Programma Marine Biobased Specialties

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The Marine Bio-based Products research group focuses on research into the substances contained in algae, seaweeds and (salt-tolerant) plants (in the sea and on land) and their evaluation. Refining resources into useful ingredients is in line with our development into a sustainable, bio-based and circular economy. The research group carries out research with an evident chemical component (refining, modification, application) and fits in with an environment orientated towards applied research. Thanks to its nature and character, the Marine Bio-based Products research group has an especially good connection with our Sustainable Dynamic Delta.

Would you like to work on these topics in a minor?

You will

  • Contribute to refine algae, seaweeds and (salt-tolerant) plants into useful and sustainable ingredients, like drogmetics and phytosterols from macro-algae
  • Develop skills like change making and research capacity in a practically-orientated research project

Are you interested in working on and learning in these projects? You can do so by participating in the minor Becoming Fit for the Future (30 ECTS, September - January or February - June). Download the brochure (PDF).

Participants allowed

Participants with a background in or strong affinity with the following subjects can join this minor:

  • Business Administration (MER)
  • Chemistry
  • Water Management

Contact and sign up



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