Bart Letterie

Bart Letterie

Bart Letterie
Bart Letterie is Researcher in the field of Water Technology at the HZ University of Applied Sciences. He has a Bachelor in Soil, Water and Atmosphere and a Master in Hydrology and Water Quality from Wageningen University and Research, graduating there in 2013.

Bart has much experience in the waste water treatment sector from his previous work at LambWeston Meijer where he was an Environmental Engineer responsible for the wastewater treatment plant. Bart gained additional knowledge in this field by completing the course “Hogere Techniek Afvalwaterzuivering” where he learned to design new wastewater treatment plants and also trouble shoot existing plants. At HZ Bart is involved in the FRESH4Cs project where the focus is on investigating alternative sources of fresh water and possibilities for water storage in coastal lowlands.

Next to his work with the research group, Bart is involved in the BSc programme Water Management and teaches Environmental Chemistry as well as several subjects in the courses Water Pollution and Treatment and Advanced Water Technology.
Organisatie: HZ University of Applied Sciences
Onderzoeksgroep (primair): Water Technology
Onderzoeksgroep (secundair):
