PR 00144: verschil tussen versies

Regel 56: Regel 56:
=== Paper 3 - Ethics of care: Means to an end or end in itself? ===
=== Paper 3 - Ethics of care: Means to an end or end in itself? ===
* link innovatie: rol van ethics in gemeenschap vormen. Is dat:
* link innovatie: rol van ethics in gemeenschap vormen. Is dat:
* zorgdragen voor ipv innovatief menstype te zijn (als individu) of is de ethics of care die in de gemeenschap ontstaat de sociale innovatie?
* zorgdragen voor ipv innovatief menstype te zijn (als individu) of is de ethics of care die in de gemeenschap ontstaat de sociale innovatie?
Role of ethics in micro practices
Concept of care sometimes used as an alternative to the concept of solidarity
Specific focus on ethics of care: how do people take care of each other
Look at the actual practices in everyday life settings and grass-roots movements
Focus on the individual experiences
Again: role encounter and place:  Reconsidering of the phenomenology of the encounter is to dislodge the politics of belonging from its current mooring in a discourse of strong social ties -> anders omschrijven.
aim: recognize cares and different responsibilities formed in material, technological, symbolic and imagined space. ....can be extended as a form of interest in the commons.
To scan the landscape for evidence and proposals for new ways of gathering diversity into a functioning commons.
Link with social innovation: the role of ethics in community building:
Not a focus on the innovative individual but:
Are the different ways to care for each other that arise in the community a social innovation in itself?
.... The results of this research are relevant for.......
.... The results of this research are relevant for.......
Regel 65: Regel 88:
* Hoe kun je politici hier in meenemen; houding cultiveren. Niet in bestuurlijke zin maar houding als persoon.
* Hoe kun je politici hier in meenemen; houding cultiveren. Niet in bestuurlijke zin maar houding als persoon.
* antropologie van beleidsmakers.
* antropologie van beleidsmakers.
Closer look into practice of social innovation: to identify more precisely the specific problems associated;  
a closer look at the interdependence, the awareness of it and the actual creation of active trust and reflexieve engagement.
Analyse how these tensions play out in actual practices as they are constructed in practice of social innovation.
Focus on the attitude of a divers set of policy makers. Not in an administrative sense.
A more informal and affective perspective.
A look into the antroplogy of policy makers
Social innovation: instead of looking at shared norms and values we ….a closer look into the sociation process. Not follow a pre given set of norms and values but looking at the process of altering the meaning of what is is to be social.
Look at the interaction among divers conscious actors on a small scale.
Interesting for bestuurs- en beleidswetenschappen
kennis is relevant voor praktijk. Voor diverse disciplines:  geograaf (sociale en symbolische eigenschappen plaats tot stand) / pedagoog (gemeenschapsvorming  en leerprocessen) / politieke wetenschap (burgerschap)
.... The results of this research are relevant for.......
.... The results of this research are relevant for.......

Versie van 28 okt 2017 om 16:09

Keywords to describe our research:

  • Cross-disciplinary approach to study social innovation


Identify the purpose (motivation)

  • Why did you decide to do this study or project?
  • How did you conduct your research?
  • Why is this research and your findings important?
  • Why should someone read your entire essay?
  • This section should include the importance of your work, the difficulty of the area, and the impact it might have if successful.

Explain the problem at hand (problem statement)

  • What problem is your research trying to better understand or solve?
  • What is the scope of your study - a general problem, or something specific?
  • What is your main claim or argument?

Describe the method (approach)

Give your conclusion

  • What are the implications of your work?
  • Are your results general or very specific?

Outline --> Introduction - Body - Conclusion. Two paragraphs up to one page of text. ~ 300 words.

Paper 1 - Theoretical paper

  • De huidige discussie gaat vooral om de verschillende definities van SI (wat is de correcte definitie). Wel aangeven waar in het debat / welke traditie we ons bevinden (maximalistische / minimalistisch en transformative / radical opzoeken).
    • Minimalist - Maximalist: "A third type of radical innovation has been elaborated by Mangabeira Unger. He distinguishes between minimalist social innovations which give a human face to an otherwise unsupportable situation, and maximalist social innovations that aim at deep changes. ”
    • Transformative - Radical
  • GAP: hoe het proces in zijn gang gaat is onvoldoende scherp. Zeker wat aan toe te voegen: microniveau. Een scherpere blik op SI.
  • Wat gebeurt er? Daar is niet veel naar gekeken.
  • Combinatie met Human and Social Geography


Instead of joining the greater discussion on the uses of social innovation and its definition, this study focusses on the process. It aims at elucidating what happens during the process.

.... a closer focus on the process

....This study.... takes a social geography lens by drawing on the concepts of place and community

.... looks at micro connections between individuals....

.... a cross-disciplinary approach between policy administration and human & social geography

.... The results of this research are relevant for....... researchers, practisioners and policy makers interested in the greater picture of social innovation 

Paper 2 - The process of social innovation

  • lijn: mooi dat er wordt gekeken naar het niveau van organisatie; maar wat gebeurt er op het niveau van individuen?
  • relatie met overheden: kunnen publieke instellingen ook innovatief zijn?
  • inter-organisatorisch kijken. Niet: wie is de leider / kenmerken e.d. Wel: hoe zit het met de verhouding tussen al die mensen. Dat mist in literatuur!
  • etnografisch meerwaarde toevoegen. Gebeurt nog niet in bestuurswetenschappen (public administration). Etnografie en innovatie.


While previous studies often focussed on the organisational level, this study explores the social innovation process on the micro level of the individual. Instead of looking at leadership and the capabilities and competences of human change agents, this study focusses on the relations between the individual people taking part in the social innovation process.

.... Concepts? The encounter &...?

.... The results of this research are relevant for researchers and practisioners in the public administration discipline. 

Paper 3 - Ethics of care: Means to an end or end in itself?

  • link innovatie: rol van ethics in gemeenschap vormen. Is dat:
  • zorgdragen voor ipv innovatief menstype te zijn (als individu) of is de ethics of care die in de gemeenschap ontstaat de sociale innovatie?


Role of ethics in micro practices

Concept of care sometimes used as an alternative to the concept of solidarity

Specific focus on ethics of care: how do people take care of each other

Look at the actual practices in everyday life settings and grass-roots movements

Focus on the individual experiences

Again: role encounter and place:  Reconsidering of the phenomenology of the encounter is to dislodge the politics of belonging from its current mooring in a discourse of strong social ties -> anders omschrijven.

aim: recognize cares and different responsibilities formed in material, technological, symbolic and imagined space. ....can be extended as a form of interest in the commons.

To scan the landscape for evidence and proposals for new ways of gathering diversity into a functioning commons.

Link with social innovation: the role of ethics in community building:

Not a focus on the innovative individual but:

Are the different ways to care for each other that arise in the community a social innovation in itself?

.... The results of this research are relevant for.......

Paper 4 - Politics of care

  • Hoe kun je politici hier in meenemen; houding cultiveren. Niet in bestuurlijke zin maar houding als persoon.
  • antropologie van beleidsmakers.


Closer look into practice of social innovation: to identify more precisely the specific problems associated;  

a closer look at the interdependence, the awareness of it and the actual creation of active trust and reflexieve engagement.

Analyse how these tensions play out in actual practices as they are constructed in practice of social innovation.

Focus on the attitude of a divers set of policy makers. Not in an administrative sense.

A more informal and affective perspective.

A look into the antroplogy of policy makers

Social innovation: instead of looking at shared norms and values we ….a closer look into the sociation process. Not follow a pre given set of norms and values but looking at the process of altering the meaning of what is is to be social.

Look at the interaction among divers conscious actors on a small scale.

Interesting for bestuurs- en beleidswetenschappen

kennis is relevant voor praktijk. Voor diverse disciplines:  geograaf (sociale en symbolische eigenschappen plaats tot stand) / pedagoog (gemeenschapsvorming  en leerprocessen) / politieke wetenschap (burgerschap)

.... The results of this research are relevant for.......

Paper 5 - What happens when you become the best practise

  • Dit bekijken met een externe blik en hoe het het project en de mensen en de plaats heeft veranderd
  • de rol van plaats
  • vanuit het perspectief van best practice / reflectie over de eigen positie
  • sociale mobiliteit / creëert hiërarchie / hoe valt dat in de groep


.... The results of this research are relevant for.......

Paper 6 - Auto-Ethnography

  • Professional als object van solidariteit.
  • buffer zijn / risico absorberen
  • pedagogie als discipline?


.... The results of this research are relevant for.......

Written papers and articles

juli 6, 2017



Project Startdatum Einddatum Samenvatting
Paper 1 3 oktober 2017 Social innovation and the role of the encounter
Paper 2 1 oktober 2018 Introducing the concept of place in socially innovative actions
Paper 3 1 oktober 2018 Ethics of Care: Means to an end or end in itself?
Paper 4 1 oktober 2018 Politics of care for social innovation
Paper 5 1 oktober 2018 What happens when you become the best practise?
Paper 6 1 oktober 2018 Auto-ethnography for social innovation