PR 00217: verschil tussen versies

Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 78: Regel 78:
* Marine Officer
* Marine Officer
==== Contact and sign up ====
==== Contact and sign up ====
For more information about Supply Chain Innovation get in touch with Thierry Verduijn (professor, +31(0)6 5089 1969 or [ <u></u>]) or Bart Bosma (researcher and lecturer, +31(0)6 5328 6458 or [ <u></u>]).
* Download the {{Cite|resource=Bestand:Brochure minor Becoming Fit for the Future.pdf|name=brochure|dialog=process-file-dialog}} (PDF).
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* For more information about Supply Chain Innovation get in touch with Thierry Verduijn (professor, +31(0)6 5089 1969 or [ <u></u>]) or Bart Bosma (researcher and lecturer, +31(0)6 5328 6458 or [ <u></u>]).<br />
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For general information about the minor and to signing up contact Gabriëlle Rossing (coordinator minor Becoming Fit for the Future, [ <u></u>]).
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|Supercontext=Sustainable Dynamic Delta
|Supercontext=Sustainable Dynamic Delta

Versie van 10 mrt 2020 12:23

Supply Chain Innovation Innovation within the Logistics Sector relates to a great extent to the updating and improvement of services and processes. The logistics chain used to be linear. Today there are more and more circular alliances being formed in which management is also about value creation. Co-creation and multidisciplinary collaboration play a crucial role within logistics chains. Our knowledge of logistics, innovative transportation concepts and chain management contribute to the success of Dutch companies and to foreign companies wishing to set up in our country. This makes knowledge of logistics into a valuable export product. This provides (often high-level) jobs, including in Zeeland. So it is important to continue to set the pace in the field of logistics. The Supply Chain Innovation research group carries out practically-orientated research into sustainable and innovative supply chains in port and industrial logistics and the flows derived from them with the aim of maintaining or improving the position of national and international chains.

New developments, such as e-commerce, block chain, autonomous and electric vehicles, internet-of-things, climate change and trade wars, create major challenges for the design and operations of logistics chains. Companies must translate the opportunities and threats of new technologies and developments into their own supply chains and processes. In this research minor, we investigate a number of specific innovations that companies are running into and analyze how issues arising from these innovations can be resolved to create or restore competitive and efficient supply chains.

Continuous change in customer preferences, emerging technologies and changing products and services require companies to continuously assess the effectiveness of their supply chain and to redesign them to fit the changing demands. The supply chains of today need to become even more responsive (delivery within 2 hours!), circular and climate-neutral to be fit for the future. New developments, such as e-commerce, block chain, autonomous and electric vehicles, internet-of-things create new opportunities for more complex and responsive logistics chains. Companies in Zeeland have some specific additional challenges: they need to increase the level of automation and robotization of their processes because labour is becoming scarce in Zeeland. This also requires the creation of high-level jobs to design and operate complex logistics systems. In summary: companies must translate the opportunities and threats of new technologies and developments into their own supply chains and processes.

The Supply Chain Innovation research group carries out practically-orientated research into sustainable and innovative supply chains in port and industrial logistics and the flows derived from them with the aim of maintaining or improving the position of national and international chains. In this research minor, we investigate a number of specific challenges and innovations that companies are running into and analyse how issues arising from these challenges can be resolved to create or restore competitive and efficient supply chains. The topics of the professorship Supply Chain Innovation focus on the combination of water & energy by studying the logistics operations of Off Shore Windfarms, and the combination of water & vitality by exploring the opportunities to develop sustainable goods flows through ports in Zeeland.

Professorships and/or organizations involved

Organizations involved are the professorship Supply Chain Innovation, professorship Data Sciences, TKI Wind op Zee, Zeeland Connect, Kloosterboer, Verbrugge, Kotra and North Sea Port, to name a few. All these stakeholders are aware of the dominant innovations that will transform and maybe also disrupt existing logistic networks. Practical steps in exploring these changes will support logistics firms in Zeeland to prepare for the future.

Topics and projects


  • Use cases and business cases for connected and automated transport
  • Automation and robotization of processes of logistics service providers
  • Use cases and business cases for zero emission transport (barges, trucks and delivery vans)
  • Use of new technologies (Internet of Things, Blockchain, Machine Learning) to optimize supply chains.
  • Role of logistics in circular supply chains (design of return flows, inventory management, etc..)

You contribute to:

  • Sustainable and innovative supply chains in port and industrial logistics 
  • Updating and improvement of services and processes of (inter-)national and chains
  • Co-creation and multidisciplinary collaboration within chains
  • Develop skills like change making and research capacity in a practically-orientated research project

In this minor you can work on the following challenges (February - June 2019):

  1. Centralization and digitization of administrative tasks: analyse the opportunities of centralization and digitization of administrative tasks for incoming and outgoing trucks at a central gate in the port.
  2. Controlling goods flows and transport operations through data analytics: assess the use of data analytics to control goods flows and transport operations in the cooled supply chains.
  3. Inform shippers and collect data from mu shippers through advanced IT-tools: analyse the use of advanced IT-tools to inform shippers about new transport services and simultaneously collecting data on goods flows from mu shippers.
  4. Inventory optimization through drones or autonomous replenishment vessels: analyse the impact of drones or autonomous replenishment vessels on the optimization of inventories in off shore wind farms.

Contact moments and work forms

Contact moments specific for Supply Chain Innovation: Wednesdays, Thursdays.

Work forms: (guest) lectures, excursions, group discussions, expert consultation, workshops. You work with your group at HZ or at the location of a project sponsor on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  Participation in all group activities is mandatory. It is not allowed to schedule job obligations during office hours! Friday is reserved to work on individual assignments. 


  • ALICE (2018), Sustainable, Safe & Secure Supply Chain: Research and Innovation Roadmap
  • ALICE (2018), Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics: Research & Innovation Roadmap
  • ALICE (2018), Hubs, Corridors & Synchro-modality: Research & Innovation Roadmap

Would you like to work on these topics in a minor?

In this minor you will contribute to the development of practical logistic applications of innovative technologies with which companies can improve their processes and services. Are you interested in working on and learning in the projects listed below? You can do so by participating in the minor Becoming Fit for the Future (30 ECTS, September - January or February - June). Download the brochure (PDF) or find the same information at the educational platform Learn (access with an HZ account only).

Activities and design of the projects

Each group takes the following steps:

  • Explore the challenge in discussions with industry partners
  • Define research approach
  • Gathering data and analysis with industry partners
  • Design/solutions phase
  • Testing/Validation of the design/solution with industry partners

Each groups creates a vlog/clip of at least 2 minutes in which the challenge, solution and benefits to the company and their view on the impact on the logistics industry in Zeeland are discussed.

Each group member organizes an excursion/visit to an innovative company/expert for inspiration of the whole group. The excursion/visit does not have to directly linked to the research, but should contribute to the end result.

The students will work in small groups (up to 5 students) on one of the selected topics. HZ supervisors and industry representatives will coach you and collaborate with you during weekly or bi-weekly meetings to developing the results and your professional skills required for the projects.

Results to be developed

  • A practical logistics concept or design that can be applied by the involved companies.
  • Presentation and discussion with industry partners.
  • Video clip.

Skills you can develop in these projects

  • You improve the challenge based on a professional and proactive attitude.
  • You view and understand the challenge from different perspectives.
  • You design, execute, monitor, interpret and/or validate the professional product systematically.
  • You propose a desirable follow-up and critically evaluate the professional product (result) and the associated development process.
  • You share and record the results in a structured manner and, based on your results, you potentially contribute to enriching existing knowledge.

Participants allowed

Participants with a curious and creative attitude, and a background in or strong affinity with the following subjects can join this minor:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Commercial Economics / Marketing
  • Logistics Engineering
  • ICT
  • Industrial Engineering & Management
  • Marine Officer

Contact and sign up

  • Download the brochure (PDF).
  • For more information about Supply Chain Innovation get in touch with Thierry Verduijn (professor, +31(0)6 5089 1969 or or Bart Bosma (researcher and lecturer, +31(0)6 5328 6458 or

