PR SAIL 00001 - Explore: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 120: Regel 120:
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Huidige versie van 2 okt 2019 om 10:26

What is the problem/issue you are trying to address?

Encouraging active aging and longer independent living by finding new ways to help people become more self-reliant and less dependent on traditional health and social care services

Pilot aim

Encourage more residents of Oostkapelle, as well as the tourists, to be challenged to contribute to a longer healthy life and more social interaction by doing movement activities.


·Interviewing a lot of stakeholders separately: inhabitants, entrepreneurs, tourists. (A: list of spoken stakeholders)  

· We invest in contacts with the village council of Oostkapelle and the local social club for elderly people, sports providers and touristic entrepreneurs  (by several conversation and meetings)

·We took part in several regional and provincial meetings about health and tourism (Contacta, DVR Kick off etcetera).

·We organized a meeting with inhabitants and sport providers of Oostkapelle  and discussed the research on the needs of residents and tourist in the context of the SAILproject  (C: Report).

  • On Provincial level SportZeeland participates in a core group concerning healthy province Zeeland. The participation strengthens the support for the project SAIL and imbedding in local structures and existing projects.
  • We dispersed a questionnaire to elderly inhabitants  from the age 55+ to gather data about the current situation on movements/ sports/ activities/wellbeing and their social network (D: questionnaire)
  • In July 2017 SportZeeland Zeeland  interviewed several tourists of Oostkapelle and asked them about their wishes in relation to current products and services and their wishes for the future with regard to sports and exercise .
  • Organisation stakeholders meeting on 11 December 2017, collecting ideas for the pilots based on the collected needs of inhabitants, tourists and second residents (12 participants
  • As a result of the promising new projects we have approached potential partners and the elderly services
  • Tourist Entrepreneurs in Oostkapelle were asked about their interest in these activities  

Stakeholders on your pilot

People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.

We have an overview of participants per stakeholder meeting of the various promising projects;

  • Attendance lists stakeholders meeting (11 December 2017)
  • Attendance lists Food Walk meeting (20 March 2018)
  • Attendance lists Food Walk meeting (30 May 2018)
  • Attendance lists Food Walk meeting (19 June 2018)
  • Attendance lists Family Festival meeting (30 may 2018)
  • Attendance lists Family Festival meeting (19 june 2018)

Pilot beneficiaries

Who will benefit from this pilot? What is the goal that you are trying to achieve with this pilot?

  • Local elderly inhabitants of Oostkapelle.
  • Lonely elderly tourists of Oostkapelle.
  • Local tourist entrepreneurs (Oostkapelle)
  • Local sport & movement providers (Oostkapelle)
  • The goal is to develop new business or service models that contribute to active and healthy ageing as well as the local economy

Ideas generated

What ideas were generated from your stakeholder meetings?

We collected a list of several clusters of ideas during the stakeholders meeting. Below you find 4  Ideas Oostkapelle Village in Motion.

  1. Organisation of small events with different exercise activities Family Festival.
  2. Organisation of a Walking Football event for inhabitants and tourist of camping De Pekelinge.
  3. Organisation of a Food Walk, in which the participants explore the area and then prepare the dish together after with the elderly people/participants at Camping Ons Buiten.
  4. Family Bikefestival Starting from the campsite a route in which the area is discovered and the attractions of the region can be visited. And at the camping a various bicycle-related activities for young and old

Values for selection

Based on the information collected at the stakeholders meetings and other interviews or conversations held in the location, what are important underlying values for your project? Such as valuing the opinions of your users or needing your project to be cost neutral at this stage for some of your partners?

1. Social network

2. Meet people and be together (eating, cycling, walking and playing  together)

3. Cosiness (being together and doing things together)

4. Work on health


How did the project team, other organisations and your participants react to the project idea? What is the level of involvement/commitment from each group at this stage?

Evidence could include: participant observation at initial project meetings and the reflections of the project group.

The inhabitants and de sport & movement providers as well as the touristic entrepreneurs are enthusiastic about the ideas mentioned in the stakeholders meetings. They are looking forward to have more opportunities to meet each other and to have new products for their visitors..

The entrepreneurs seems to be willing to organize something for the local inhabitants. We have good connections with the entrepreneurs.

We have good commitment/collaboration from and with the village council and the social elderly club. Representing the inhabitants.

Engaging tourists  is very difficult. They are on holiday and for entrepreneurs it is uncomfortable to ask their guest for an interview.


What is the demand for your project? How do you know this, what information did you use to help you?

Oostkapelle village in motion determined the need for exercise activities through an investigation and determined that discussions with partners established that the chosen activities would best suit the needs of the participants.

We know this by speaking to the inhabitants en reflecting with them the different ideas collected during the stakeholders meetings on 11 December 2017.

Implementation/Practicality/Organisational/Financial Feasibility

How feasible does your project look to your team at this stage in terms of practicality, and financial feasibility?

The chosen pilot food walk can be realized according to the camping holder, nature organization. and involved partners. The camping holder wants to make its territory and surroundings available to set out routes. He also wants to update his animation team and make his kitchen available for preparing the meals. Money is needed to train the animation team and to map the routes. The ingredients for the meals / juices are picked from the environment. The elderly organization are willing to approach the elderly to participate in the activities

Additional assets and resources

Do you need any additional assets or resources including expertise to help you deliver your project?

Wildlife picking requires external expertise that we want to involve through a nature organization. To ensure that the right ingredients are picked and that no roofing takes place.


Have you made any changes to your original plans, why did you make the change and what information did you base your new plans on? For instance any changes you made to the context, format, timing, setting or population at this stage?

In this pilot we ran into a local party that did not like to further develop this concept of wild-picking walk. She felt that we had to protect nature and that no other concept than her concept could be implemented in this region. From that moment on, we started working with a recognized nature organization.


Do you think this project will work within the current local setting/structures? What changes need to be made to integrate your new project into existing infrastructure or programs?

we still have to carry out the first pilot. We were against the fact that the summer period is too busy for the campsite owner and at the end of the season they also expect a bay, so the pilot has been suspended

Selected ideas for next phase

Based on the areas stated above, which ideas from your meetings have been selected for the phase of design and develop on SAIL?

1 Culi Walk

2 Walking Football Event