PR 00164 - Explore: verschil tussen versies

Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
(6 tussenliggende versies door 2 gebruikers niet weergegeven)
Regel 17: Regel 17:
== Stakeholders on your pilot ==
== Stakeholders on your pilot ==
People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.
People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.
People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.
==== [ 1.  Potential partner organisations] ====
==== [ 1.1.        Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure Sites] ====
A significant proportion of Norfolk’s local economy is focussed towards leisure and tourism, and this is particularly the case within Norfolk’s coastal regions, which therefore means there are a significant number of leisure assets within this region.
Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure sites are outlined in '''Appendix C'''. These may be regularly accessed by both tourists and residents, however, local leisure facility operators feel that they. The facilities provide opportunities for activities such as swimming, bowls, tennis, golf, boccia and table tennis.
The explore phase of SAIL has consulted with various stakeholders and the target demographic. This has begun to give an insight into why these facilities may not be being utilised by older people, and of the barriers that may need addressing, such as access, confidence and knowledge of physical activity benefits. The next phase of SAIL, the design phase, will explore ideas of how to address these barriers, and engage the older population in using these resources.
Through wider consultation with partners around SAIL, we have also been able to identify possible opportunities to expand upon pre-existing projects, and utilise their experiences. For example, Swim England are developing some training for leisure facilities to become more accessible for older people. This focuses on conditional specific accessibility, and builds on previous work to make centres accessible for people with Dementia.
There was also an opportunity to consult on SAIL and a number of other projects through a Dementia Sports workshop, which was hosted by the Alzheimer’s Society and enabled us to utilise their experiences and learnings to date.   
== Pilot beneficiaries ==
== Pilot beneficiaries ==
Who will benefit from this pilot? What is the goal that you are trying to achieve with this pilot?
Who will benefit from this pilot? What is the goal that you are trying to achieve with this pilot?
We mapped a series of indicators to give us a geographical area of high need (see the Needs Assessment). The indicators were as follows:
The three primary indicators were combined in order to form a ‘composite indicator’.
The indicators used were as follows:
• % of an LSOA that are aged 75 or over (ONS, 2015 mid-year population estimates downloaded from <nowiki></nowiki>) OR % of an LSOA that are aged 65 or over and single (2011 Census, downloaded from <nowiki></nowiki>)
• % of an LSOA that self-report bad or very bad health (2011 Census, downloaded from <nowiki></nowiki>)
• % of older people in an LSOA are that income deprived (2015 Indices of Multiple Deprivation, downloaded from
What the primary indicators tell us
While figures 1 and 2 show pockets of disadvantage inland, there is are also bands along the coast, or just inland from it, that may form a contiguous region in which both aspect of the SAIL project (Mobile Me ‘Out and About’ and Demential Friendly Walks) could be targetted. The area is showin in Figure 3, and includes the following towns:
• North Norfolk
 Cromer
 North Walsham
 Sheringham
• West Norfolk
 Hunstanton
 Heacham
 Brancaster
 Snettisham
• East Norfolk
 Great Yarmouth
• Gorleston-on-Sea
Taken from the Needs Assessment pg 25: In order to target limited resources SAIL should be delivered within the shaded area indicated within the map in section 6.4 (see section 7.7. with for a note respect to district council boundaries). This is because many of the LSOAs identified as being ‘high need’ using the composite indicator fall within this area and because it forms a contiguous area that has a shared characteristic (coastal).
b. That data within this needs assessment is used to target activities for specific conditions within the SAIL area, for example, activities targeted at those with dementia.
== Ideas generated ==
== Ideas generated ==
What ideas were generated from your stakeholder meetings?
What ideas were generated from your stakeholder meetings?
'''Mobile Me Out and About – Intervention Ideas'''
Water Based Activity - Dementia Friendly Training for Leisure Staff
Work with local leisure and tourism providers to obtain Swim England’s Dementia Friendly Swimming Facility status, and then work with them to tailor offers for not just people with Dementia, and their carers, but also older people generally. This can be through specific classes, but also through working on staff awareness and accessibility.
Training provider: Swim England
Key Partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism
Notes: The Marina Centre and Splash, which are key leisure hubs in the areas identified through the needs assessment will be going through redevelopment and there may be opportunity to influence the specifications of the centres and the priorities of the leisure providers.
Age UK Norfolk have previously conducted Dementia Friendly audits and training to Parkwood Leisure in Breckland, with an aim to offer Dementia Friendly swimming sessions. Consult with Breckland on successes, as part of a review into Swim England Dementia friendly swimming training.
Policy Change amongst Relevant Service Providers (Norsecare Model)
Identify some key service providers for older people, and using a model we have established with Norsecare off the back of their involvement within Mobile Me, we work with organisations to establish physical activity as part of their strategy. This includes increasing awareness of the importance of being physically active across the organisation, and support them in establishing their own provision and privately investing/sourcing funding to sustain their provision. This approach can also allow us to tailor our provision through the partners we work with, and could look to target support towards specific conditions (e.g. Dementia) or vulnerable groups (e.g. unpaid carers)
Training Provider: Active Norfolk
Key Partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism
Establishing Physical Activity as Part of the Culture in Local Community Hubs
As an add on to the above suggestion, we work with local community hubs, such as library’s to establish physical activity as part of their culture and outcomes. This would again be through includes increasing awareness of the importance of being physically active across the organisation, and support them in establishing their own provision and privately investing/sourcing funding to sustain their provision.
Training Provider: Active Norfolk
Key Partners: Library Service, Third Sector (e.g. Age UK, Age Concern, Older People Forums)
Online Toolkit to Support Wider Partners
As part of the Mobile Me project an online resource is being developed to support with guidance on physical activity for older people. It will provide information on working with older people in good health, as well as working with older people who may be experiencing some difficulties with health conditions, such as Dementia for example. This is a resource that will go hand in hand with the SAIL project, and although not necessarily part of the delivery project, it will support the people involved and therefore their input into content/structure will be valued. The delivery itself will then also enhance the content of the online resource, once we begin to establish some findings.
Key Partners: Active Norfolk, UEA, Local GP Researcher.
Brancaster Sailing (National Trust)
Deliver a set time intervention (10 weeks for example) to introduce older people into sailing at Brancaster, and then work with the National Trust on developing a sustainability package.
Key Partners: National Trust, Sailing Governing Body, Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism
Intergenerational Project
Develop a pilot project, which focuses on intergenerational physical act
ivity sessions. Similar to the concept of running a nursery within a care home or primary schools visiting a care home, but with an element of physical activity for both demographics. Initial 10 week pilot, with an idea to establish a self-sustaining model that can be rolled out further.
Key Partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism, Schools, United for All Ages.
Develop Older Person Friendly Training (Similar to Dementia Friendly Training in terms of model)
Develop in house training, based on the findings/toolkit form the Mobile Me project, which would follow the model used for Dementia Friendly training. Steven Hitcham form Active Norfolk would initially be trained to deliver the training, with the potential to establish it as a cascade training programme in the future. There could be potential to upscale the delivery pot from the innovation fund, and the training could initially be piloted in SAIL areas, and then rolled out countywide.
Training Providers: Active Norfolk
Key partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism, Pure Development Training, Aaron Roberts (Active Norfolk).
Target Audience: community based workers, such as LILY, Social Care Development Workers and Library Services, for example.
Mystery Shopper audit idea
As part of an audit of delivery venues, and subsequent acquisition of a SAIL kite mark, there could be anonymous older people that try to access sites and take part in some activity and identify any issues.
Would have to be developed in partnership with delivery partners, and be designed to not be seen as a criticism, but a guide.
Amanda Burke (UEA) used a similar approach on a previous research project with the library service.
Key partners: Ellen Vanlint (Disability Officer, Active Norfolk), Local Access Forum, Show Me the Access Website (Mandy Burke contact), English Federation of Disability Sport (may have a pre-existing access audit template?)
Therapeutic Dog Walking
Include dog walking within walking groups, to provide enrichment for attendees, as well as offer therapeutic qualities within sessions. Potentially through working with dog homes, maybe most relevant for the Dementia Friendly Walks, so there would need to be work developed around raising awareness of Dementia within dog homes, and using specific dogs.
Key partners: People and Animals UK.
Activity in Local Outdoor Environment
Utilising local outdoor settings, such as parks to offer free sessions such as yoga, following similar models that are offered in Japan. With an eventual aim for the sessions to be ran and facilitated by the local community. 
Green Volunteering and Conservation Work
Working in partnership with pre-existing conservation organisations and volunteering projects focussing on conservation and the outdoors to increase the number of older people volunteering on their projects. This will be through supporting the projects to become more accessible for older people, and increasing awareness of the opportunities to the target demographic.
Key partners: Trust for Conservation Volunteers, Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
Dementia Friendly Heritage Walks & Reminiscence Walks
Dementia Friendly walks to be developed in partnership with the Library Service, and can possibly be adapted from pre-existing walking services (Heritage Walks), but will focus on having a theme to support with engagement (possible development of a reminiscence walking provision). Each walk will begin and end at the local Library.
Key partners: Norfolk Library Service.
'''(Summary findings from a number of consultations)'''
·        There’s something for me: Recognise diversity of interest and '''age''' in provision. Increase support for people who are disabled or ill to overcome their barriers to becoming active. Ensure there is provision for those with conditions e.g. adaptations, training for instructors.
·        I know where to go: Provide accessible, up to date information to older people and those working with them on how to get active and how to join activities
·        Being active is the norm and is fun: Using role models to normalise and promote physical activity in older people in a way that is fun, relaxed, not too sports focused and doesn’t make people feel old.
·        Physical activity can make a difference: Communicate the importance and benefit of physical activity to older people and to those that work with them / support them (health professionals, carers etc).
·        Getting over the doorstep: provide support to people nervous about joining new groups. Think about alternatives to big organised groups (activity at home, small groups of friends).
== Values for selection ==
== Values for selection ==
Based on the information collected at the stakeholders meetings and other interviews or conversations held in the location, what are important underlying values for your project? Such as valuing the opinions of your users or needing your project to be cost neutral at this stage for some of your partners?
Based on the information collected at the stakeholders meetings and other interviews or conversations held in the location, what are important underlying values for your project? Such as valuing the opinions of your users or needing your project to be cost neutral at this stage for some of your partners?
== 1. Project statement ==
Mobile Me ‘out and about’ aims to increase the physical activity and improve the wellbeing of people aged 65+ who are at risk of poor health due to their lifestyle, or who are already in poor health. It will focus on individuals experiencing material deprivation and social isolation. It will be delivered along the Norfolk coast; however priority will be given to areas of high need that have been identified in a Needs Assessment.  
Mobile Me ‘out and about’ will make use of Norfolk’s natural environment and interaction with the environment will be a driver for health improvement.  It will provide support for Norfolk’s care, health, leisure and tourism sectors to create physical activity opportunities for older locals and tourists. Importantly, these opportunities will be easy to find out about, easy to get to, and suitable for older people who are inactive or in poor health. The programme will also work with the SAIL Dementia Friendly walks programme to develop a range of activities for people living with dementia.  
Mobile Me ‘out and about’ will also raise the profile of physical activity and its potential importance to improve the lives and health of older people. By doing these things, Mobile Me ‘out and about’ will provide a lasting legacy of change.  
== 2. Three themes ==
1. Improving information – improving information systems to better enable older people to find suitable activities
2. Developing quality– staff training (e.g. dementia awareness), improving the accessibility of physical infrastructure etc.
3. Innovation: Developing new activities that meet the needs of the audience e.g. activities in parks
== 3. Selection criteria ==
'''Who:''' People 65+ in poor health or at risk poor heath who are deprived/isolated (and those around them)  
'''Where:''' Areas identified in needs assessment & using natural environment 
'''What:''' Easy to find out about, easy to get to, suitable for audience (e.g. in poor health) 
'''How:''' Work with care, health, leisure and tourism. Link up / improve what’s there. Low cost and sustainable. Deliverable
== Acceptability ==
== Acceptability ==
How did the project team, other organisations and your participants react to the project idea? What is the level of involvement/commitment from each group at this stage? Evidence could include: participant observation at initial project meetings and the reflections of the project group.
How did the project team, other organisations and your participants react to the project idea? What is the level of involvement/commitment from each group at this stage? Evidence could include: participant observation at initial project meetings and the reflections of the project group.
See above for feedback in consultation sessions.
== Demand ==
== Demand ==
What is the demand for your project? How do you know this, what information did you use to help you?
What is the demand for your project? How do you know this, what information did you use to help you?
Taken from Chapter 9 of the Needs Assessment:
== Older people in Norfolk - background ==
Norfolk has an increasingly ageing population, and faces the expected issues that will be associated with an ageing population in regards to an older person’s health and wellbeing. This be seen from the below points that were taken from the Norfolk Insight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment <nowiki></nowiki>:
·        Norfolk’s population is estimated to be 885,000.
·        Norfolk generally has an older population that is projected to increase at a greater rate than the rest of England. Almost all of the population increase over the last 5 years has been in those aged 65 and over. Between 2014 and 2025 the population is expected to increase by 66,000 with most of the increase in the 65 and over age bands.
·        Across Norfolk the average life expectancy is approximately 80 years for men and 84 years for women. The average number of years a man can expect to live in good health is about 64 and for women it is about 66.
·        Deprivation and poverty influence the health and wellbeing of the population. The life expectancy gap between the most deprived areas of Norfolk and the least deprived areas is 6.2 years for men and 3.2 years for women.
·        Across Norfolk as a whole there are more than 10,000 emergency hospital admission for people aged 65 and over each year.
·        Emergency admissions for injuries related to falls were lower than England but there were still 1,100 emergency admissions for broken hips in 2014/15
·        Age is one of the risk factors for loneliness. At age 65 about 2 out of 3 people live in couple, at age 85 this has reduced to about 1 in 4. Another risk factor is deprivation with those living in the most deprived areas 50% more likely to be lonely. Across Norfolk there are estimated to be about 38,000 people aged 65 and over who are lonely and this will impact on their health and wellbeing.
== Older tourists in Norfolk - background ==
The proposed SAIL area comprises of three distinct Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) tasked with promoting tourism and working with businesses in their specific area. Visit Norfolk is the strategic voice of the county’s visitor industry and works with all of the County’s DMOs to promote the county as a whole. Each year the DMOs commission economic impact reports to estimate the volume and value of tourism in their areas. Other than that report, the DMOs are data poor with respect to actual customer demographics, socio-economic data and evidence of their customers’ behaviour during their visit, with the exception of Great Yarmouth who do hold some information. Due to this lack of critical information, we have used case study examples from holiday parks in each region to give an insight into anecdotal visitor age breakdowns and behaviours. 
 '''''Visit West Norfolk'' (VWN)''' follows the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk boundary. The total number of trips to the Visit West Norfolk area in 2016 was estimated at 8,872,000. The areas’ busiest periods are July/August and its notable quiet periods are November and February. It hosts the two coastal towns of King’s Lynn and Hunstanton. This section of the SAIL area contains 5 holiday parks. 
''Case study example'': Searles Holiday Park in Hunstanton report anecdotally that they have a notable increase in their ‘grey market’ which they term for 55+, from September through to November, and from May to June. They also note a fluctuation during the summer holidays of grandparents accompanied by grandchildren. They estimate that this age group make up roughly 30% of their overall visitor profile. They advise that there are not so many of the older age groups (65-75+) that come independently, although some may visit as part of larger family groups.
'''''Visit North Norfolk'' (VNN) –''' The actual area covered by this DMO is a soft boundary and stretches approximately to Heacham in the west and to Winterton in the east, and inland as far as Fakenham. This area counts for more than 80% of the SAIL area. There are currently 6 holiday parks within this DMO area. In 2016 an approximate 8,308,500 trips were enjoyed by tourists in the area. It shares the same seasonality trends as VWN.
''Case study example:'' Kelling Heath Holiday Park in Weybourne report anecdotally that 50% of their overall market are in the 55+ age range. It was felt that there were not a large percentage of 65+ or 75+ tourists that visited the park independently. The 55+ visitors, although present in small numbers throughout the year generally visit March to June, and September to December. It is reported that the majority of the 55+ age range make full use of all the parks sports facilities and events, guided walks etc. They are often repeat visitors.
'''''Greater Yarmouth Tourism/Business Improvement District'' –''' The area covered stretches from just past Horsey to Hopton-on-Sea, below Great Yarmouth. The 2016 study for the area estimates that some 6,782,700 trips took place during that year which, due to its significantly smaller geographical area, suggests a larger density of tourism then the other two DMO’s within the SAIL area. There are currently 7 holiday parks in this SAIL area, 4 of which are Haven.
''Case study example:'' Cherry Tree Holiday Park in Great Yarmouth anecdotally note that approximately 50% of all of their visitors throughout the year are in the 55+ age bracket and an estimated 30% are 65+. They note that the 55+ often visit during summer holidays with their grandchildren, but that the 65+ are strictly outside of peak season, September to November and March to April, May and June. They also advise that the 65+ like to take walks along the promenade or to Burgh Castle and are not as a whole users of the swimming facilities. The vast majority of this age range are repeat visitors and return year on year. 
The Great Yarmouth DMO report that between the periods of Easter to May, May to June (with the exception of Whit week) and September to October, one of the major markets that keep Great Yarmouth tourism afloat are package holidays specifically for the elderly. They visit coaching hotels and typically come from a 2-3 hr drive time, including North London, Essex, Kent and the East Midlands. They are reported to be from socio-economic groups C2, D and E.  Some coaching hotels have reacted to this market such as the New Beach Hotel where they have installed a garage specifically for mobility scooters. Others haven’t, particularly on the North Drive, Great Yarmouth, as they balance their out of season business between two differing markets, racecourse visitors and the coaching market. From their work with this particular market they are also aware that North Norfolk receive some coaching holidays, particularly to Sheringham and Cromer and anecdotally at higher prices.                
In support of the above information regarding seasonality, research funded by the Cool Tourism project reported that the 55+ age bracket were those most likely to be extending the season into September. The report also included a tourist perceptions study which ranked the North Norfolk coastline as the most appealing place to visit due to the untouched countryside, its wildlife and not being too touristy, whereas its detractors suggested that it is boring and too difficult to get to.
 Following the city of Norwich as the second destination, Great Yarmouth was the third preferred area in the county to visit due to its traditional seaside offer, with plentiful entertainment, nostalgia and lots to do, whilst the negative aspects were that it is too old fashioned, too touristy/tacky and commercial.
The producer of the annual Larking Gowen Norfolk Tourism Survey report expressed anecdotally that although there is currently no evidence to support or refute it, the general perception in the tourism industry is that many elderly people visit Norfolk. However he believes that the 65+ demographic may have the perception that it is too far to travel and lacks accessible services, which may put them off visiting certain parts of Norfolk - there-by offering the potential to increase visits from this demographic.
Where there is a lack of data from the tourism bodies on visitor demographics the Museum Service and Norfolk Trails have both invested in this information, and have some valuable information albeit about their particular user groups.  Norfolk Trails report from their recent survey study of users of the Norfolk Coast Path National Trail, a route which runs through the entirety of the SAIL area that 35% of its users report to be 60+. 10% of whom are classed as long distance walkers (spending more than 1 day at a time on the trail), and 52% are spending more than an hour plus at a time on their walk/ride.
A Norfolk Coast Partnership study on the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) on second homes revealed that approximately 24% of all properties within the Norfolk Coast AONB were second homes. By this measure the AONB has amongst the highest concentration of second homes in the UK. Those parishes in the AONB with the highest proportion of second homes are:
Weybourne                        52% (227 out of 440 properties)
Burnham Overy                51% (126 out of 246 properties)
Morston                              49% (29 out of 59 properties)
Brancaster                          43% (336 out of 779 properties)
This could be of particular interest when looked at in conjunction with indicators of rural isolation and/or loneliness. North Norfolk and the coastal areas of West Norfolk are traditionally known for their being retirement destinations. It is believed anecdotally as there is no statistical evidence that many of these second home owners migrate to these areas upon retirement.
Although just outside of the SAIL area, there is also the Thursford Show phenomenon which must be mentioned when considering elderly tourists in Norfolk. A Christmas extravaganza that reportedly keeps the tourism economy ticking during November/December across part of West Norfolk, North Norfolk, and Great Yarmouth to some extent, attracting over 180,000 visitors during the period. The radius of coaching accommodation appears to be within a 1.5 hrs drive from the show, therefore opening up most of the county. It is reported that they bring in the most 65+ to the county, being an estimated 75% of their visitors. Again, many arrive by coach and those that stay predominantly in coaching hotels. Coaches come from atypical tourism markets for Norfolk such as Staffordshire, Liverpool, Yorkshire and the West Midlands. 
== Implementation/Practicality/Organisational/Financial Feasibility ==
== Implementation/Practicality/Organisational/Financial Feasibility ==
How feasible does your project look to your team at this stage in terms of practicality, and financial feasibility?
How feasible does your project look to your team at this stage in terms of practicality, and financial feasibility?
WE have designed the pilots so that they are feasible both practically and financially. Sustainability has also been key so that any pilots have the capacity to continue to some degree after the project finishes. This is one reason for concentrating on strategic - level change within organisations as they have to commit to incorporating physical activity on an ongoing basis.
== Additional assets and resources ==
== Additional assets and resources ==
Do you need any additional assets or resources including expertise to help you deliver your project?
Do you need any additional assets or resources including expertise to help you deliver your project?
Allocation of staff time from stakeholders and partners
In-kind donation of facility and equipment
Internally sourced delivery budget amongst project partners
== Adaptation ==
== Adaptation ==
Have you made any changes to your original plans, why did you make the change and what information did you base your new plans on? For instance any changes you made to the context, format, timing, setting or population at this stage?  
Have you made any changes to your original plans, why did you make the change and what information did you base your new plans on? For instance any changes you made to the context, format, timing, setting or population at this stage?  
Not until the Design Phase
== Integration ==
== Integration ==
Do you think this project will work within the current local setting/structures? What changes need to be made to integrate your new project into existing infrastructure or programs?  
Do you think this project will work within the current local setting/structures? What changes need to be made to integrate your new project into existing infrastructure or programs?  
We designed them to fit existing infrastructure and programs and they can be flexible to meet a variety of partners different needs and financial circumstances. 
== Selected ideas for next phase ==
== Selected ideas for next phase ==
Based on the areas stated above, which ideas from your meetings have been selected for the phase of design and develop on SAIL?
Based on the areas stated above, which ideas from your meetings have been selected for the phase of design and develop on SAIL?
{| class="wikitable"
|'''1. Name of activity idea'''
|'''Strategy and Policy Level  Change Within Relevant Partners'''
|'''2. Short description''' (what  Steve wrote in the matrix)
|Work with organisation’s at strategy level to embed physical  activity.
|'''3. Longer description''' (couple  of paras describing the activity)
|Using learnings from the initial Mobile Me project, and the Norsecare  sustainability model that came from that project. We will work with relevant  organisations to raise physical activity as a health and wellbeing benefit  for their service users, and look to imbed it within the organisational  strategy and agenda, with the believe that this will establish the roots of  it becoming a part of their culture for the long term.
This will then lead to us supporting these wider partner’s to develop  and implement ideas around sustainable provision, and have an ongoing  relationship with partners to develop knowledge in the field and continue to  keep it a part of their agenda.
The project initially has to identify relevant partners to work with,  who are working with the target demographic and have the resources/foresight  to explore the use of physical activity as a health aid.
Once this has been done, we work on introducing operational  management to the benefits that physical activity provision can have for  their service users, as well as their organisation. This is done through an  awareness raising seminar that will be delivered by Active Norfolk Staff.
The next step is to identify where physical activity can sit within  the organisation, and formally building it into the organisational  strategy/agenda. This should go hand in hand, with a member of staff being  identified to lead on physical activity within the organisation.
We will then work with delivery staff about raising awareness of the  benefits of physical activity and explain how the organisation is embedding  it into their future work, and outline some future plans. This again will be  done through a seminar delivered by Active Norfolk, with the support of the  organisation.
We will then work with the partners in developing up their ideas to  offer physical activity provision to service users, and support with  implementation, as well as be an ongoing point of reference to support with  any enquiries.
|'''4. What don’t we know about  how we will deliver and how will we answer these questions''' (e.g. will it  be an intensive project targeting at parish level or more broad )
|This idea is a relatively well established. Some areas we don’t know:
-           Given the resources provided, how many  partners we can realistically work with.

-           How each project has to differ for each  partner, and the level of resource this will take.
|'''5 How will this meet project  the criteria in the logic model?'''
|This idea meets the criteria well, as it allows us to impact across  all of the activity strands identified within the logic model, and gives us  scope to engage relevant partners to meet our criteria about ‘’who’’,  ‘’where’’ and ‘’what’’ we are targeting, which in turns means we can tailor  the work towards our outputs and outcomes.
|'''6. What partners will you work  with, and how engaged are they already?'''
|Norsecare – Historical partner from Mobile Me, and a member of the  steering group.

Library services – Well engaged and a member of the steering group,  provisional work has begun through the Healthy Libraries project.

Carers Matter Norfolk – Well engaged and a member of the steering  group.

Local Leisure Providers – Well engaged and have attended multiple  workshops on SAIL.

Further partners can be identified as we progress this model.
|'''7. What resources will the  SAIL project provide''' (e.g. Ryan’s time)
|Predominantly Staff time (Ryan, Mel B, Steven Hitcham)

Some delivery resource to establish provision (possibly topped up  from Mobile Me underspend).
|'''8. Who do we need to consult  with and what are the main questions?'''   (we should try and consult with the  public where possible)
|Existing service users

Public (non service users)

Further partner/organisation consultation.
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Huidige versie van 2 okt 2019 om 10:24

What is the problem/issue you are trying to address?

Coastal regions in the 2 Seas Area have to deal with specific challenges in relation to ageing as they are confronted with a particular mix of ageing people. This not only includes local elderly, but also the influx of ageing newcomers and visitors of an increasing average age. As this population puts pressure on health and social care systems, it is essential to enable them to stay active and independent for longer, and to improve their wellbeing and quality of life to reduce costs and pressures on care systems.

The objectives of the SAIL project contribute to strategic agendas across health, social care, sport, physical activity and the environment.

Nationally the ageing population is putting pressure on health and social care services and there is a drive to reduce this burden. Norfolk has a population ageing at a greater rate than England and maintaining independence in later life, especially amongst vulnerable older people, has been identified as a countywide priority. 

Pilot aim

Physical activity and the outdoor environment have an evidence base to impact upon health outcomes for older people and are identified as tools to help achieve increased independence.

An analysis of the strategy and policy context around SAIL leads us to the following recommendations:

  • SAIL should target those vulnerable older people who are most likely to suffer from poor health and therefore placing the greatest burden on health and social care services.
  • SAIL should target those who are currently inactive
  • SAIL should focus on supporting those with dementia and their carers in line with the STP priority

Stakeholders on your pilot

People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.

People and organisations represented, number of stakeholder meetings and total number of people at each stakeholder meeting.

[ 1.  Potential partner organisations]

[ 1.1.        Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure Sites]

A significant proportion of Norfolk’s local economy is focussed towards leisure and tourism, and this is particularly the case within Norfolk’s coastal regions, which therefore means there are a significant number of leisure assets within this region.

Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure sites are outlined in Appendix C. These may be regularly accessed by both tourists and residents, however, local leisure facility operators feel that they. The facilities provide opportunities for activities such as swimming, bowls, tennis, golf, boccia and table tennis.

The explore phase of SAIL has consulted with various stakeholders and the target demographic. This has begun to give an insight into why these facilities may not be being utilised by older people, and of the barriers that may need addressing, such as access, confidence and knowledge of physical activity benefits. The next phase of SAIL, the design phase, will explore ideas of how to address these barriers, and engage the older population in using these resources.

Through wider consultation with partners around SAIL, we have also been able to identify possible opportunities to expand upon pre-existing projects, and utilise their experiences. For example, Swim England are developing some training for leisure facilities to become more accessible for older people. This focuses on conditional specific accessibility, and builds on previous work to make centres accessible for people with Dementia.

There was also an opportunity to consult on SAIL and a number of other projects through a Dementia Sports workshop, which was hosted by the Alzheimer’s Society and enabled us to utilise their experiences and learnings to date.

Pilot beneficiaries

Who will benefit from this pilot? What is the goal that you are trying to achieve with this pilot?

We mapped a series of indicators to give us a geographical area of high need (see the Needs Assessment). The indicators were as follows:

The three primary indicators were combined in order to form a ‘composite indicator’.

The indicators used were as follows:

• % of an LSOA that are aged 75 or over (ONS, 2015 mid-year population estimates downloaded from OR % of an LSOA that are aged 65 or over and single (2011 Census, downloaded from

• % of an LSOA that self-report bad or very bad health (2011 Census, downloaded from

• % of older people in an LSOA are that income deprived (2015 Indices of Multiple Deprivation, downloaded from

What the primary indicators tell us

While figures 1 and 2 show pockets of disadvantage inland, there is are also bands along the coast, or just inland from it, that may form a contiguous region in which both aspect of the SAIL project (Mobile Me ‘Out and About’ and Demential Friendly Walks) could be targetted. The area is showin in Figure 3, and includes the following towns:

• North Norfolk

 Cromer

 North Walsham

 Sheringham

• West Norfolk

 Hunstanton

 Heacham

 Brancaster

 Snettisham

• East Norfolk

 Great Yarmouth

• Gorleston-on-Sea

Taken from the Needs Assessment pg 25: In order to target limited resources SAIL should be delivered within the shaded area indicated within the map in section 6.4 (see section 7.7. with for a note respect to district council boundaries). This is because many of the LSOAs identified as being ‘high need’ using the composite indicator fall within this area and because it forms a contiguous area that has a shared characteristic (coastal).

b. That data within this needs assessment is used to target activities for specific conditions within the SAIL area, for example, activities targeted at those with dementia.

Ideas generated

What ideas were generated from your stakeholder meetings?

Mobile Me Out and About – Intervention Ideas

Water Based Activity - Dementia Friendly Training for Leisure Staff

Work with local leisure and tourism providers to obtain Swim England’s Dementia Friendly Swimming Facility status, and then work with them to tailor offers for not just people with Dementia, and their carers, but also older people generally. This can be through specific classes, but also through working on staff awareness and accessibility.

Training provider: Swim England

Key Partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism

Notes: The Marina Centre and Splash, which are key leisure hubs in the areas identified through the needs assessment will be going through redevelopment and there may be opportunity to influence the specifications of the centres and the priorities of the leisure providers.

Age UK Norfolk have previously conducted Dementia Friendly audits and training to Parkwood Leisure in Breckland, with an aim to offer Dementia Friendly swimming sessions. Consult with Breckland on successes, as part of a review into Swim England Dementia friendly swimming training.

Policy Change amongst Relevant Service Providers (Norsecare Model)

Identify some key service providers for older people, and using a model we have established with Norsecare off the back of their involvement within Mobile Me, we work with organisations to establish physical activity as part of their strategy. This includes increasing awareness of the importance of being physically active across the organisation, and support them in establishing their own provision and privately investing/sourcing funding to sustain their provision. This approach can also allow us to tailor our provision through the partners we work with, and could look to target support towards specific conditions (e.g. Dementia) or vulnerable groups (e.g. unpaid carers)

Training Provider: Active Norfolk

Key Partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism

Establishing Physical Activity as Part of the Culture in Local Community Hubs

As an add on to the above suggestion, we work with local community hubs, such as library’s to establish physical activity as part of their culture and outcomes. This would again be through includes increasing awareness of the importance of being physically active across the organisation, and support them in establishing their own provision and privately investing/sourcing funding to sustain their provision.

Training Provider: Active Norfolk

Key Partners: Library Service, Third Sector (e.g. Age UK, Age Concern, Older People Forums)

Online Toolkit to Support Wider Partners

As part of the Mobile Me project an online resource is being developed to support with guidance on physical activity for older people. It will provide information on working with older people in good health, as well as working with older people who may be experiencing some difficulties with health conditions, such as Dementia for example. This is a resource that will go hand in hand with the SAIL project, and although not necessarily part of the delivery project, it will support the people involved and therefore their input into content/structure will be valued. The delivery itself will then also enhance the content of the online resource, once we begin to establish some findings.

Key Partners: Active Norfolk, UEA, Local GP Researcher.

Brancaster Sailing (National Trust)

Deliver a set time intervention (10 weeks for example) to introduce older people into sailing at Brancaster, and then work with the National Trust on developing a sustainability package.

Key Partners: National Trust, Sailing Governing Body, Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism

Intergenerational Project

Develop a pilot project, which focuses on intergenerational physical act

ivity sessions. Similar to the concept of running a nursery within a care home or primary schools visiting a care home, but with an element of physical activity for both demographics. Initial 10 week pilot, with an idea to establish a self-sustaining model that can be rolled out further.

Key Partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism, Schools, United for All Ages.

Develop Older Person Friendly Training (Similar to Dementia Friendly Training in terms of model)

Develop in house training, based on the findings/toolkit form the Mobile Me project, which would follow the model used for Dementia Friendly training. Steven Hitcham form Active Norfolk would initially be trained to deliver the training, with the potential to establish it as a cascade training programme in the future. There could be potential to upscale the delivery pot from the innovation fund, and the training could initially be piloted in SAIL areas, and then rolled out countywide.

Training Providers: Active Norfolk

Key partners: Housing providers, third sector support services, leisure and tourism, Pure Development Training, Aaron Roberts (Active Norfolk).

Target Audience: community based workers, such as LILY, Social Care Development Workers and Library Services, for example.

Mystery Shopper audit idea

As part of an audit of delivery venues, and subsequent acquisition of a SAIL kite mark, there could be anonymous older people that try to access sites and take part in some activity and identify any issues.

Would have to be developed in partnership with delivery partners, and be designed to not be seen as a criticism, but a guide.

Amanda Burke (UEA) used a similar approach on a previous research project with the library service.

Key partners: Ellen Vanlint (Disability Officer, Active Norfolk), Local Access Forum, Show Me the Access Website (Mandy Burke contact), English Federation of Disability Sport (may have a pre-existing access audit template?)

Therapeutic Dog Walking

Include dog walking within walking groups, to provide enrichment for attendees, as well as offer therapeutic qualities within sessions. Potentially through working with dog homes, maybe most relevant for the Dementia Friendly Walks, so there would need to be work developed around raising awareness of Dementia within dog homes, and using specific dogs.

Key partners: People and Animals UK.

Activity in Local Outdoor Environment

Utilising local outdoor settings, such as parks to offer free sessions such as yoga, following similar models that are offered in Japan. With an eventual aim for the sessions to be ran and facilitated by the local community. 

Green Volunteering and Conservation Work

Working in partnership with pre-existing conservation organisations and volunteering projects focussing on conservation and the outdoors to increase the number of older people volunteering on their projects. This will be through supporting the projects to become more accessible for older people, and increasing awareness of the opportunities to the target demographic.

Key partners: Trust for Conservation Volunteers, Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

Dementia Friendly Heritage Walks & Reminiscence Walks

Dementia Friendly walks to be developed in partnership with the Library Service, and can possibly be adapted from pre-existing walking services (Heritage Walks), but will focus on having a theme to support with engagement (possible development of a reminiscence walking provision). Each walk will begin and end at the local Library.

Key partners: Norfolk Library Service.

(Summary findings from a number of consultations)

·        There’s something for me: Recognise diversity of interest and age in provision. Increase support for people who are disabled or ill to overcome their barriers to becoming active. Ensure there is provision for those with conditions e.g. adaptations, training for instructors.

·        I know where to go: Provide accessible, up to date information to older people and those working with them on how to get active and how to join activities

·        Being active is the norm and is fun: Using role models to normalise and promote physical activity in older people in a way that is fun, relaxed, not too sports focused and doesn’t make people feel old.

·        Physical activity can make a difference: Communicate the importance and benefit of physical activity to older people and to those that work with them / support them (health professionals, carers etc).

·        Getting over the doorstep: provide support to people nervous about joining new groups. Think about alternatives to big organised groups (activity at home, small groups of friends).

Values for selection

Based on the information collected at the stakeholders meetings and other interviews or conversations held in the location, what are important underlying values for your project? Such as valuing the opinions of your users or needing your project to be cost neutral at this stage for some of your partners?

1. Project statement

Mobile Me ‘out and about’ aims to increase the physical activity and improve the wellbeing of people aged 65+ who are at risk of poor health due to their lifestyle, or who are already in poor health. It will focus on individuals experiencing material deprivation and social isolation. It will be delivered along the Norfolk coast; however priority will be given to areas of high need that have been identified in a Needs Assessment.  

Mobile Me ‘out and about’ will make use of Norfolk’s natural environment and interaction with the environment will be a driver for health improvement.  It will provide support for Norfolk’s care, health, leisure and tourism sectors to create physical activity opportunities for older locals and tourists. Importantly, these opportunities will be easy to find out about, easy to get to, and suitable for older people who are inactive or in poor health. The programme will also work with the SAIL Dementia Friendly walks programme to develop a range of activities for people living with dementia.  

Mobile Me ‘out and about’ will also raise the profile of physical activity and its potential importance to improve the lives and health of older people. By doing these things, Mobile Me ‘out and about’ will provide a lasting legacy of change.  

2. Three themes

1. Improving information – improving information systems to better enable older people to find suitable activities

2. Developing quality– staff training (e.g. dementia awareness), improving the accessibility of physical infrastructure etc.

3. Innovation: Developing new activities that meet the needs of the audience e.g. activities in parks

3. Selection criteria

Who: People 65+ in poor health or at risk poor heath who are deprived/isolated (and those around them)  

Where: Areas identified in needs assessment & using natural environment 

What: Easy to find out about, easy to get to, suitable for audience (e.g. in poor health) 

How: Work with care, health, leisure and tourism. Link up / improve what’s there. Low cost and sustainable. Deliverable


How did the project team, other organisations and your participants react to the project idea? What is the level of involvement/commitment from each group at this stage? Evidence could include: participant observation at initial project meetings and the reflections of the project group.

See above for feedback in consultation sessions.


What is the demand for your project? How do you know this, what information did you use to help you?

Taken from Chapter 9 of the Needs Assessment:

Older people in Norfolk - background

Norfolk has an increasingly ageing population, and faces the expected issues that will be associated with an ageing population in regards to an older person’s health and wellbeing. This be seen from the below points that were taken from the Norfolk Insight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

·        Norfolk’s population is estimated to be 885,000.

·        Norfolk generally has an older population that is projected to increase at a greater rate than the rest of England. Almost all of the population increase over the last 5 years has been in those aged 65 and over. Between 2014 and 2025 the population is expected to increase by 66,000 with most of the increase in the 65 and over age bands.

·        Across Norfolk the average life expectancy is approximately 80 years for men and 84 years for women. The average number of years a man can expect to live in good health is about 64 and for women it is about 66.

·        Deprivation and poverty influence the health and wellbeing of the population. The life expectancy gap between the most deprived areas of Norfolk and the least deprived areas is 6.2 years for men and 3.2 years for women.

·        Across Norfolk as a whole there are more than 10,000 emergency hospital admission for people aged 65 and over each year.

·        Emergency admissions for injuries related to falls were lower than England but there were still 1,100 emergency admissions for broken hips in 2014/15

·        Age is one of the risk factors for loneliness. At age 65 about 2 out of 3 people live in couple, at age 85 this has reduced to about 1 in 4. Another risk factor is deprivation with those living in the most deprived areas 50% more likely to be lonely. Across Norfolk there are estimated to be about 38,000 people aged 65 and over who are lonely and this will impact on their health and wellbeing.

Older tourists in Norfolk - background

The proposed SAIL area comprises of three distinct Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) tasked with promoting tourism and working with businesses in their specific area. Visit Norfolk is the strategic voice of the county’s visitor industry and works with all of the County’s DMOs to promote the county as a whole. Each year the DMOs commission economic impact reports to estimate the volume and value of tourism in their areas. Other than that report, the DMOs are data poor with respect to actual customer demographics, socio-economic data and evidence of their customers’ behaviour during their visit, with the exception of Great Yarmouth who do hold some information. Due to this lack of critical information, we have used case study examples from holiday parks in each region to give an insight into anecdotal visitor age breakdowns and behaviours. 

 Visit West Norfolk (VWN) follows the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk boundary. The total number of trips to the Visit West Norfolk area in 2016 was estimated at 8,872,000. The areas’ busiest periods are July/August and its notable quiet periods are November and February. It hosts the two coastal towns of King’s Lynn and Hunstanton. This section of the SAIL area contains 5 holiday parks. 

Case study example: Searles Holiday Park in Hunstanton report anecdotally that they have a notable increase in their ‘grey market’ which they term for 55+, from September through to November, and from May to June. They also note a fluctuation during the summer holidays of grandparents accompanied by grandchildren. They estimate that this age group make up roughly 30% of their overall visitor profile. They advise that there are not so many of the older age groups (65-75+) that come independently, although some may visit as part of larger family groups.

Visit North Norfolk (VNN) – The actual area covered by this DMO is a soft boundary and stretches approximately to Heacham in the west and to Winterton in the east, and inland as far as Fakenham. This area counts for more than 80% of the SAIL area. There are currently 6 holiday parks within this DMO area. In 2016 an approximate 8,308,500 trips were enjoyed by tourists in the area. It shares the same seasonality trends as VWN.

Case study example: Kelling Heath Holiday Park in Weybourne report anecdotally that 50% of their overall market are in the 55+ age range. It was felt that there were not a large percentage of 65+ or 75+ tourists that visited the park independently. The 55+ visitors, although present in small numbers throughout the year generally visit March to June, and September to December. It is reported that the majority of the 55+ age range make full use of all the parks sports facilities and events, guided walks etc. They are often repeat visitors.

Greater Yarmouth Tourism/Business Improvement District The area covered stretches from just past Horsey to Hopton-on-Sea, below Great Yarmouth. The 2016 study for the area estimates that some 6,782,700 trips took place during that year which, due to its significantly smaller geographical area, suggests a larger density of tourism then the other two DMO’s within the SAIL area. There are currently 7 holiday parks in this SAIL area, 4 of which are Haven.

Case study example: Cherry Tree Holiday Park in Great Yarmouth anecdotally note that approximately 50% of all of their visitors throughout the year are in the 55+ age bracket and an estimated 30% are 65+. They note that the 55+ often visit during summer holidays with their grandchildren, but that the 65+ are strictly outside of peak season, September to November and March to April, May and June. They also advise that the 65+ like to take walks along the promenade or to Burgh Castle and are not as a whole users of the swimming facilities. The vast majority of this age range are repeat visitors and return year on year. 

The Great Yarmouth DMO report that between the periods of Easter to May, May to June (with the exception of Whit week) and September to October, one of the major markets that keep Great Yarmouth tourism afloat are package holidays specifically for the elderly. They visit coaching hotels and typically come from a 2-3 hr drive time, including North London, Essex, Kent and the East Midlands. They are reported to be from socio-economic groups C2, D and E.  Some coaching hotels have reacted to this market such as the New Beach Hotel where they have installed a garage specifically for mobility scooters. Others haven’t, particularly on the North Drive, Great Yarmouth, as they balance their out of season business between two differing markets, racecourse visitors and the coaching market. From their work with this particular market they are also aware that North Norfolk receive some coaching holidays, particularly to Sheringham and Cromer and anecdotally at higher prices.                

In support of the above information regarding seasonality, research funded by the Cool Tourism project reported that the 55+ age bracket were those most likely to be extending the season into September. The report also included a tourist perceptions study which ranked the North Norfolk coastline as the most appealing place to visit due to the untouched countryside, its wildlife and not being too touristy, whereas its detractors suggested that it is boring and too difficult to get to.

 Following the city of Norwich as the second destination, Great Yarmouth was the third preferred area in the county to visit due to its traditional seaside offer, with plentiful entertainment, nostalgia and lots to do, whilst the negative aspects were that it is too old fashioned, too touristy/tacky and commercial.

The producer of the annual Larking Gowen Norfolk Tourism Survey report expressed anecdotally that although there is currently no evidence to support or refute it, the general perception in the tourism industry is that many elderly people visit Norfolk. However he believes that the 65+ demographic may have the perception that it is too far to travel and lacks accessible services, which may put them off visiting certain parts of Norfolk - there-by offering the potential to increase visits from this demographic.

Where there is a lack of data from the tourism bodies on visitor demographics the Museum Service and Norfolk Trails have both invested in this information, and have some valuable information albeit about their particular user groups.  Norfolk Trails report from their recent survey study of users of the Norfolk Coast Path National Trail, a route which runs through the entirety of the SAIL area that 35% of its users report to be 60+. 10% of whom are classed as long distance walkers (spending more than 1 day at a time on the trail), and 52% are spending more than an hour plus at a time on their walk/ride.

A Norfolk Coast Partnership study on the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) on second homes revealed that approximately 24% of all properties within the Norfolk Coast AONB were second homes. By this measure the AONB has amongst the highest concentration of second homes in the UK. Those parishes in the AONB with the highest proportion of second homes are:

Weybourne                        52% (227 out of 440 properties)

Burnham Overy                51% (126 out of 246 properties)

Morston                              49% (29 out of 59 properties)

Brancaster                          43% (336 out of 779 properties)

This could be of particular interest when looked at in conjunction with indicators of rural isolation and/or loneliness. North Norfolk and the coastal areas of West Norfolk are traditionally known for their being retirement destinations. It is believed anecdotally as there is no statistical evidence that many of these second home owners migrate to these areas upon retirement.

Although just outside of the SAIL area, there is also the Thursford Show phenomenon which must be mentioned when considering elderly tourists in Norfolk. A Christmas extravaganza that reportedly keeps the tourism economy ticking during November/December across part of West Norfolk, North Norfolk, and Great Yarmouth to some extent, attracting over 180,000 visitors during the period. The radius of coaching accommodation appears to be within a 1.5 hrs drive from the show, therefore opening up most of the county. It is reported that they bring in the most 65+ to the county, being an estimated 75% of their visitors. Again, many arrive by coach and those that stay predominantly in coaching hotels. Coaches come from atypical tourism markets for Norfolk such as Staffordshire, Liverpool, Yorkshire and the West Midlands. 

Implementation/Practicality/Organisational/Financial Feasibility

How feasible does your project look to your team at this stage in terms of practicality, and financial feasibility?

WE have designed the pilots so that they are feasible both practically and financially. Sustainability has also been key so that any pilots have the capacity to continue to some degree after the project finishes. This is one reason for concentrating on strategic - level change within organisations as they have to commit to incorporating physical activity on an ongoing basis.

Additional assets and resources

Do you need any additional assets or resources including expertise to help you deliver your project?

Allocation of staff time from stakeholders and partners

In-kind donation of facility and equipment

Internally sourced delivery budget amongst project partners


Have you made any changes to your original plans, why did you make the change and what information did you base your new plans on? For instance any changes you made to the context, format, timing, setting or population at this stage?

Not until the Design Phase


Do you think this project will work within the current local setting/structures? What changes need to be made to integrate your new project into existing infrastructure or programs?

We designed them to fit existing infrastructure and programs and they can be flexible to meet a variety of partners different needs and financial circumstances. 

Selected ideas for next phase

Based on the areas stated above, which ideas from your meetings have been selected for the phase of design and develop on SAIL?

1. Name of activity idea Strategy and Policy Level Change Within Relevant Partners
2. Short description (what Steve wrote in the matrix) Work with organisation’s at strategy level to embed physical activity.
3. Longer description (couple of paras describing the activity) Using learnings from the initial Mobile Me project, and the Norsecare sustainability model that came from that project. We will work with relevant organisations to raise physical activity as a health and wellbeing benefit for their service users, and look to imbed it within the organisational strategy and agenda, with the believe that this will establish the roots of it becoming a part of their culture for the long term.

This will then lead to us supporting these wider partner’s to develop and implement ideas around sustainable provision, and have an ongoing relationship with partners to develop knowledge in the field and continue to keep it a part of their agenda.

The project initially has to identify relevant partners to work with, who are working with the target demographic and have the resources/foresight to explore the use of physical activity as a health aid.

Once this has been done, we work on introducing operational management to the benefits that physical activity provision can have for their service users, as well as their organisation. This is done through an awareness raising seminar that will be delivered by Active Norfolk Staff.

The next step is to identify where physical activity can sit within the organisation, and formally building it into the organisational strategy/agenda. This should go hand in hand, with a member of staff being identified to lead on physical activity within the organisation.

We will then work with delivery staff about raising awareness of the benefits of physical activity and explain how the organisation is embedding it into their future work, and outline some future plans. This again will be done through a seminar delivered by Active Norfolk, with the support of the organisation.

We will then work with the partners in developing up their ideas to offer physical activity provision to service users, and support with implementation, as well as be an ongoing point of reference to support with any enquiries.

4. What don’t we know about how we will deliver and how will we answer these questions (e.g. will it be an intensive project targeting at parish level or more broad ) This idea is a relatively well established. Some areas we don’t know:

-          Given the resources provided, how many partners we can realistically work with.

-          How each project has to differ for each partner, and the level of resource this will take.

5 How will this meet project the criteria in the logic model? This idea meets the criteria well, as it allows us to impact across all of the activity strands identified within the logic model, and gives us scope to engage relevant partners to meet our criteria about ‘’who’’, ‘’where’’ and ‘’what’’ we are targeting, which in turns means we can tailor the work towards our outputs and outcomes.
6. What partners will you work with, and how engaged are they already? Norsecare – Historical partner from Mobile Me, and a member of the steering group.

Library services – Well engaged and a member of the steering group, provisional work has begun through the Healthy Libraries project.

Carers Matter Norfolk – Well engaged and a member of the steering group.

Local Leisure Providers – Well engaged and have attended multiple workshops on SAIL.

Further partners can be identified as we progress this model.

7. What resources will the SAIL project provide (e.g. Ryan’s time) Predominantly Staff time (Ryan, Mel B, Steven Hitcham)

Some delivery resource to establish provision (possibly topped up from Mobile Me underspend).

8. Who do we need to consult with and what are the main questions?   (we should try and consult with the public where possible) Existing service users

Public (non service users)

Further partner/organisation consultation.