Waterveiligheid en Ruimtegebruik
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Over de kracht van de samenleving, overheid en bedrijfsleven voor een vitale en veerkrachtige delta
Onderzoeksgroep Waterveiligheid en Ruimtegebruik (Resilient Deltas) onderzoekt de samenhang tussen ruimtegebruik, sociaal kapitaal, economie en vitale infrastructuur van deltagebieden. Er is daarbij aandacht voor governance van waterveiligheid en gebiedsontwikkeling, zodat een integraal beeld ontstaat. Op basis van dit inzicht zoekt de onderzoeksgroep een dynamische balans, waarmee de samenleving in deltagebieden zich veerkrachtig, vitaal en veilig ontwikkelt.
- Missie
- xx
- Doelstelling
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- Lector
- Teun Terpstra
- Contactpersoon
- Jean-Marie Buijs
Project | Samenvatting | Startdatum | Einddatum |
FRAMES - Flood Resilient Areas by Multi-Layered Safety | In FRAMES, we looked at how Multi-Layer Safety, or MLS, can improve the overall resilience of areas, communities and authorities in 16 pilot areas. Using a transnational learning evaluation approach, all pilots projects were evaluated and compared. Next to that, transnational focus groups were organized to evaluate and learn from transnational results. This learning process allowed us to generate new insights to support future decision making and show innovative solutions to improve society’s ability to cope with flooding. FRAMES ran from October 2016 till July 2020. | oktober 1, 2016 | juli 31, 2020 |
SARCC | Het project SARCC gaat over waterveiligheid in gebieden om de Noordzee. | december 13, 2019 |
Weergave 1 tot 2 van 2 resultaten
Project | Samenvatting | Startdatum | Einddatum |
FRAMES - Flood Resilient Areas by Multi-Layered Safety | In FRAMES, we looked at how Multi-Layer Safety, or MLS, can improve the overall resilience of areas, communities and authorities in 16 pilot areas. Using a transnational learning evaluation approach, all pilots projects were evaluated and compared. Next to that, transnational focus groups were organized to evaluate and learn from transnational results. This learning process allowed us to generate new insights to support future decision making and show innovative solutions to improve society’s ability to cope with flooding. FRAMES ran from October 2016 till July 2020. | oktober 1, 2016 | juli 31, 2020 |
Reimerswaal | The Multi-Layer Safety concept looks at the consequences of a possible flooding. This project will specifically address the following question: What impact does a flood have on our vital infrastructure?The goal of the project is to develop a better integral insight in making the electricity supply network flood resilient. To this end, insight will first be provided into the most vulnerable electricity sets. Subsequently, measures will be derived to increase the robustness. | oktober 1, 2016 | juli 31, 2020 |
SARCC | Het project SARCC gaat over waterveiligheid in gebieden om de Noordzee. | december 13, 2019 |
Weergave 1 tot 3 van 3 resultaten
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