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Concept | Omschrijving |
ZHDSM Ash Amin | Articles by Ash Amin |
ZHDSM Auteur X | Auteur X is geboren op 6 juni 1961 in Middelburg. |
ZHDSM Care | Critical discussion on the concept of care |
ZHDSM Connectedness | The state of being connected and having a close relationship with other things or people. |
ZHDSM Doreen Massey | Discussion about the stranger |
ZHDSM Doreen Massey (1994) A Global Sense of Place | A Global Sense of Place (1994). From Space, Place and Gender. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. |
ZHDSM Gibson-Graham | Summary on the article An Ethics of the Local (2001) forthcoming in Rethinking Marxism |
ZHDSM Gill Valentine | Gill Valentine (2008) Living with difference: reflections on geographies of encounter |
ZHDSM Identity | Critical discussion on the concept of identity |
ZHDSM Imagined Community | |
ZHDSM Innovation | Critical discussion of the literature on innovation. Extracted from the chapter on social innovation of the unpublished PhD from Kim Boes. Fields: Business, technology, tourism, management |
ZHDSM Social Capital | Social Capital |
ZHDSM Social Change | Summary on social change |
ZHDSM Social innovation | Description of the literature field of social innovation |
ZHDSM The encounter | Description of literature on the encounter |
ZHDSM Verbondenheid | Verbondenheid. |
ZHDSM Zorgethiek |
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