Efficacy testing[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Appropriate measures will be undertaken at three specific points (before, during and after participants involvement in the projects) and this will capture change over time. Measures are needed from all projects these may include (to be discussed):
- Perceived wellbeing
- Perceived health
- Levels of empowerment
- Levels of independence
- Levels of social isolation
- Physical activity
- Eating habits
Participants self identification of change[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Do the participants feel that any changes have occurred for them through participation in the project and if so what? This information is ideally collected through qualitative methods, such as open questions on an evaluation form or interviews. Appropriate measures will be undertaken at three specific points (before, during and after) and this will capture change over time. Measures are selected upon type of intervention ie eating, physical activity, wellbeing and social isolation.