The effect of biologic parameters on the productivity and efficiency of photosynthesis within the marine algae Rhodomonas sp.

Within the project of Robust Algae cultivation for the Aquaculture industry (RAAQUA), research is performed on algal species used in the industry. Aim of the study is to improve algae production systems for the industry thereby reducing costs of the produced biomass. A commonly practiced method for algae cultivation in this sector includes photo bioreactor systems placed indoors illuminated with artificial lights. As artificial light is a direct transfer of electrical energy into light energy it is important to control the light intensity for the algae culture as optimally as possible.  Any energy not transferred to biochemical energy is essentially a waste of electricity and is therefore an unneeded cost. To reach maximum efficiency of an algae culture it always has to grow under light limiting conditions, meaning that all other factors such as temperature and pH are within the optimal range for the algae to grow and therefore using the available light as optimal as possible.

The influence of light, temperature and pH on the behaviour of microalgae and the results on the photosynthetic yield and productivity is a behaviour of the algae that is species specific. Biological parameters used to describe this behaviour will be studied using lab scale photo-bioreactors (PBRS). 

Research type: literature study, experiments (HZ, Vlissingen)

Research level: MSc internship / final thesis

Prerequisite: basic understanding of algae cultivation; biochemistry; good analytical skills; communicative; independent.

Partners: Wageningen UR, several Small and Medium (Aquaculture) Enterprises, national and international knowledge partners, Centre of Expertise Delta Technology

Researcher involved: research group aquaculture (Pieter Oostlander)