Finding Out - Rich Picture

In the finding out phase, the ins and outs of a problematic situation are explored to gain insight in what issues are at stake, which stakeholders play a role and what are their beliefs and concerns about the situation, and so on. Rich picture is one of the most powerful techniques developed and also one used frequently outside the context of SSM. A rich picture visualizes a problematic situation for sharing and discussing its key aspects. In short, a rich picture is essentially a communication tool. There are no rules for drawing a rich picture, but it typically shows stakeholders, concerns/issues, structure and process.

A practical approach to drawing rich pictures and to use it as a communication tool amongst stakeholders can be found in the Facilitator Guide. More information and some hints and tips are given in Rich Pictures.

Although rich pictures can be drawn with the help of visualization tools, the pen-and-paper approach is preferred to emphasize its unfinished status, but above all to encourage stakeholders to enrich the rich picture with their ideas and insights. To this end, a facilitator conducting the SSM investigation typically starts with an initial rich picture. The facilitator then explains his understanding of the situation and asks questions – “We think this and that is going on in the situation. Did we get that right?”- to invite stakeholders to comment, correct and improve where deemed necessary.

A rich picture is actively used during the course of a SSM investigation. Actually, it will be redrawn many times because the ongoing investigation results in a better understanding of the problematic situation often requiring a change of focus. It takes time to really understand the nature of a problematic situation.
