Describe your project


  • Title:
  • Short description about the project (max. 10 sentences):

About this project

  • Goal of the project: 
  • Link with theme's Energy, Water and Vitality: 
  • Professorships and/or organizations involved: 
  • Role and ambition of stakeholders involved: 

What's in it for (minor) participants?

  • Activities and design of the minor project: 
  • Results to be developed: 
  • Which skills* you can develop in this project: 
  • For which expertise / interest fields or study programs is this project suitable?: 
  • Knowledge and skills desired or required: 
  • How you will be supervised: A coach and the workfield (organizations, professorships, etc.) will coach you and collaborate with you to developing the results and your professional skills required for this project.

Practical information

  • Start (date or semester) and duration of the project:
  • Amount of participants: 
  • Language:
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Minimum grade: 5.5 (out of 10)
  • Sign up:
    • Students from HZ University Of Applied Sciences: go to MyHZ  >  Minorkeuze (widget to select the minor of your choice). 
    • Students from another Dutch institute: go to Kies op Maat  > select the minor of your choice. 
    • Exchange students: sign up through the HZ International Office. Contact: Evelien Clemminck,
  • Registration deadlines: Spring semester: 1st of November. Autumn semester: 1st of July (for students from HZ University Of Applied Sciences the deadline is one month earlier).
  • Contact: For information about the project: ... For general information about the minor: GabriĆ«lle Rossing,

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* Related to the learning goals to developing Research Capacity in this minor:

  1. You improve the challenge based on a professional and proactive attitude.
  2. You view and understand the challenge from different perspectives.
  3. You design, execute, monitor, interpret and/or validate the professional product systematically.
  4. You propose a desirable follow-up and critically evaluate the professional product (result) and the associated development process.
  5. You share and record the results in a structured manner and, based on your results, you potentially contribute to enriching existing knowledge.
  6. Project related goal (specified by or with help of workfield).
