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20 pagina’s gebruiken deze eigenschap.
In het project GO-FRESH (Geohydrological Opportunities Fresh Water supply) wordt onderzocht in hoeverre lokale maatregelen de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid voor landbouw kunnen vergroten in gebieden wordt zoet water in de ondergrond opgeslagen tijdens perioden van wateroverschot en gebruikt in droge perioden.  +
CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - In many parts of the South Western Delta, external freshwater supply is scarce. Freshwater availability in the root zone of these areas is dependent on excessive rainfall and groundwater availability. The areas are vulnerable in dry periods which will unfortunately only increase in the future. Pro-active measures are necessary in order to guarantee freshwater availability in these areas in dry periods. The aim of these measures is to store (excess) freshwater (in periods with heavy rainfall) in the soil, so that it can be used when needed, in dry periods. In the research project GO-FRESH I, three pilot experiments were carried out in different locations to increase the local freshwater availability. The experiments will be continued in GO-fresh II. The aim will be to investigate how the three experiments can be an example for broader use, so that the techniques may be interesting to other farmers as well. Things that should be incorporated are the business plans of the farmers, wishes of the farmers considering the available ‘fresh-making’ techniques and other opportunities of the techniques. In other words; social and economic factors / opportunities should be investigated. The results should be implemented in an interactive WIKI. The reserach types included in the project are; interviews and computer research.  +
Project over zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid  +
Kick-off.  +
Galgeplaatplaat suppletie Oosterschelde. Een evaluatie opstellen van 5 jaar fysische en ecologische monitoring. Research type: desk analysis Research level: graduation bachelor thesis project Prerequisite: interesse in morfologie, sediment, en ecologie. Het analyseren van grote hoeveelheden data, mogelijk met GIS, vormt een belangrijk onderdeel van dit uitdagende project.  +
The HZ Gardening team invites you to the Introduction to gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 10:00 to 12:00h on 17/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. The planning for the Introduction to gardening session: 1. Introduction of the gardening team members 2. Vision of the gardening group 3. Evolution of the garden 4. What is currently happening to the garden 5. What are the future developments for the garden 6. Invitation to join the gardening team/ Green Office This event is a corona proof activity. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV in Vlissingen at 10:00h-12:00h. We will focus on the maintenance of the garden, writing cards to place under the door of students to raise awareness to not litter in the garden, and keeping the berries upright. Other gardening activities will be executed. Don't be surprised if we ask you to get your hands dirty ;). This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours).  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the Student Garden at 09:00h in front of the APV in Vlissingen (Joost de Moorstraat 21). We will be focusing on the cleaning and maintenance of the garden. If the logistics work out we may also be spreading wooden chips along the planned path and other specific areas. Note: These plans are subject to change. Pro Tip: Dress for the weather with clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty!  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 11:00h on 08/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining, cleaning the garden, and laying down wooden chips. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 11:00h on 12/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining, cleaning the garden, and laying down wooden chips. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 12:00h on 15/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining (removing grass and weeds from around the plants), cleaning the garden (removing rubbish/garbage from the garden), and planting herbs. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 12:00 to 14:00h on 19/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining (removing grass and weeds from around the plants), cleaning the garden (removing rubbish/garbage from the garden), and digging the pond. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there! There will be a second gardening session from 16:00 to 17:30h at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The session will focus on moving the tree trunks, sawing disks and seats. If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!  +
Every Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00 O`Clock at the APV Campus de Ruyter, Vlissingen. Enjoy your free time in the nature!  +
The minor group of Circular Economy and the HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session held at the HZ university from 12/04/2021 to 16/04/2021. The gardening sessions focus on removing the shells & hortensias, placing fresh grass and plants around the garden. There is a maximum capacity of 9 people per each session. Please sign up via this excel sheet!AiTkzs_ucfHabA52_NiefO4zOcA if you would like to join us in greening the university :)!  +
Gardening Session! Join us at the Student garden at Joost de Moorstraat 21. We will have a special guest speaker with an exciting talk about bees and a project of a bees hotel!  +
Are you a student? You can also participate in work sessions Gardening and Nature at CitySeeds: Working days and times: Gardening: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 till 12:00 Nature: Tuesday and Friday from 12:30 till 15:30 If you are interested in joining events from City Seeds, let us now by sending an email to greenoffice@hz.n  +
Join the gardening session at APV Campus de Ruyter, Vlissingen on Thursday, 09.06.2022 from 10:00 - 12:00h.  +
Het is wenselijk om meer inzicht te krijgen in verwacht bezoekersgedrag. Binnen dit project wordt onderzoek gedaan naar verschuivingen in bezoekersgedrag, onder invloed van allerlei externe factoren.  +
Gedateerd werk.  +
Dit zijn de geleerde lessen op het gebied van specifieke spelsessies, Het Nieuwe Samemspel als spel en sociale theorie van een duurzame, samenlerende maatschappij.  +