
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Type of provider: Hotel and restaurant
  • Focus:
    • Rethink
    • Reduce
    • Refuse
    • Re-use

Summary of the project

Hotel Katoen has 23 spacious hotel rooms and a beautiful brasserie with conservatory and terrace with seating for more than 180 guests.

Four solutions are being used; for purchasing and waste, reuse of buildings, shared bicycles available to all guests of the city of Goes in collaboration with other entrepreneurs and the optimal use of roofs in the inner city. A business plan was therefore written with the help of the experts within FACET.

Business plan

In 2021, 24 coastal tourism entrepreneurs were enthusiastic to work towards a more circular business and presented us their specific challenges and needs. All of them stepped into an individual coaching program with external experts.

Early 2021, the experts accompanied the entrepreneurs in defining their needs more precisely. During several coaching sessions the experts were able to guide the entrepreneurs towards the circular solutions that fit their specific needs and business. Feasible and tailor-made advice was given and written down in a Circular design proposal and action plan. This resulted in a final Business plan.

Click here for the final business plan of Hotel Katoen (Dutch only).


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Over deze practice

R-strategie: Reduce, Refuse, Rethink, Reuse
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