan een marketingplan.  +
The restaurant is in a greenhouse and gets the products from there. They work locally with local farmers and use there products directly form the gardens an from the land fresh in the restaurant. From plant to plate!  +
De sociale theorie van de duurzame, samnelerende maatschappij samengevat.  +
In het project GO-FRESH (Geohydrological Opportunities Fresh Water Supply) worden sinds 2012 proeven uitgevoerd om de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid voor de landbouw in de Zuidwestelijke Delta te vergroten. Alle resultaten van de afgelopen proeven en ook de socio-economische onderzoek zijn hier te vinden.  +
In het project GO-FRESH (Geohydrological Opportunities Fresh Water supply) wordt onderzocht in hoeverre lokale maatregelen de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid voor landbouw kunnen vergroten in gebieden wordt zoet water in de ondergrond opgeslagen tijdens perioden van wateroverschot en gebruikt in droge perioden.  +
CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - In many parts of the South Western Delta, external freshwater supply is scarce. Freshwater availability in the root zone of these areas is dependent on excessive rainfall and groundwater availability. The areas are vulnerable in dry periods which will unfortunately only increase in the future. Pro-active measures are necessary in order to guarantee freshwater availability in these areas in dry periods. The aim of these measures is to store (excess) freshwater (in periods with heavy rainfall) in the soil, so that it can be used when needed, in dry periods. In the research project GO-FRESH I, three pilot experiments were carried out in different locations to increase the local freshwater availability. The experiments will be continued in GO-fresh II. The aim will be to investigate how the three experiments can be an example for broader use, so that the techniques may be interesting to other farmers as well. Things that should be incorporated are the business plans of the farmers, wishes of the farmers considering the available ‘fresh-making’ techniques and other opportunities of the techniques. In other words; social and economic factors / opportunities should be investigated. The results should be implemented in an interactive WIKI. The reserach types included in the project are; interviews and computer research.  +
Project over zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid  +